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  1. Robert Coover

    Robert Coover

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:24

  2. Anders Fagerjord

    Anders Fagerjord

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2011 - 14:30

  3. Katarina Peovic Vukovic

    Croatian literary theorist and politician.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 26.01.2011 - 15:28

  4. Francisco J. Ricardo

    "Francisco J. Ricardo Ph.D. is media and contemporary art theorist. A Research Associate at the University Professors Program and co-director of the Digital Video Research Archive at Boston University, he also teaches digital media theory at the Rhode Island School of Design. He has degrees from Thomas Edison College,Harvard University and Boston University. His research examines historical, conceptual, and computational intersections between contemporary art and architecture, on one hand,and new media art and literature, on the other. He has presented in ACM, Digital Arts and Culture, CAA, and Cyberculture conferences.Recent publications include Cyberculture and New Media (Rodopi, 2009) and Literary Art in Digital Performance (Continuum, 2009). His vocations include music composition and performance, yoga, fencing, astrology, and other radical geographies of the self."

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 09:43

  5. Continuum

    Continuum is a leading independent academic publisher, unconstrained by the interests of any global media group or academic institution, and based in London and New York. We enjoy the business of publishing, and thrive on working with authors to devise a successful approach for each title we publish. Our expertise and experience allow us to make quick decisions, and, when needed, to bring important ideas rapidly to a global readership. New technology provides many new paths to market, and Continuum is actively engaged in digital distribution, in a way which maximises dissemination and protects rights holders. Publishing We publish around 600 books each year, focusing on the Humanities, Education, and Religion. Our backlist comprises some 7,000 titles. Our output includes textbooks, supplementary course books, research monographs, reference works and professional books, as well as related general non-fiction. Academic proposals are peer-reviewed before we commit to publication, to help ensure quality and to support the career progression of our authors.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 09:49

  6. Stephanie Strickland

    Stephanie Strickland’s 10 books of poetry include How the Universe Is Made: Poems New & Selected (2019) and Ringing the Changes (2020), a code-generated project for print based on the ancient art of tower bell-ringing. Other books include Dragon Logic and The Red Virgin: A Poem of Simone Weil.

    Strickland’s 12 collaborative digital works include slippingglimpse, a poem that maps text to Atlantic wave patterns; the Vniverse app for iPad, interactive companion to the print V : WaveTercets / Losing L’una; Sea and Spar Between, a poem generator paired with Duels—Duets, a companion generator reflecting on Sea and Spar’s composition and paired also with cut to fit the toolspun course, the Sea and Spar code glossed.

    Recent work includes Liberty Ring! (2020), interactive companion to Ringing the Changes; House of Trust, a generative poem in praise of free public libraries; and Hours of the Night, an MP4 PowerPoint poem probing age and sleep.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 13:12

  7. Katja Kwastek

    Dr. Katja Kwastek is an art historian and coordinator of research at the school of arts at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. She served as vice-director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Media.Art.Research. in Linz (Austria), where she directed the research projects on interactive art until 2009. Prior to this, she worked as assistant professor at the art history department of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and was a Visiting Scholar at the Rhode Island School of Design (Providence, RI). Her research focuses on contemporary and new media art, media theory and aesthetics. She has curated exhibition projects, lectured widely and published many books and essays, including Ohne Schnur. Art and Wireless Communication, Frankfurt (2004). She recently finished a book manuscript on the aesthetics of interaction in digital art.


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 31.01.2011 - 15:42

  8. Kiene Brillenburg Wurth

    Kiene Brillenburg Wurth works as an Associate Professor with the Department of Comparative Literature at Utrecht University. In her research, she focuses on aesthetic theory, literary theory and intermediality, especially the relations between literature and music in the 18th-, 19th-, and 20th centuries. She has published on the sublime, music, British and German Romanticism, philosohpy of art, and post-modern philosophy.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.02.2011 - 15:37

  9. Jan Baetens

    Jan Baetens is professor of cultural studies at the University of Leuven. He has
    widely published (most often in French) on word and image studies, particularly
    in the field of the so-called minor genres (graphic novel, photonovel,
    novelization) and contemporary French writing and poetry, more specifically in
    the field of constrained writing.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 04.02.2011 - 12:25

  10. Anne Frances Wysocki

    Anne Frances Wysocki

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.02.2011 - 18:12
