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  1. Die imaginäre Bibliothek

    The 'Imaginary Library – Journeys into the rhetorical spaces of art-hyper-texts' appeared first in 1990 as an offline data-base, but is now also available in a HTML version. The program makes it possible to feed quotations and literary predecessors into personal thinking and writing processes as basic stock.

    Source: Rudolf Frieling on

    Patricia Tomaszek - 10.10.2012 - 16:40

  2. The Poetry Cube

    This is a gateway for print poets into the e-poetry world, helping them translate their poetic text into a 3-dimensional, multi-linear an recombining format.

    The cube consists of four sides top, bottom, front, and back. Between each of this esides are four stanzas, or four sets of four lines. The poet writes a 16 line poem and enters it into the form. Thoe lines are then automatically entered into the cube and can be saved into the database. 

    When writing a poem for this cube, the poet must think of how the poem will fit and the recombine in the cube. As you turn the cube, the lines move as well.  For example the 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th lines form the top of the cube, with the shallow meiddle, deep middle and the back lines changing as well.


    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2012 - 14:00

  3. The Artist, the Database, and the Project of the University

    John Cayley's talk at the ELMCIP Remediating the Social conference "Invisible Participation" panel, where he used the ELMCIP Knowledge Base to make some important points about the function of the database in the future of arts and humanities research, imagining a future in which the documentation of a work within the database (the artistic event) is the accredited publishing event.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.11.2012 - 10:47

  4. Hermenetka

    Hermenetka (acrônimo formado pela associação de Hermes, deus grego das comunicações e das trocas, Net, de Internet e Ka, figura mítica do antigo Egito, polimórfico, que presidia a passagem para o mundo invisível, o reino dos mortos) é um projeto de Net Arte que gera cartografias randômicas a partir de buscas em bancos de dados. O ponto de partida do projeto Hermenetka é o Mediterrâneo compreendido como cenário espiritual de pensamentos, como método e busca de conhecimento. Na era contemporânea, a metáfora do “mar entre territórios” se corporifica nos fluxos e nas trocas do ciberespaço. A proposta do Hermenetka é criar cartografias plurais dos mares de dados que povoam o cotidiano da cibercultura. O projeto é constituído por dois tipos de mapeamentos. No primeiro, é possível gerar um mapa em tempo real a partir de tópicos que orbitam em torno do conceito de Mediterrâneo. A segunda possibilidade consiste em responder à pergunta “O que é o Mediterrâneo para você?”. Nesse caso, a resposta irá buscar no ciberespaço imagens e textos que comporão seu mapa.

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 20:55

  5. Brautigan Bibliography and Archive: Digitizing a Literary Life

    I discuss the digitization of the literary life of author Richard Brautigan, a novelist, poet, and short story writer often cited as the writer to best capture the zeitgeist of the counterculture movement in San Francisco during the late 1960s and early 1970s. This digitization creates not only an archive, but a literary bio-bibliography as well, one that is written not from the perspective of an individual author or archivist (myself), but rather as an upshot of heretofore unachievable associations and interconnections of multiple kinds and sources of information (biographical, bibliographical, historical, ethnographical). The result is a 3-D knowledge base, a "data hive" with a unique and individual electronic literary presence

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 11:07

  6. Arrested

    Arrested" is a play on preconceptions regarding social, ethnic, religious, and political affiliations.

    Artist Statement
    Although created ten years ago "Arrested" continues to comment meaningfully on the phenomena of social classification and judgment (seemingly) inherent in human society. What makes the project particularly interesting and poignant is that it encourages reflection on the systems of labeling and judgment that are both internal and external (to the self), and invites readers to observe their own biases (with a possible chuckle).

    "Arrested" employs a flipbook format in which offenders and offenses are randomly culled from database repositories. The flipbook's random display of elements offers up individualized texts to each audience. These in turn provide the opportunity for individual interpretation (internal visualization) and subsequent contemplation.

    "Arrested" is both serious and silly. It is the intermingling of these that potentially provides the impetus for change in regards to awareness of/attitudes towards difference, and fears associated therewith.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:54

  7. OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam—a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    Artist Statement

    We are not ourselves. We cut and paste as we are cut and pasted. We are the remix of images and sounds that never existed outside of this mediated dream. And we are happy to exist this way. 

    "OneSmallStep: a MySpace LuvStory" is an unfolding automated jam - a conscious sampling and randomized regurgitation of media archeology wherein desire, fantasy and fetish form a composted feast for the withered and lonely senses in an eternally habitual loop of voyeuristic consumption, spectacular regurgitation, virtual intimacy and identity production/consumption. 

    With each launch, "OneSmallStep" runs continuously while randomly remixing content from a database that is periodically updated.

    (Source: 2008 ELO Media Art show)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 22:40

  8. (Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment

    (Dis)Location, (Dis)Connection, (Dis)Embodiment" is a collective experiment in database video and random access narrative. The installation is the work of many artists, each responsible for thirty seconds of video attempting to engage with paradoxes of digital culture and 21st. This is a collaborative project with Edgar Endress and the Students of the Art and Visual Technology Department at George Mason University. 

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 23:01

  9. Epiglobis

    "Epiglobis" is an interactive video that explores consumption, desire, and issues pertaining to globalization through non-linear imagery and sounds called at random from a databank that generates continuously new juxtapositions.

    Scott Rettberg - 13.01.2013 - 17:43

  10. Mining the Knowledge Base: Exploring Methodologies for Analysing the Field of Electronic Literature

    This is a work-in-progress report from an exploration of the intersection between the fairly conventional digital humanities method of creating a database - specifically, the ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base ( and the digital methods strategy of directly analysing online, digital content. We are testing out different methods of analysing data about conference series harvested from the Knowledge Base, using social network analysis to visualise the connections between people, events and works and tag analysis.

    Scott Rettberg - 16.01.2013 - 21:40
