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  1. Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database

    Soft Cinema: Navigating the Database is a DVD release with a movie series generated with the Soft Cinema software.

    The three films presented on the DVD reference the familiar genres of cinema, the process by which they were created and the resulting aesthetics fully belong to the software age. They demonstrate the possibilities of soft(ware) cinema - a 'cinema' in which human subjectivity and the variable choices made by custom software combine to create films that can run infinitely without ever exactly repeating the same image sequences, screen layouts and narratives.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 03.02.2012 - 16:42

  2. The Eden Database

    If the codes that make up digital images are unique like the people in the images are unique, then we might imaginatively think of these codes as a form of digital DNA. The Eden Database contains 32 detail plus 32 derived index records of digital image code samples taken from descendants of Eve in the summer and fall of year 2002. The Eden Database features dynamic record retrieval and reporting functions -- auto, select, scroll, and random. Users will choose these and related sub-functions to generate system standard plus recombinant code samples custom reports.

    (Source:About page for the Eden Database)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 23.02.2012 - 14:11

  3. The Garden Library Database Visualization Project

    The Garden Library database is an open‐air library located in a public park in the center of Tel Aviv. Established to serve the area’s refugee and migrant worker community, it aims to answer a concrete need as well as to manifest a socio‐political stance. The library has no security guard who checks and asks questions, no walls and no door. 

    ARTEAM, the artists’ collective that initiated and designed the library, sought to break away from traditional classification categories and to realize an indexing system that would playfully manifest the values of an open society. Inspired by the freedom inherent in digital random‐access data retrieval the books are not catalogued according to genre or author name, but dynamically according to reader input, i.e. to the emotional response the books evoke in their readers. The library’s database visualization project will invite visitors to filter, sort and order the library books in multiple informative ways: according to the emotional categories, the various languages, the relative popularity of a particular category, etc. 

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 24.08.2012 - 14:08

  4. Missed Connections

    Missed Connections is a 2-Channel internet-aware software piece that continuously fetches the latest posts in the "missed connections" section of Each post is presented one at a time, and is filtered by looking for so-called stopwords. Computer Scientists define stopwords as those words that do not convey the meaning of a message. In essence, they are considered signal noise in the stream of potential information. Each post is presented simultaneously in two ways: one just with stopwords, the other with non-stopwords, and in both cases the filtered words are displayed as dashed lines, akin to the way words are presented in the game Hangman. Thus, both posts present the same "graphical" structure, but have the potential for very different readings. Source: work description at author's website

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.08.2012 - 14:49

  5. Every Word I Saved

    Every Word I Saved is a software piece that continuously displays every word that the artist saved in various computers, from 2000 to 2006. The words were harvested from sent emails, text documents and instant messaging logs, which were put in a database and then arranged in alphabetical order. Each word preserves only its original capitalization; other than this, their original context is erased by the alphabetical organization. Source: artist's description on project website

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.08.2012 - 15:00

  6. Every Word I Saved (Book)

    Every Word I Saved (Book) is the second in a series of works based on a database of every word that the artist has written saved in his various computers since 2002. In this work, the database is printed in its entirety, in a format that vaguely resembles a ledger. Words are keyed for their origin, and they are accompanied by a time stamp that reflects when they were saved. The 11x17in. book contains over 300 pages, and it is fully navigable. By hand.

    (Source: artist's description on project website)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.08.2012 - 15:06

  7. Die imaginäre Bibliothek

    The 'Imaginary Library – Journeys into the rhetorical spaces of art-hyper-texts' appeared first in 1990 as an offline data-base, but is now also available in a HTML version. The program makes it possible to feed quotations and literary predecessors into personal thinking and writing processes as basic stock.

    Source: Rudolf Frieling on

    Patricia Tomaszek - 10.10.2012 - 16:40

  8. The Poetry Cube

    This is a gateway for print poets into the e-poetry world, helping them translate their poetic text into a 3-dimensional, multi-linear an recombining format.

    The cube consists of four sides top, bottom, front, and back. Between each of this esides are four stanzas, or four sets of four lines. The poet writes a 16 line poem and enters it into the form. Thoe lines are then automatically entered into the cube and can be saved into the database. 

    When writing a poem for this cube, the poet must think of how the poem will fit and the recombine in the cube. As you turn the cube, the lines move as well.  For example the 1st, 5th, 9th and 13th lines form the top of the cube, with the shallow meiddle, deep middle and the back lines changing as well.


    Scott Rettberg - 16.10.2012 - 14:00

  9. Hermenetka

    Hermenetka (acrônimo formado pela associação de Hermes, deus grego das comunicações e das trocas, Net, de Internet e Ka, figura mítica do antigo Egito, polimórfico, que presidia a passagem para o mundo invisível, o reino dos mortos) é um projeto de Net Arte que gera cartografias randômicas a partir de buscas em bancos de dados. O ponto de partida do projeto Hermenetka é o Mediterrâneo compreendido como cenário espiritual de pensamentos, como método e busca de conhecimento. Na era contemporânea, a metáfora do “mar entre territórios” se corporifica nos fluxos e nas trocas do ciberespaço. A proposta do Hermenetka é criar cartografias plurais dos mares de dados que povoam o cotidiano da cibercultura. O projeto é constituído por dois tipos de mapeamentos. No primeiro, é possível gerar um mapa em tempo real a partir de tópicos que orbitam em torno do conceito de Mediterrâneo. A segunda possibilidade consiste em responder à pergunta “O que é o Mediterrâneo para você?”. Nesse caso, a resposta irá buscar no ciberespaço imagens e textos que comporão seu mapa.

    Luciana Gattass - 26.11.2012 - 20:55

  10. Arrested

    Arrested" is a play on preconceptions regarding social, ethnic, religious, and political affiliations.

    Artist Statement
    Although created ten years ago "Arrested" continues to comment meaningfully on the phenomena of social classification and judgment (seemingly) inherent in human society. What makes the project particularly interesting and poignant is that it encourages reflection on the systems of labeling and judgment that are both internal and external (to the self), and invites readers to observe their own biases (with a possible chuckle).

    "Arrested" employs a flipbook format in which offenders and offenses are randomly culled from database repositories. The flipbook's random display of elements offers up individualized texts to each audience. These in turn provide the opportunity for individual interpretation (internal visualization) and subsequent contemplation.

    "Arrested" is both serious and silly. It is the intermingling of these that potentially provides the impetus for change in regards to awareness of/attitudes towards difference, and fears associated therewith.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 20:54
