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  1. Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database

    Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database is a DVD release with a movie series generated with the Soft Cinema software.

    The three films presented on the DVD reference the familiar genres of cinema, the process by which they were created and the resulting aesthetics fully belong to the software age. They demonstrate the possibilities of soft(ware) cinema - a 'cinema' in which human subjectivity and the variable choices made by custom software combine to create films that can run infinitely without ever exactly repeating the same image sequences, screen layouts and narratives.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 16:42

  2. Blue Light

    The Blue Light Project is a mobile media narrative. Composed to challenge conventional perceptions of security, the project guides participants through the campus using emergency phone towers as landmarks to discover who among their friends accused them of cocaine possession. With an immersive narrative written by Kirsten Petersen and Page Schumacher, a dynamic route mapped by Nicole Anderson and Allison Gray, and an interactive web interface coded by Kevin Diep, Tyler Lundfelt, and Dylan Symington, The Blue Light Project compels participants to reevaluate the certainty of personal safety and prized friendships.

    (Source: Description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition catalogue)

    Note: This work was featured in the 2012 Electronic Literature Exhibition on the computer station featuring Future Writers--Electronic Literature by Undergraduates from U.S. Universities--Mobile Works

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 08.02.2012 - 20:28

  3. Glitch

    Glitch is a fictional, site-specific, mobile media narrative based on the campus of the University of Maryland. Readers follow the story of a student named Alice, who experiences a series of strange glitch-like events that she cannot explain but works to understand. Users walk through various sites on campus based on provided coordinates, finding geocaches and solving riddles that utilize location- based knowledge to explore Alice's personal journal pages and digital blog entries.

    (Source: Description from the Electronic Literature Exhibition catalogue)

    Note: This work was featured in the 2012 Electronic Literature Exhibition on the computer station featuring Future Writers--Electronic Literature by Undergraduates from U.S. Universities--Mobile Works

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 08.02.2012 - 20:41

  4. Passage

    Passage is a very short art game about life and death and the passage of time. It is intended to be played before you read anything about it, so it is recomended to play it before you read more about it.


    Meri Alexandra Raita - 03.03.2012 - 19:10

  5. Folgen

    The project ‘Folgen’ looks at the publication of personal archives and the tension between the public and private experience. This is explored by the personal experience of what it is like to follow somebody, first by monitoring the videos people put online, then following this information to actual physical addresses within the city where these videos were produced. Staged as a performance and installation, Folgen draws on the existing narratives of amateur video makers found on YouTube to build a multi-layered media landscape of Berlin. A subjective approach combines fragments of images and sound from the videos with the artist’s own narration, using the traces video makers have left in the public sphere of the internet to follow people throughout the city. The videos are self-representative acts, performances and depictions of the everyday, which together form a relation with the city spaces where they transpire. The geographic locations encoded in the videos become waypoints for traversing an unofficial, unintentional map of Berlin.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.03.2012 - 13:18

  6. Reading by Michelle Teran: Work-in-Progress Guest Lecture

    New media artist and researcher Michelle Teran will present work-in-progress on her Folgen project

    Folgen (2011), draws on the existing narratives of amateur video makers found on YouTube to build a multi-layered media landscape of Berlin.  My subjective approach combines fragments of images and sound from the videos with my own narration, using the traces video makers have left in the public sphere of the internet to follow people throughout the city. A large table, roughly shaped like the city of Berlin is covered with drawings, texts and documentation from videos. It emerges as a temporary tactile media archive and becomes a physical environment for the re-playing of personal histories, which are then performed live. The many protagonists involved in the making of the work create the stories told during the performance.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.03.2012 - 16:54

  7. Living Liberia Fabric

    The Living Liberia Fabric, initiated in affiliation with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Liberia, is an interactive, web-based narrative supporting the goal of lasting peace after years of civil war (1979-2003). It links concerns for liberation, dignity, and the future with needs for cultural foundations, human rights, truth, and reconciliation. Our system is based in Liberia's culture and the specifics of the conflicts, hence representing our cultural computing perspective. (source:

    Stig Andreassen - 24.03.2012 - 11:50


    TRANS.MISSION [A.DIALOGUE] is a computer-generated dialogue, a literary narrative of generations of transatlantic migration, a performance in the form of a conversation, an encoded discourse propagating across, beyond, and through long-distance communications networks. One JavaScript file sits in one directory on one server attached to a vast network of hubs, routers, switches, and submarine cables through which this one file may be accessed many times from many places by many devices. The mission of this JavaScript is to generate another sort of script. The call “function produce_stories()” produces a response in the browser, a dialogue to be read aloud in three voices: Call, Response, and Interference; or: Strophe, Antistrophe, and Chorus; or Here, There, and Somewhere in Between.

    J. R. Carpenter - 27.03.2012 - 10:43

  9. From Ireland with Letters

    Intertwining Irish history and generations of Irish American family memories in a work of polyphonic literature based on the rhythms of ancient Irish Poetry, the imagined lost Irish Sonata, the madrigal, streams and fountains, and Irish song, From Ireland with Lettersis an electronic manuscript of displacement, survival, and the role of art in the abolition of slavery.

    The central place of Irish music, displacement, disrupted tradition in the work of contemporary Irish authors is paralleled in this polyphonic Irish American electronic manuscript. Each part is separate and written in a different structure and tempo, but the whole is integrated by themes introduced in the opening Prologue. Although the workings of each section are different, as a general rule, the work can be read either by waiting for the text to change on its own (as if watching a film or listening to a piece of music) or by clicking on any lexia, in which case the reader takes control of how the story is explored in the manner of hypertext fiction.

    Judy Malloy - 28.03.2012 - 19:51

  10. The Reading Glove

    The Reading Glove is the first component of a research program called the TUNE Project (Tangible, Ubiquitous, Narrative Environment). Karen and Josh Tanenbaum describe TUNE as a story, a space, a game, and a research instrument that investigates questions of interactive narrative, player modeling, adaptivity, and tangible embodied interaction.

    The Reading Glove itself has gone through several iterations. Version 1.0 consisted of a wearable RFID-enabled glove and tagged objects that allowed readers to experience an interactive narrative by picking up objects that have been augmented with story fragments.  There is a video of Reading Glove 1.0 and details of the design process on our blog.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 07.04.2012 - 14:22
