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  1. John Cayley

    John Cayley practices digital language arts, and has been a poet, translator, publisher, and bookdealer. Links to his writing in networked and programmable media are at Recent and ongoing projects include imposition, riverIsland, what we will, and The Readers Project ( His last printed book of poems, adaptations and translations was Ink Bamboo (Agenda & Belew, 1996). Cayley was the winner of the Electronic Literature Organization's Award for Poetry 2001 ( He has taught or been associated with a number of universities in the United Kingdom, including the Performance Writing degree at Dartington College of Arts and the Department of English, Royal Holloway College, University of London, where he was an Honorary Research Associate.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.09.2010 - 17:05

  2. Lance Olsen

    Lance Olsen was born in 1956 in River Edge, New Jersey, and received his B.A. from the University of Wisconsin (1978, honors), his M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers Workshop (1980), and his M.A. (1982) and Ph.D. (1985) from the University of Virginia. He is author of eleven novels, one hypermedial project, four critical studies, four short-story collections, a poetry chapbook, and two textbooks about fiction writing, as well as editor of two collections of essays about innovative contemporary fiction. His most recent novels include Calendar of Regrets, Head in Flames, Anxious Pleasures: After Kafka, and Nietzsche’s Kisses. His short stories, essays, poems, and reviews have appeared in hundreds of journals, magazines, and anthologies, including ConjunctionsFiction InternationalIowa ReviewVillage VoiceBOMB, and Best American Non-Required Reading. Olsen is an N.E.A. fellowship and Pushcart prize recipient, and former governor-appointed Idaho Writer-in-Residence. His novel Tonguing the Zeitgeist was a finalist for the Philip K. Dick Award.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.04.2011 - 10:36

  3. Wilton Azevedo

    Wilton Azevedo is plastic artist, graphic designer, poet and musician. Phd in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP (Pontificia Universidade Catolica) and post doctor at Université Paris VIII Laboratoire de Paragraphe – 2009 -. Published O que é Design (Brasiliense) 1988, Os Signos do Design (Global) 1994, Interpoesia: Poesia Interativa Hipermídia 2000 Cdrom, Looppoesia: A Poética da Mesmice 2004 Cdrom, ALIRE 12 - 2004, DVD - Quando Assim Termina O Nunca... video poetry 2008 and sound poetry Cd Inaldível Silábios Editora Mackenzie 2008 – Exibition with group Transitoire Observable at Centre George Pompidou 2004. Azevedo is professor reseacher at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in the Post Graduated Programm strito sensu in Education, Art and Culture History and post Graduate Programe in literature.

    (Source: Author)

    Scott Rettberg - 20.05.2011 - 13:11

  4. Renato Cohen

    Artista multimídia. Desenvolve pesquisa sobre mediações e o uso de novos suportes na Cena. Como realizador organiza eventos intermídia, criação e produção de peças com narrativas hipertextuais, performances na rede e trabalhos em web arte. É professor do programa de comunicação e semiótica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP), onde coordena o Grupo de Estudos da Performance, com foco nas mediações entre o corpo e as novas tecnologias. Participa, também, do Curso de Comunicação e Artes do Corpo e do Programa do Instituto de Artes da Unicamp (IA/Unicamp). Publica os livros Performance como Linguagem (Perspectiva/Edusp, 1988) e Work in Progress na Cena Contemporânea (Perspectiva, 1998), e artigos diversos sobre arte performance. Desenvolve a pesquisa Performance na Era da Tecnocultura. Como criador e diretor realiza os espetáculos Magritte - O Espelho Vivo (1988), Sturm Und Drang (1995), Ka de Vélimir Khlébnikov (1997) e Dr. Faustus Liga a Luz (1998), entre outros, com participação em festivais nacionais e internacionais.

    (Fonte: Itaú Cultural)

    Luciana Gattass - 23.10.2012 - 17:14

  5. Tomasz Wilmański

    Tomasz Wilmański (born in 1956, in Szczecin). From 1977 until 1982, he studied sculpture at the State Higher School of Arts in Poznan (the present-day University of Arts). After graduating, in 1982, he established the AT Gallery, which operates under his direction until the present day, at the premises of the University of Arts in Poznan. He was the initiator and curator of multiple joint exhibitions in Poland an abroad. Nowadays, he is a lecturer at the Faculty of Artistic Education of the University of Arts in Poznan. In his artistic work, Tomasz Wilmański is active in the area of sculpture, installation, drawing, visual poetry, artistic book, performance. He live and works in Poznan, Poland

    [Taken from official website ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 13.03.2013 - 16:38

  6. Kata Mijatovic

    Kata Mijatović, multimedia artist, primarly works in the media of performance and video. She was born 1956 in Branjina, Croatia. 1981. she was graduated at Faculty of Low in Osijek. From 1988-1991 she was member of the informal artistic group Močvara/Swamp. From1991-1993 studied painting at the Accademia di belle arti in Florence, Italy. From 1993-1996 studied painting at the Accademy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia. 1997 was graduated at the Accademy of Fine Arts Zagreb. From 2005-2009 was member of Artistic board of the Baranja Art Collony/BUK/. Since 2005 is running the Gallery AŽ, Atelieri Žitnjak, Zagreb / Since 2007 member of Artistic group PLEH.

    [Taken from ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 18.03.2013 - 16:39

  7. Brian Massumi

    "Brian Massumi, Ph. D., is a political theorist, writer and philosopher, and is currently a professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the University of Montréal in Quebec Canada, where he directs both the Ph. D program and the Workshop in Radical Empiricism (Atelier en empirisme radical). He is well-known for his translations of several major texts in French post-structuralist theory, including Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's A Thousand PlateausJean-François Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition, and Jacques Attali's Noise. Brian Massumi received both his Masters and Doctoral degrees in French Literature from Yale University and completed postdoctoral work at Stanford University.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 28.05.2013 - 11:30

  8. Fernando Aguiar

    Fernando Aguiar

    Alvaro Seica - 22.04.2014 - 14:14

  9. David Wiesner

    David Wiesner is one of the best-loved and most highly acclaimed picture book creators in the world. His books have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have won numerous awards in the United States and abroad. Three of the picture books he both wrote and illustrated became instant classics when they won the prestigious Caldecott Medal: Tuesday in 1992, The Three Pigs in 2002, and Flotsam in 2007, making him only the second person in the award's long history to have won three times. He has also received three Caldecott Honors, for Free Fall, Sector 7, and Mr. Wuffles!.

    Wiesner grew up in suburban New Jersey, known to his classmates as "the kid who could draw." He went on to become a student at the Rhode Island School of Design, where he was able to commit himself to the full-time study of art and to explore further his passion for visual storytelling. He soon discovered that picture books were the perfect vehicle for his work.

    Ole Samdal - 31.08.2017 - 13:27

  10. Carole Maso

    Carole Maso

    Ana Castello - 03.10.2018 - 16:21