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  1. Ray Kurzweil’s Cybernetic Poet

    RKCP reads a selection of poems by a particular author or authors and then creates a "language model" of that author’s work. The language model incorporates computer-based language analysis and mathematical modeling techniques. RKCP can then write original poems from that model. The poems have a similar style to the author(s) originally analyzed, but are completely original new poetry.

    RKCP can combine authors by creating language models using more than one author file. In addition, RKCP allows the user to create "poet personalities," each of which specifies a specific language model (which RKCP has created from one or more files of an author’s poems) and a set of parameters which control certain aspects of the poetry generation process. There can be multiple poet personalities derived from each language model. One of the parameters specified in a poet personality is the type of poems, which includes haiku, free form, and several other styles.

    (Source: Project site, "How it works")

    Scott Rettberg - 22.09.2011 - 12:52

  2. Erica T. Carter Project

    Text generator created by Jim Carpenter as part of his Electronic Text Composition (ETC) project which creates poetry under the pen name Erica T. Carter. The application is offline at the time this entry is written.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 03.02.2012 - 12:22

  3. Reimbox

    Die Reimbox ist ein Gedichtgenerator, der algorhithmisch Gedichte generieren und vorlesen kann. Die generierten Gedichte sind metrisch geordnet und gereimt. Die Reimbox wurde nicht darauf hin trainiert, sinnvolle Texte zu erstellen, vielmehr soll gezeigt werden, wie kreativ eine Maschine mit Sprache umgehen kann. Die Reimbox verführt den Zuhörer zurück in die Zeit des Dadaismus, in der versucht wurde, die künstlich auferlegten Grenzen der Sprache zu sprengen. Die Reimbox soll zudem verdeutlichen, wie sehr sich unsere Vorstellungen von Begriffen wir „Autor“, „Werk“ und „Kreativität“ durch die Anwendung und Verbreitung von algorhithmischer Literatur einem Paradigmenwechsel unterziehen werden müssen.

    Klemens Bobenhausen - 09.08.2012 - 10:25

  4. Geothe


    Klemens Bobenhausen - 09.08.2012 - 12:37

  5. MEorIKE


    Klemens Bobenhausen - 09.08.2012 - 12:38

  6. L’esprit humain

    L’esprit humain

    Scott Rettberg - 31.01.2013 - 19:39

  7. Sintext-W

    'Sintext-W' (1999-2000) is a Java version for the Web of the text generator 'Sintext,' (1993) with the collaboration by José Manuel Torres. According to the Web Java demo, 'Sintext-W' can be understood as: In this space the cybernaut can have a first contact with the automatic text generator 'Sintext-W' (Text Synthesizer). The user can visualize the automatic generation of 3 generative texts available here: · 'Didáctica' (example) · 'Balada de Portugal' (extract) · 'Teoria do Homem Sentado' (fragment) For this purpose it is enough that the user clicks on the buttons located below, under the 2nd display window; in the 1st window one may consult the matrix-text which originates it. The text's flow rate may be accelerated or delayed by two controllers; the user can also choose to execute the texts in an endless cycle as a continuous creation of new meanings. (Text adapted and translated by Álvaro Seiça based on the Java demo version at

    Scott Rettberg - 11.07.2013 - 11:44

  8. Dressage no 6

    Dressage no 6

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 30.08.2013 - 09:35

  9. Poemas no Meio do Caminho: Poesia Combinatória Animada por Computador

    Poemas combinatórios e generativos, programados de modo a permitir ao leitor alterar dinamicamente, em tempo de execução, os paradigmas que alimentam a sintaxe original; Som gerado aleatoriamente a partir de bases de dados previamente gravadas, com vozes e texturas sonoras; Além de alterar o poema, o leitor pode guardar as suas versões/leituras num weblog disponível na Internet. Duas versões disponíveis (versão horizontal e versão vertical) dão aos leitores a possibilidade de navegar entre distintas tipologias de página: em modo de panorama ou em modo de página html: A versão horizontal (panorama) inclui video, permite ao leitor alterar as palavras e enviar para weblog; A versão vertical (html) permite ao leitor alterar as palavras, alterar as listas e enviar para weblog.


    Alvaro Seica - 14.10.2013 - 13:09

  10. Super Atari Poetry

    Super Atari Poetry is a multiplayer game installation that enables players to make about 1000 different poems. The work is made of 3 Atari 2600 consoles, joysticks, self-manufactured cartridges, and old TVs. Each cartridge contains a group of verses that are constantly changing colors which can be manipulated using a joystick. In this way, the audience can either freeze/move the colors or just move forward and backward the sentences. The reading of the 3 verses printed on the screens produces an interactive and coherent poem that's always changing its meaning and chromatic structure.

    Super Atari Poetry follows a non-lineal narrative system present in previous works such as The Poetic Clock, 1997; The Poetic Machine, 1998 and Poetic Dialogues, 2000-05. It is also attached to an exploration based in Atari 2600 consoles initiated by the artist in 1985. It has precedents in works like net@ari, 1985; the Atari Poetry series, 2000-2005; and Justicia, 2003.


    Alvaro Seica - 18.02.2014 - 13:58
