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  1. ELD & ELMCIP (Interview with Scott Rettberg & Joseph Tabbi)

    Scott Rettberg (ELMCIP & Joe Tabbi (ELD
    discuss how the acceleration of technology has influenced the stability of e-lit and discourse.

    As directors of archives with extensive historical roots in the history of the ELO, both these individuals contribute formidably to the 'collective memory' of electronic literature. Preservation and re-construction of reader experience are problematic issues; preserving e-lit involves preserving the context and networks of discourse that envelop e-literature in an 'ecology'. Optimal success involves creating the conditions for project 'interoperability': linking conversations and structures that ensure continuity.

    Neither Rettberg nor Tabbi, anticipated when they started that they would become become archivists, yet they now keep e-lit data from getting wet and/or disappearing.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston's description)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 08:52

  2. Bricoleur (Interview with David Clark)

    David Clark approaches art with the instincts of a philosopher, the sensuality of an animator, the conceptual rigor of an installation artist, and the dexterity of a manic-yet-sane compulsive-conspiratorialist. His works are sprawling labyrinths that inoculate the viewer against facile distinctions between metaphysics and eye-candy. Complexity and raw grace conjoin.

    In epic iconic works such as 'A is for Apple' and '88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand)', interfaces become ideological abstractions which guide the viewer through conceptual passages, animation functions as play; choices operate as abstractions; and audio (which he often composes himself) amplifies idea.

    Interview 2012-06-13 at ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo page)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 13:01

  3. Instrument Making (Interview with Eric Loyer)

    Erik Loyer created the canonical early net-art pieces 'Lair of the Marrow Monkey'(1998) and 'Chroma'(2001). Not content with those genius works, he went on to creative direct the avant-garde net-journal Vectors, and designed the activist documentary Webby-award nominee 'Public Secrets'.

    Throughout Loyer's works there is a persistent synaesthetic edge: a concern with tactility and synchronized audio-visuals that gives his work abiding engagement. He thinks of himself as an instrument maker, and this tendency is apparent in his recent works: the best-selling 'Strange Rain' and a recent immersive graphic novel app "Upgrade Soul" which incorporates modular music mapped to gestures.

    Interview 2012-06-23 at ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 13:13

  4. DIY: reinvent the world by reinventing the language (Interview with Florian Cramer)

    Florian Cramer's thought is justly (in)famous. From early provocative studies of combinatorial language's roots in antiquity and alchemy ("Words Made Flesh"), Cramer has segued into a concern with DIY culture.

    For Cramer, DIY is the natural extension of utopian renegades, social and cultural outliers whose play was not formal but utopian.

    Any renovation of language constitutes a renovation of cognition and subsequently culture itself; even as the possibility for everyone to publish through networked media questions the notion of the literary. Furthermore, 4chan image memes are digital poems, language transformed through practice with the aim of transforming practice.

    Consider yourself expanded.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 13:20

  5. Eviscerating the Antiseptic (Interview with Jason Nelson)

    Jason Nelson is a renegade geographer of glitch labyrinths: irreverent and lucid, his net-art poetry-games ( ) have enchanted (and annihilated) millions of (daunted and demented) surfers.

    In Nelson's poem-games, language coalesces into ricochet gif-licking flash-taunts which challenge poetry's traditional layout, rhyme, sanity and meter. Each reader must writhe and compete in order to unlock new verses and levels.

    These interface contortions obscure an ambivalent misanthropic visionary, which is a mere overlay to a deeper humanity, engaged with the tragedy of the lost human, adrift in a universe of demands, pressing buttons like a bitter rabbit hunting stars.

    Interview 2013-06-21 ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 13:39

  6. Modes of Narrative Specific to AI (Interview with Jichen Zhu)

    Jichen Zhu explores narrative using artificial intelligence to explore subjective fluid aspects of human emotional experience. Her research is informed by cognitive science research into analogy (extending foundations associated with Michael Mateas, Noah Warddrip-Fruin & Fox Harrell).

    Jichen's aim is to explore the expressive potential of algorithms as aids to the constructions of narrative; in her view, algorithms do not necessarily replace human writers, but augment expressivity. She is working toward the possibility of AI narrative engines which develop stories unique to the architecture of computation. This provocative possibility is not easily implemented, yet operates as a lure, instigating research into modes of creativity inherently different from human authorial intent.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 14:10

  7. The Joy of E-Lit (Interview with Kathi Inman Berens)

    Kathi Inman Berens is a literary scholar with an enthusiasm for e-lit. Among many other activities, she co-curated with Dene Grigar MLA 2012 and then MLA 2013; and is now (as of early 2013) co-curating with her a new show, the first exhibit of e-literature at the Library of Congress.

    Her candidness about the difficulties traditionally trained literary scholars encounter when they read e-lit helps to humourize a situation that often staleley devolves into ideologies. Berens agile deft comedic scrutiny combined with a tactile sensual playfulness, makes her a formidable viewer and critic and in the future (perhaps) locative poet.

    Interview 2012-06-23 at ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 14:25

  8. A novella app (Interview with Samantha Gorman)

    A novella app (Interview with Samantha Gorman)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 15:34

  9. The Love of the Social Writerly Game (Interview with Mark Marino and Rob Wittig)

    Rob Wittig & Mark Marino share a friendship based on destabilizing literary norms with comedy, computers, and collaborations.

    Their ongoing conversations range over decades of their work from anecdotes of Wittig's early writing process experiments that preceded the internet by a decade (IN.S.OMNIA, 1983) to a work they are completing together currently net-improv fiction distributed using hashtags.

    Both these writers have consistently explored radically playful modes of writing that emerge through message boards, emails, and now twitter. Marino offers cogent critique on the underlying notions of connection that exist as a thematic under all Rob's practices; then describes his early comedy magazine Bunk, 'a playground for writers'. Douglas Adams emerges as the lifter of the 'bag of rocks' and both convert into ravens, black wings gouging the page into inky screens.

    Interview 2012-06-23 at ELO Morgantown.

    (Source: David Jhave Johnston, Vimeo)

    Scott Rettberg - 12.02.2013 - 15:40

  10. "How It Is in Common Tongues": an interview with John Cayley and Daniel Howe

    A video interview about the installation "How It Is in Common Tongues" at the Remediating the Social exhibition with John Cayley and Daniel Howe. Interview conducted by Scott Rettberg 3 Nov. 2012 at Inspace, Edinburgh. Photography by Richard Ashrowan.

    Scott Rettberg - 15.02.2013 - 12:57
