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  1. Hypertextual Fiction on the Internet: A Structural and Narratological Analysis

    Traditional printed texts and hypertexts are not fundamentally different. Actually they have more in common than is commonly assumed, and they thus can be analysed well within the parameters of established categories of literary theory. Against this background it seems striking that a number of theoretical treatises by early hypertext theorists such as Landow, Bolter, or Joyce refer to the revolutionary character of this kind of writing, the amazing technological development that lies behind it, and the almost miraculous convergence of postmodern literary concepts and hypertext. These treatises can be criticised for foregrounding technological innovations to a disproportional extent, while lacking both elaborate theoretical foundation and support from actual close analyses of hypertextual narratives. Especially hypertexts which are published on the internet have not been accounted for in a substantial way. Therefore, the present dissertation aims to provide the necessary theoretical framework for a close literary analysis of hyperfiction on the internet.

    Source: Author's Abstract

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.02.2013 - 14:18

  2. Szellem a gépben. A hypertext

    The subject of the dissertation is the text represented on the World Wide Web, it’s problems, dilemmas, premises and possible ways of development. This text, which is recorded only in binary code, and the questions it rises is in the dissertation called the new literacy. At the end of the 20th century, the literary critic taged all the new phenomenons, forms and medias as postmodern. The aim of my work is to show, the text on the World Wide Web, and eventually the hypertext is not anymore part of postmodern. The World Wide Web, CD-roms, binary recorded text, and the hypertext raised multiple questions: what are the characteristics of new texts, who is the author, what is the purpose of literary critic, how can the documents be catalogised, etc. The materials used in dissertation are mostly written in English and Hungarian. The hypertext provides a connection between visual, oral and written communication, so the World Wide Web is a space where the arts are molded. The literery content on the World Wide Web has serious ties to matematics, filosophy more then anything ever before.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.02.2013 - 15:05

  3. Hypertext and Ethnographic Representation: A Case Study

    This study explores the ways in which ethnographic data might be represented within a hypertext format. It begins with an analysis of the historical roots of the technology to determine key characteristics that differentiate it from other media. Three characteristics surface through this analysis: multilinearity, multivocality, and multimodality. The current study examines these characteristics from a more critical stance to determine what is possible in practice. To this end, three ethnographic hypertexts are analyzed to determine strengths and weaknesses. From this analysis, a set of design implications emerge that provides a framework for a case study entitled The Congo Prototype . The Congo Prototype is built from an extensive study of a museum located in Belgium, The Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA), along with interviews with colonial veterans who served in the Congo up until Independence. This work offers the reader specific techniques that might be incorporated into future works, and at the same time, provides a stand alone ethnographic study of numerous narratives revolving around the Belgian Congo.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 20.04.2013 - 14:10

  4. New Plots for Hypertext?: Towards a Poetics of the Hypertext Node

    While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely discussed, there has been not many debates about the very elements that are being connected: hypertext nodes. Apart from few exceptions, poetics of the link overshadows poetics of the node. My goal is to re-focus on a single node, or lexia, by introducing the concept of contextual regulation as the major force that shapes hypertext narrative units. Because many lexias must be capable of occurring in different contexts and at different stages of the unfolding story, several compromises have to be made on the level of language, style, plot and discourse. Each node, depending on its position and importance, has a varying level of connectivity and autonomy, which affects the global coherence of text.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.05.2013 - 14:25

  5. Towards Cinematic Hypertext : A theoretical and Empirical Investigation

    Hypertext’s non-linearity has critical implications for scholarly discourse and argumentation, where it is commonly considered important to control the reader’s exposure to the line of reasoning in order to communicate complex ideas and maximise rhetorical impact. Hypertext’s non-linearity has been seen to threaten authors ’ control over discourse order and the coherence of their argumentative discourse. Existing hypertext paradigms offer different solutions to the problem of preserving user-defined navigation whilst maintaining coherence: pagebased hypertext relies on the expressiveness of linear associative writing; semantic hypertext relies on the expressiveness of link taxonomies; spatial hypertext relies on the expressiveness of hypertext’s visual features. This research combines elements of these with new theoretical insights, to investigate a fourth paradigm referred to as Cinematic Hypertext. The problem of maintaining coherence is framed as the problem of representing

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.06.2013 - 09:25

  6. Tekstspill i hypertekst. Koherensopplevelse og sjangergjenkjennelse i lesing av multimodale hyperfiksjoner

    English translation of title: Textual interplay in hypertext. The experience of cohesion and the regonition of genre in multimodal hyperfictions. The dissertation provides a discussion of electronic literature in general, with two in depth analyses of Megan Heyward's "I am a Singer" and of Anne Bang-Steinsvik's "I mellom tiden".

