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  1. Literatura electrónica

    Literatura electrónica (Electronic Literature) es un blog en lengua española en el que se publican las noticias más recientes relacionadas con la literatura electrónica: transmedia, multimedia, mundos virtuales, ebooks, aplicaciones, congresos y bibliotecas electrónicas, etc. Hay obras creativas, publicaciones de investigación sobre literatura electrónica en español y en otros idiomas, así como descripciones de obras digitales (Maya Zalbidea Paniagua).

    Maya Zalbidea - 18.07.2014 - 20:18

  2. Ciberia: Biblioteca de Literatura Digital en Español

    The main objective of the Digital Library Ciberia: Digital Literature in Spanish is to select, catalogue and present works that belong to the new field of literary creation, the one that has born from fusion of between the literary sensitivity and computing technological innovation. This digital library tries to be a field of international experimentation for the creation of interoperable semantic nets through those good quality research and innovation is generated and new theoretical models of interpretation of literary texts (Translated by Maya Zalbidea)

    Maya Zalbidea - 23.07.2014 - 21:54

  3. Proxecto le.ex

    O Proxecto quere ser unha ferramenta que contribúa ao arquivo e estudo dun corpus literario en continua transformación, cando non en risco de desaparecer. Trátase de favorecer activamente o coñecemento e difusión da literatura electrónica creada e difundida en España, alcanzando novos e diferenciados públicos, construíndo unha rede formada por distintas institucións interesadas na preservación da literatura electrónica. O espazo deste proxecto busca ser non-canónico e antixerárquico, nada atento ás taxonomías xenéricas, un espazo intermedial e híbrido constituído por textos nos que conflúen o verbal, o visual e o sonoro.O Proxecto está asociado á Área de Teoría da Literatura e Literatura Comparada da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela.

    Maya Zalbidea - 24.07.2014 - 11:21

  4. Arte y políticas de identidad

    Arte y políticas de identidad

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.08.2014 - 12:24

  5. Netescopio. Visión del arte en red del MEIAC

    Netescopio. Visión del arte en red del MEIAC

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.08.2014 - 13:52

  6. Digital Textualities. A Showcase of 12 Digital Works by Women Writers, Artists, Poets, Researchers, Academics and Educators

    Digital Textualities. A Showcase of 12 Digital Works by Women Writers, Artists, Poets, Researchers, Academics and Educators

    Maya Zalbidea - 14.08.2014 - 11:25

  7. I Love E-Poetry

    This scholarly blog was launched on December 19, 2011 as a constraint to read and critically reflect upon a work of e-poetry every day, leading me to revisit known works, discover new ones, and expand my knowledge of this emergent poetic genre. Its initial performance was a continuous run of 500 daily entries, completed on May 2, 2013. It is also designed as quick reference for those unfamiliar with e-poetry, with concise entries that provide poetic, technological, and theoretical contexts, close readings of the poems, and some strategies for readers to approach the work. This last aspect is an important part of my current work as an academic: to broaden the audience base for e-literature, both within and outside of academia. In order to extend its potential audiences, the blog uses a social blogging platform, Tumblr, and it broadcasts its content on two social networks: Facebook and Twitter. I ♥ E-Poetry is developing a worldwide audience, received over 16,045 visits and more than 9,898 unique visitors since its launch, according to Google Analytics data collected on May 4, 2013.

    Elias Mikkelsen - 17.02.2015 - 15:52

  8. P—DPA

    The aim of P—DPA [Post—Digital Publishing Archive] is to systematically collect, organize and keep trace of experiences in the fields of art and design that explore the relationships between publishing and digital technology. The archive acts as a space in which the collected projects are confronted and juxtaposed in order to highlight relevant paths, mutual themes, common perspectives, interrelations, but also oppositions and idiosyncrasies. P—DPA is maintained by Silvio Lorusso.


    Alvaro Seica - 19.02.2016 - 13:22

  9. Estudo Geral - Repositório Digital da Universidade de Coimbra

    Estudo Geral - Repositório Digital da Universidade de Coimbra

    Daniela Côrtes Maduro - 20.09.2016 - 14:35

  10. Estudo Geral - Repositório Digital da Universidade de Coimbra

    Estudo Geral - Repositório Digital da Universidade de Coimbra

    Daniela Côrtes Maduro - 20.09.2016 - 14:37
