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  1. Reading, Describing, and Evaluating Electronic Literature for Archiving

    In programmierbaren Medien produzierte Literatur erfordert eine Rekonzeptionalisierung des Rezeptionsprozesses sowie die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte zur Bewertung von (elektronischer) Literatur. Dies ist notwendig, wenn kinetische oder vom Computer zufällig rekombinierte und generierte Texte, interaktive Erzählungen, Hyperfictions oder Gedichte, die als bewegte Buchstaben auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen, Analyseobjekte für Archivierungsprozesse darstellen. Erst wenn diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, können tragfähige Verfahren zur Archivierung und Bewertung dieser Literatur entwickelt werden. Es geht daher nicht um die Frage, wie überlieferte Texte digitalisiert und archiviert werden können. Vielmehr geht es bei den laufenden Initiativen der „Electronic Literature Organization“ (ELO), die im Folgenden vorgestellt werden sollen, um „born-digital works“, d.h. um „elektronische Literatur“, „Netzliteratur“, oder „Literatur in neuen Medien“ (um nur drei der zahlreichen Bezeichnungen des aufstrebenden Forschungsfeldes zu nennen).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 16:29

  2. …ha perdut la veu: Some reflections on the composition of e-literature as a minor literature

    This article has two objectives. One is to give a clear example of the way in which practice and theory, or rather practice-as-research, can exist in a symbiotic relationship – each benefiting and illuminating the other. The second aim is to propose and map out an area of potential further research into the discursive positioning of e-literature. It draws on some of the thinking of Deleuze and Guattari around language and literature, in particular as it is articulated through a reading of them by Jean-Jacques Lecercle. In this respect it should be seen as a point of departure, not a presentation of findings. The article is an extended version of one I gave at Kingston University as part of the From Page to Screen to Augmented Reality Conference. The original article was designed to be delivered in conjunction with a video of a digital text work in performance. For this context I have taken some screenshots of that video and added them to the article. They will at least provide some sense of how the digital text work is displayed and how it functions.

    Source: author's abstract

    Jerome Fletcher - 17.06.2011 - 12:09

  3. Finding a Third Space for Electronic Literature: Creative Community, Authorship, Publishing, and Institutional Environments

    The article addresses topics including creativity as a social ontology, reformulations of the idea of authorship in digital environments, the economics of electronic literature publishing, and the institutional challenges involved in developing academic environments for the teaching of digital writing.
    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.09.2011 - 11:17

  4. Following Paths of Electronic Literature

    Easy manipulation, playfulness, creative and active participation in the progress of society and culture by the development of various (art) projects are essential for the ideal of contemporary culture and society. The aim of the article is to look at the phenomena that play an important role in the field of electronic literature – interaction, materiality, performativity and the dynamics of hic et nunc, playfulness, ludification and the innovative use of platforms. The article follows contemporary trends in the field of electronic literature and simultaneously tries to outline some possible directions that electronic literature could take in the near future. (Source: author's abstract)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 01.09.2011 - 11:24

  5. Collaborations in E-lit

    This essay, a discussion between two esteemed e-poets for whom collaboration is an integral part of their creative practice, appeared in the "The Collaborative Turn" special issue of American Book Review, guest-edited by Davis Schneiderman. In their discussion, Montfort and Strickland survey several common types of e-lit collaboration and provide links to representative examples. Strickland explicitly links the material aesthetics of code poetics to literary theorist Timothy Morton's call for critical thinking that engages the universe's enmeshed interconnectedness, which he dubs "the ecological thought."

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 29.12.2011 - 11:45

  6. Ord som kan lyse opp et mørkt rom

    En introduksjon til elektronisk litteratur for en generell litterær publikum, diskutere arbeidene i Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1, og elektronisk litteraturen presentert på 2008 Electronic Literature i Europa Konferansen, som arrangeres i Bergen.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.03.2012 - 16:15

  7. The Transducer Function: An Introduction to a Theoretical Typology in Electronic Literature and Digital Art

    In this essay I introduce the notion of transducer function in the fields of electronic literature and digital art. Firstly, I survey the transduction concept throughout its history in such domains as physics, genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, physiology, psychology, philosophy, logic and computer science. Secondly, I discuss the relevance of a transduction theory versus the advantage of a transducer function. I migrate the transduction concept into the fields of electronic literature and digital art, showcasing the contexts of application, and several transfer processes and functions. Finally, I apply the transducer function as a theoretical typology and a recognizable system, highlighting some artworks by R. Luke DuBois, André Sier and Scott Rettberg that can be read within this framework. Thus, it means taking into account a set of transfer and conversion processes: information, patterns and data among mechanisms, technologies, themes, creative and theoretical guidelines. In this sense, I develop a critical framework that operates as a method for analyzing and comprehend further digital artworks.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 15.08.2013 - 16:38

  8. Electronic Literature and Online Literary Databases: The PO.EX and ELMCIP Cases

    This essay reflects on the shift of user interaction operated by online literary archives and databases. One can easily recognize a change of scenery happening in the current networked world, given the way authors and general public produce, catalog, tag, access, research, analyze, preserve and share knowledge.
    In the field of electronic literature, the creation of several collaborative and open access databases attests this trend. For this purpose, I review two of them: the PO.EX Digital Archive of Portuguese Experimental Literature and the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base. My aim is to contribute to an informed view on how these online literary databases are shaped and are shaping the field: What is their scope? How do they operate? What kind of navigation and user input exists? Why should they really matter?
    Finally, I use these insights to develop some considerations concerning the relations between memory and archive, and different perspectives on electronic literature preservation.

    (Source: Author's Abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 14.05.2014 - 14:29

  9. Narrative Affect in William Gillespie's Keyhole Factory and Morpheus: Biblionaut, or, Post-Digital Fiction for the Programming Era

    Programmable computation is radically transforming the contemporary media ecology. What is literature's future in this emergent Programming Era? What happens to reading when the affective, performative power of executable code begins to provide the predominant model for creative language use? Critics have raised concerns about models of affective communication and the challenges a-semantic affects present to interpretive practices. In response, this essay explores links between electronic literature, affect theory, and materialist aesthetics in two works by experimental writer and publisher William Gillespie.

    Focusing on the post-digital novel Keyhole Factory and the electronic speculative fiction Morpheus: Bilblionaut, it proposes that: first, tracing tropes of code as affective transmissions allows for more robust readings of technomodernist texts and, second, examining non-linguistic affect and its articulation within constraint-based narrative forms suggests possibilities for developing an affective hermeneutics.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 02.06.2016 - 11:15