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 13:40

  7. Formalisation d’un modèle fonctionnel de communication à l’aide des technologies numériques appliqué à la création poétique

    This work develops a theoretical model of the communication which is established in e-poetry between an author and a reader by use of two computers. One is used to create the work and the other to read it. The files are transmitted with a CDROM.

    We make first a diachronic study of the field. It shows that conceptions gradually evolve. The study of visual forms shows that the mind representation of the system made by the actors are important in this communication.

    The model of linked text is purposed. The concept of text depends upon the global representation of the situation for each actor. This model is developed in cognitive and semiotic approaches. The notions of texte-à-voir, texte-écrit and texte-lu are introduced.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:02

  8. Les Basiques: la littérature numérique

    Ce Basiques se propose d'explorer les contrées de la littérature numérique. Ses approches sont diverses et relèvent de conceptions parfois antagonistes. Elle forme un continent ancré dans des cultures variées qui dialoguent entre elles en son sein parce qu'elle les mixe et les questionne. La littérature numérique s'insère ainsi pour partie dans la continuité de démarches littéraires parfois anciennes, mais présente par ailleurs des points de rupture d'avec elles. C'est pourquoi son rapport avec les littératures issues des traditions classiques demeure conflictuel, souvent à son corps défendant, et ce, sans doute, pour longtemps encore. Que cela ne t'empêche pas, ami lecteur, de l'explorer. Elle te réservera bien des surprises, enflammera ton imaginaire comme il sied à toute littérature et saura te procurer toute une alchimie d'émotions, tant affectives qu'intellectuelles, sur des modes inattendus et vierges de toute rengaine.

    (Source: Bootz's introduction to the project)

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:19

  9. Hypertexte et fiction: la question du lien

    La première caractéristique de l'entreprise de numérisation à l'oeuvre dans les arts et les lettres est la dématérialisation de leurs supports spécifiques. Dans le cas de la littérature, cette dématérialisation conduit à une rupture avec notre culture du livre qui va au-delà d'un simple changement de support. Nos modes de pensée et nos formes de mise en discours sont, en effet, si intimement liées au livre que son effacement programmé dans l'univers du numérique produit un ébranlement qui n'est pas seulement technologique mais aussi intellectuel et épistémologique. Pour le dire brièvement, le livre, de par sa nature propre, est fondé d'abord sur la succession des pages et secondairement sur une organisation hiérarchisée de sa matière rendue possible par la mise en place progressive d'outils destinés à en faciliter la consultation tels que la division en chapitres ou la table des matières. Ces deux caractéristiques essentielles que sont la linéarité des pages et la hiérarchisation des contenus ont contribué à modeler durablement notre habitus discursif et rhétorique. Avec l'hypertexte, elles sont toutes les deux remises en question.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 20:20

  10. Lines for a Virtual T[y/o]pography: Electronic Essays on Artifice and Information

    This dissertation is comprised by five interrelated electronic essays (plus a VRML installation) on artifice, information, and aesthetics. Each essay has been conceived as an intervention in the current critical discourse of new media studies. The essays oscillate loosely between the twin graphical themes of typography and topography, evoking what a recent writer in ArtByte magazine has called (in another context) "a vast network of dislocated visual events." The first essay, "A White Paper on Information," argues for a fundamental shift in the nature of information in the midst of our current "Information Age," a shift recognizing information (data) as a historically and epistemologically distinct category of representation; this shift, I argue, is a direct result of the rise (since the mid-eighties) of computer graphics and information design as leading-edge research areas in computer science.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 29.06.2013 - 01:22
