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  1. Nele Lenze

    Nele Lenze

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 19:35

  2. Kerry Lawrynovicz

    Ms. Lawrynovicz currently works in the English Department, Univeristy of Louisianna, Lafayette. She produces her creative work through Ghosthorse Studios.
    Lawrynovicz was born in Bethleham, Pennsylvania, but has spent the majority of her life split between Chicago anhd the gulf coast of Texas. Colorado State University, and is in her third year of the poetry MFA program there. This site serves as her master’s thesis, but it is a project that will remain in process, continuing to live on the web, growing, and becoming more complex as additional works are upload, and existing poems are changed, either through actual revision or through association with new works that inform them and involve them in a wider context. Although it also exists in print an CD-ROM forms, filed in CSU’s library, this work’s true form is its online version, available to anyone with access to a computer, the version that, like the poems themselves, is ever unstable, shifting, alive.
    Link. (Source: Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the Literary).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:07

  3. Kenneth Goldsmith

    Kenneth Goldsmith

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:34

  4. Brian Lennon

    Short bio: Brian Lennon is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of In Babel's Shadow: Multilingual Literatures, Monolingual States (University of Minnesota Press, 2010). Long bio: Brian Lennon earned his Ph.D. in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University in 2005. He also holds the M.F.A. in nonfiction writing, awarded by the University of Iowa in 1999. He is Assistant Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Pennsylvania State University, where he teaches courses on topics in contemporary literature and culture, U.S. literature and culture, theory and cultural studies, and visual culture. He is the author of two books: In Babel's Shadow: Multilingual Literatures, Monolingual States (University of Minnesota Press, 2010), a study of literary multilingualism, and City: An Essay (University of Georgia Press, 2002), awarded the Associated Writing Programs Award for Creative Nonfiction in 2000.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 15:14

  5. Pauline Masurel

    Pauline Masurel

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 15:25

  6. Lionel Kearns

    Canadian poet and teacher.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 15:39

  7. Bill Marsh

    Bill Marsh is a publisher, writer, and Web artist who studied communication at the University of California, San Diego. He co-directs Factory School (, a learning and production organization with centers in San Diego and Ithaca, New York. His other writings and Web installations can be found at b_theater ( Bill Marsh may be contacted at (Source: Currents in Electronic Literacy).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.05.2011 - 09:04

  8. Maria Angel

    Maria Angel is currently conducting research into writing and affect, and bio-evolutionary theories of human communication. She has an ongoing interest in specularity, obscenity, and corporeality. Maria’s recent work has been a critique of posthuman theories of subjectivity and representation, and an analysis of the human face as a visual interface. Her work has been published in Textual Practice, Canadian Journal of Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, among other places.

    (Source: UWS website)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 19.05.2011 - 16:45

  9. Joseph Weizenbaum

    Joseph Weizenbaum

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 10:41

  10. Wilton Azevedo

    Wilton Azevedo is plastic artist, graphic designer, poet and musician. Phd in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP (Pontificia Universidade Catolica) and post doctor at Université Paris VIII Laboratoire de Paragraphe – 2009 -. Published O que é Design (Brasiliense) 1988, Os Signos do Design (Global) 1994, Interpoesia: Poesia Interativa Hipermídia 2000 Cdrom, Looppoesia: A Poética da Mesmice 2004 Cdrom, ALIRE 12 - 2004, DVD - Quando Assim Termina O Nunca... video poetry 2008 and sound poetry Cd Inaldível Silábios Editora Mackenzie 2008 – Exibition with group Transitoire Observable at Centre George Pompidou 2004. Azevedo is professor reseacher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the Post Graduated Programm strito sensu in Education, Art and Culture History and post Graduate Programe in literature.

    (Source: Author)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 13:11
