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  1. Patchwork Girl

    Alternative Title: Patchwork girl, or, A modern monster by Mary/Shelley, & herself: a graveyard, a journal, a quilt, a story & broken accents

    Publisher's blurb:

    What if Mary Shelley's Frankenstein were true?

    What if Mary Shelley herself made the monster -- not the fictional Dr. Frankenstein?

    And what if the monster was a woman, and fell in love with Mary Shelley, and travelled to America?

    This is their story.

    (Source: Eastgate website)

    A retelling of the Frankenstein story where a female monster is completed by Mary Shelley herself.


    Electronic Literature Directory entry:

    Alternative Title: Patchwork girl, or, A modern monster by Mary/Shelley, & herself: a graveyard, a journal, a quilt, a story & broken accents

    Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl was created in Storyspace, is distributed by Eastgate Systems, Inc., and ranks among the most widely read, discussed, and taught works of early hyperfiction.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.01.2011 - 12:59

  2. Textmaschinen- Kinetische Poesie- Interaktive Installation: Studien zu einer Hermeneutik digitaler Kunst

    From the publisher: Die digitalen Medien führen Experimente der klassischen Avantgarde weiter und bringen neue künstlerische Ausdrucksformen hervor. Doch wie begegnet man diesen ästhetischen Phänomenen? Soll man sich ganz auf die Materialität der Zeichen konzentrieren, auf die Intensität des Erlebens im Rahmen einer »Kultur der Präsenz«? Soll man das Erlebte der Interpretation unterziehen, im Rahmen einer »Kultur des Sinns«, die im Deutungsprozess auch Verunsicherung riskiert?Dieses Buch – eine theoretische Einführung ins Feld digitaler Kunst – diskutiert beide Optionen anhand ausführlicher Fallstudien zu interaktiven Installationen, kinetisch-konkreter Poesie, computergenerierten Texten und Mapping-Kunst.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 25.08.2011 - 22:38

  3. A New "Gospel of the Three Dimensions": Expanding the Boundaries of Digital Literature in Jörgen Schäfer and Peter Gendolla's Beyond the Screen

    A review of Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres, edited by Peter Gendolla and Jörgen Schäfer.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.01.2012 - 22:53

  4. Fiction and Interaction: How Clicking a Mouse Can Make You Part of a Fictional World

    This PhD dissertation is about works in which the user is a character in a fictional world, and the interaction that such works allow. What happens when you become a character in the story you're reading?

    The concept "ontological interaction" is proposed, which is a form of interaction where the user is included in the fictional world. Kendall Walton's concept of fictional worlds is explored in relation to electronic literature and digital art, and other narratological concepts are also examined, in addition to a general focus on the themes of force and control.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 01.03.2012 - 11:27

  5. Sydney's Siberia

    Sydney's Siberia is a zoomable poem.

    It is not technology making our wires, nodes and swimming data streams, our ever growing networks, beautiful. Instead it is the stories/poetics, the forever coalescing narratives that form the inter/intranet into a vitally compelling mosaic To explore, simply mouse-over/navigate to an appealing square, click and click, read, contemplate connections and repeat. Sydney’s Siberia recreates how networks build exploratory story-scapes through an interactive zooming, clicking interface. Using 121 poetic/story image tiles, the artwork dynamically generates mosaics, infinitely recombining to build new connections/collections based on the users movements.


    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.03.2012 - 18:49

  6. petite brosse à dépoussiérer la fiction

    petite brosse à dépoussiérer la fiction" (small brush to dust off fiction) is a generative piece written in French. A scene of thriller is generated at each time you run the program or ask for a new scene. This scene explores different possibilities of a scenario. But the reader must continually "dust" a picture that covers the text while reading. The text is a pastiche: the scene is located at a time in a single location. Some features happen out of this room, they are computed by  the program but not expressed into the narrative. The piece begins with some "adapted" poems by Jean de La Fontaine.

    (Source: The ELO 2012 Media Art Show.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.04.2012 - 14:03

  7. Cultures in Webs: Working in Hypermedia with the Documentary Image

    This CD-ROM explores how hypertextual writing and image-making merge in creating projects with nonfiction materials such as photographs, video clips, audio recordings and observational notes. The work includes two hypertextual field projects, one concerning a wine harvest in Burgundy, France, and the other concerning a series of performances in Ghana. The project uses an html-based format to weave among differing modes of writing and image-presentation. The section "The Harvest" was selected for exhibition in the 2001 ELO "State Of The Arts" symposium gallery. Based on two months of participant observation working the harvest at a small vineyard in France, the project combines diaristic writing, visual notes, dialog, exposition, and other forms of writing alongside a fifty-four image sequence. The work also includes videos and slide shows. "Concealed Narratives" offers two routes, interactive paths by which users travel to a series of public events in Ghana. The work explores how cultural battles are imagined and how stories get expressed through performances, visual tropes, and metaphors.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 22:15

  8. Ghost City

    Ghost City is a website that focuses on the representation of the city by the mass media. It uses the space of the web as a sculptural space, allowing viewers to interact with animated graphics to delve deeper and deeper into an imaginary city.

    Ghost City is a labyrinthine environment through which viewers can navigate, either following the linear narrative that unfolds by moving from page to page, or they can delve into the non-linear chaos of random links. Each space is made up of appropriated images and texts. The images are culled from various print media sources. The texts are either found passages from urban theory or specifically written poetic musings on the city.

    Scott Rettberg - 20.10.2012 - 15:06

  9. Pieces

    Pieces is a puzzle story. To read the work, you assemble the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, each piece yielding a portion of narrative. Under your hands, several lives take shape in earnest if sometimes wobbly and unprepossessing assemblages. The manner in which you put the pieces together affects the course of the characters’ lives, different configurations resulting in different outcomes.

    (Source: Author's description at Wordcircuits)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 15:41

  10. Sky and Wires: At Home and Homeless

    "Sky and Wires: At Home and Homeless" is a response to a contemporary life of engaging with places not as a space to be, but as a space to chart a trajectory through.

    Artist Statemenet:
    The conceptual focus of my work is the synthesis of ideas from cartography, information theory and phenomenology. It exists in a space between the footsteps of the walker, the pulse of a neuron, and the progress of civilization. I'm interested in perspectives different from human-centered values and experiences. A signal isn’t given meaning only upon the receiver’s understanding of it. Noise is part of the signal. A page of random characters contains more information than a Shakespeare sonnet. Formally, monotonous structures and extended crescendos induce near-hypnoidal states, while acknowledging the more aggressive aspects of contemporary life. The conflict between movement and stillness is always present. These aspects take intermedial forms, foregrounding the interplay of sonic and visual elements.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 21:42
