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  1. The Electronic Literature Directory

    The Electronic Literature Directory

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.06.2011 - 12:33

  2. Documenting Electronic Literature and Digital Art in an Open-Access Online Database

    Documenting Electronic Literature and Digital Art in an Open-Access Online Database

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.04.2012 - 14:35

  3. Electronic Literature: Linking Database Projects

    Electronic Literature: Linking Database Projects

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.06.2012 - 15:15

  4. Documenting Your Work: A Workshop on Using the ELMCIP Knowledge Base for Authors, Critics, and Teachers of Electronic Literature

    The ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base ( is an open-access research database for documenting information about authors, works of electronic literature, critical writing that references those works, publishers, organizations, events, and teaching resources about e-lit. We propose a hands-on workshop session, ideally two hours in length, to be held in a computer lab with a networked computer available for each participant. The workshop will include a presentation of how authors, scholars, and teachers can use the Knowledge Base for professional purposes, to bring readers to their work, to support their research, and to develop their courses. Contributor accounts will be created for all workshop attendees, and the bulk of the session will be devoted to documenting participant’s work in the Knowledge Base itself, actively creating new records. We will focus in particular on documenting works and papers which have been presented at the ELO conferences.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.06.2012 - 15:23

  5. Judy Malloy’s Seat at the (Database) Table: a Feminist Reception History

    A feminist examination of the reasons why Judy Malloy's work Uncle Roger is rarely recognized as the first work of hypertext fiction, although it obviously predates Michael Joyce's afternoon.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 26.10.2014 - 05:33

  6. Biblio Unbound

    What is a bibliographical object in a distributed digital environment? What are the challenges in developing a bibliographical description of digital artifacts and how could these be addressed using post-colonial theories of knowledge production? When we try to apply traditional analytic or descriptive approaches to bibliography to digital artifacts, it quickly becomes clear that they are not “objects” in the analogue sense. Digital objects are constituted at the intersection of multiple dependencies—from file types and platforms to bandwidth, browser capabilities, and processing speeds to social and cultural conditions of production and reception. This talk draws on various models of bibliographical study and approaches to the history of the book to suggest some ways a general practice of digital bibliography might be developed.

    (Source: ELD 2015)

    Alvaro Seica - 16.05.2015 - 22:00

  7. Digital Poetry and Meta-Discourse: A Network of Self-References?

    This paper spins from an analysis of several works of critical writing in the field of digital poetry, which have been documented at the ELMCIP Knowledge Base (

    Alvaro Seica - 16.05.2015 - 22:06

  8. Przekład konceptualny

    Zapraszamy na piąte w tym roku akademickim spotkanie Koła Naukowego Literatur Eksperymentalnych UW. Porozmawiamy o "Namaluj Popka" Shiva Kotechy i polskiej wersji książki w tłumaczeniu Piotra Mareckiego. O zagadnieniu przekładu konceptualnego opowiedzą Piotr Marecki i Aleksandra Małecka. 

    Spotkanie odbędzie się 16 kwietnia o 18:30 na Wydziale Polonistyki UW w sali 26.

    UWAGA! W trakcie spotkania będzie można złowić Ha!artowe gadżety. Chętnych prosimy o zabranie kredek, ołówków i innych narzędzi, którymi można namalować Popka. 

    Piotr Marecki - 27.04.2018 - 12:03

  9. A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections

    In their article "A Survey of Electronic Literature Collections" Luis Pablo and Maria Goicoechea describe characteristics and functions of collections of electronic literature and analyze descriptors used and the way information can be accessed. Based on their observations, Pablo and Goicoechea advocate a database structure which is flexible and can produce a dynamic archiving model as texts are registered and collected so that tags form a close set for the texts in the collection and this set can expand as new texts make new tags necessary. Further, the organization of tags into ever more complex taxonomies seems inevitable, since this provides an accurate description of knowledge accumulation with respect to the field's richness. They postulate that the study of tagging practices applied to digital works provides us with guidelines not only to describe texts of electronic literature, but also to demonstrate the wide variety of forms which a literary text can embody.

    (Abstract article)

    Hannah Ackermans - 19.11.2018 - 09:53

  10. Justificação Metodológica da Taxonomia do Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa

    A criação de uma taxonomia para organização e classificação de um conjunto de materiais tão diversificado como os que constituem o Arquivo Digital da Literatura Experimental Portuguesa (com poesia visual, sonora, espacial, performativa, digital, concreta e vídeo) é um desafio para o investigador. Neste texto, Rui Torres, Manuel Portela e Maria do Carmo Castelo Branco de Sequeira apresentam algum enquadramento que tenta servir de justificação às opções escolhidas.

    (Source: PO.EX)

    Hannah Ackermans - 27.11.2018 - 11:34
