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  1. On Hypertext Criticism

    On Hypertext Criticism

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 16.11.2011 - 12:36

  2. On Hypertext Criticism

    This hypertextual essay is from a special, interlinked issue of JoDi on Hypertext Criticism. The editors description is as follows:

    Larsen contributes seven nodes that consider the main problems for hypertext to earn a "normality" status in relation to other media, discuss the technological requirements that set it apart from mainstream literature, the lack of a business model, and the necessity for hypertext to come out of the academic ghetto. She also stresses the importance of community building, and explains the function of writing groups and conferences in the development of readers and writers.

    The nodes are:

    • Getting Your Hands On It
      Criticism: Honing the Craft
      Where Are the Electronic Classrooms?
      Grassroots Support Literature
      The Economic Mirror
      What Are We Asking For?
      You Can Get There From Here

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 16.11.2011 - 12:45

  3. The New Place of Reading: Locative Media and the Future of Narrative

    Locative technologies hold out the promise to transform literary space in all of its dimensions, including its represented spaces, reading interfaces, and the very spaces within which literature is produced and consumed. Yet, despite the growing use of location-based technologies, authors and readers alike have been slow to take to site-specific narrative due to limitations inherent in both the current design of locative media systems and our received notions of what constitutes the narrative experience.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 22.11.2011 - 16:06

  4. Voice of the poet programmer Jörg Piringer

    Voice of the poet programmer Jörg Piringer

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 13:30

  5. Paradoxical Print Publishers TRAUMAWIEN

    Paradoxical Print Publishers TRAUMAWIEN

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:02

  6. Digital Literature and the Modernist Problem

    What is the status of digital literature in contemporary culture? Many scholars and practitioners assume that digital literature constitutes a contemporary avant-garde, which does its work of experimentation outside or in opposition to the mainstream. The notion of the avant-garde might seem thoroughly out of date in a consideration of the digital future. Important theorists (e.g. Huyssen, Drucker) have argued that the avant-garde is no longer viable even for traditional media and art practices. On the other hand, the avant-gardes of twentieth-century modernism made claims about the function of art that remain surprisingly influential today – within the art community and within popular culture. As Peter Bürger and others have discussed, an important division grew up in modernism on the question of whether art should strive for formal innovation or for sociopolitical change. Avant-gardes of the twentieth century took up positions along a spectrum from pure formalism (e.g. the Abstract Expressionists) to overt political action (e.g. the Situationists).

    Maria Engberg - 27.11.2011 - 00:59

  7. Forming the Text, Performing the Work: Aspects of Media, Navigation, and Linking

    This article proposes a theoretical framework intended to facilitate descriptions and discussions of texts of works in different media. The main theoretical traditions which have inspired this endeavor are, on the one hand, textual criticism (with scholars such as Fredson Bowers, D. C. Greetham, Jerome J. McGann, D. F. McKenzie, Peter L. Shillingsburg, and G. Thomas Tanselle), and, on the other hand, hypertext theory (represented by theorists like Espen Aarseth, Jay David Bolter, Jane Yellowlees Douglas, Michael Joyce, George P. Landow, and Janet H. Murray). The study aims to combine and develop the perspectives of such theoretical traditions in order to suggest a more consistent and extensive set of concepts for the analysis of how narratives are stored and disseminated. The study examines the structural aspects of texts and works, and deals with storage, presentation and reproduction of works. Moreover, the structure of works and texts, as well as the navigation related to these structures, are discussed. The study also includes an in-depth discussion on links and linking, and a new terminology is suggested for the subject.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.11.2011 - 15:18

  8. L’escriptura literària en l’era digital

    L’escriptura literària en l’era digital

    Sandra Hurtado - 01.12.2011 - 15:40

  9. Cibertextualidades: Introdução

    Cibertextualidades: Introdução

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 15:02

  10. Ciberdrama e Hipermédia

    Ciberdrama e Hipermédia

    Rui Torres - 02.12.2011 - 15:11
