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  1. Poèmes cumulatifs, en coups d'oeil, avec autoportrait

    Poèmes cumulatifs, en coups d'oeil, avec autoportrait

    Scott Rettberg - 30.01.2013 - 02:14

  2. The murmur of i n t e r s t i c e s

    This is a collaboration across centuries between the 13th century Persian mystic and poet known as Rumi, whose silky lines of poetry appear beneath Zahra Safavian’s 3 by 3 grid of tiles with short looping videos and words— an interface for meditation on this poem’s idea. Rumi is credited with inventing the meditative poetic practice of “the turn” by dancing to the rhythm of the hammering of the goldsmiths. Rumi’s poems are usually organized into couplets, not necessarily rhyming, clustered into variable stanzas, and tend to establish a conversation between self and other, self and the world. Each tile can be clicked to reveal another word and video, representing perhaps some of the dualities expressed in the concept of the “turn,” though we are not dealing with binary opposites— the associations are more diverse than that. The three lines that appear after interacting with the short videos on the grid reinforce that idea, separating awareness of the head and the feet, each turning on its own, uncaring what the other does, as with a baby nursing.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 20:28

  3. Family of silence

    "Family of silence" is the portrait of a Cambodian family, a couple and their daughter, exiled in France before the Civil War and the takeover of the Khmer Rouge the country in 1975. This film is a portrait of the daily life of this family of memory which emerges the deaf the buried memory of the war, exile, the painful feeling of being surviving when other members of the family disappeared.


    Marthin Frugaard - 11.04.2013 - 17:50

  4. Any Vision

    This work is published as a video documentation of a simultaneously analog and digital poem— an instance of extreme inscription as described by Matthew Kirschenbaum. Written on a semiconductor alloy with “a focus GA ion beam” at font sizes much smaller than a pixel, requiring an electron microscope with magnification “ranges from 400x all the way to 10000x.” The naked eye cannot read this poem unaided, so the video takes us through an edited journey into the poem’s text reminiscent of Prezi, but much cooler in its materiality. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 07.05.2013 - 11:52

  5. 11 Ways to Escape the Symbolic Field

    11 Ways to escape the Symbolic Field is a hybrid work consisting of various Internet accessible pieces in which texts found on the Internet are combined with original digital art works. The texts are presented on the screen in different, mostly hermetic ways, to emphasize the eroding effects the internet has on the literacy of the ‘general audience’. The author intends to question the ‘authority’ of the found texts by deforming them and to render them illegible. Together with each – projected–piece is a sound track with recordings of spoken poetry in English and Dutch from the artist. The poems juxtapose each piece with political driven subjectivities. This series of work is building upon previously created works such as Semantic Disturbances (2005) and La Resocialista Internacional (2011) by the same author. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 15:12

  6. Les Descendants

    “The Descendants” by Alexandre Gherban is a dynamic and “active” program with an indeterminate function. It varies in transiency, sometimes being transient and other times intransient; In other words, the aspects of the program (the text, the images, and the sounds) change and move constantly in a random, or indeterminate, function. Even if the text does not have a personal perspective, the viewer plays a role by choosing his/her path in the work. The reader can interact with the processes and find the links within the images. Only then do words reveal themselves. By clicking on the words, (“the descendants”, “the parents”, “who…”, “and who…”) the work changes and the viewer can interact with the images of the new page. For the page where one sees “the parents”, one must choose one of the two images that represent the parents themselves, and this choice determines the path for what follows. This function suggests a reference to artificial life. By starting with “the parents” that produce “the descendants”, the viewer sees a type of reproduction that resembles that of a family tree. By choosing the path of one parent or the other, the user has an exploratory function.

    Claire Ezekiel - 08.09.2014 - 21:07

  7. Stéphane Mallarmé's The Conversation

    Stéphane Mallarmé's “Demon of Analogy” is a prose poem about demonic nature of mishearing. Francis Ford Coppola's “The Conversation” is about the demonic technologies that allow us to hear all-too-well. Joe Milutis' “Stéphane Mallarmé's 'The Conversation,'” with little to no editing mashes up these classic texts, to suggest that one may be a mishearing (or spooky translation) of the other. In addition, the original text of the Mallarmé poem is translated by way of a number of bending techniques that, while getting back to the original sound and meaning of the French, bend, distort and remix the original. This project is part of a larger scholarly and creative exploration of experimental translation as an extension of remix and appropriation practices. A number of chapbooks, videos, lectures and performances have emerged from this project, including Monkey pOm!

    Marius Ulvund - 05.02.2015 - 15:38

  8. Motions

    Motions by Hazel Smith (text), Will Luers (image and coding), and Roger Dean (sound) is conceived as a multimedia web book, and optimized for swiping and scrolling on tablets and computers. It is also a performance piece. It is programmed in HTML 5/Javascript. Motions takes human trafficking and contemporary slavery as its focus. Human trafficking is an accelerating form of crime and is a world-wide problem. It is one of the darker outcomes of globalization, the breakdown of the nation-state, and increasing ease of travel. Static and moving, variable and sequential, the piece presents image and text fragments from different genres: documentary, journalism, poetry and narrative. These fragments are programmed to evoke the subjective experience of enslavement in motion. The sound is constructed as an interactive mosaic. It includes musical transformations of train and plane journeys. It also features two compositions that use instrumental, timbral, rhythmic and harmonic devices characteristic of very different parts of the world. These materials are compositionally transformed with electroacoustic music techniques, including a range of algorithmic compositional devices.

    Elias Mikkelsen - 05.02.2015 - 15:53

  9. The Dice Player

    'The Dice Player' is an Animated Poetry film that visualizes a poem written by the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. It was recited in the live event 'In the Shade of Words' 2008, along with harmonies by the band Le Trio Joubran. (English subtitles are available)

    This is a Bachelor project made in the faculty of Applied Sciences and Arts in the GUC

    Seamus Riordan-Short - 07.06.2017 - 20:43

  10. Ouroboros and Jabberwock

    This diptych or bi-fold work presents readers with two re-workings of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky:” on one hand, a fixed, cyclical hypertext in seven parts (Ouroboros), and on the other, an endless generative deformation that refigures the mock-epic as tennis game in Hell (Jabberwock). Both options are available at the start, but only in faint, translucent lettering. Letting the cursor dwell on one side or the other activates a sound track -- on the O side, a poetic voice whispering words of wisdom; on the J side, various monstrous re-mixes of Thursday, July 2017.This diptych or bi-fold work presents readers with two re-workings of Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky:” on one hand, a fixed, cyclical hypertext in seven parts (Ouroboros), and on the other, an endless generative deformation that refigures the mock-epic as tennis game in Hell (Jabberwock). Both options are available at the start, but only in faint, translucent lettering. Letting the cursor dwell on one side or the other activates a sound track -- on the O side, a poetic voice whispering words of wisdom; on the J side, various monstrous re-mixes of those words.

    Raoul Karimow - 11.09.2017 - 12:49
