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  1. The Jew's Daughter

    The Jew's Daughter is an interactive, non-linear, multivalent narrative, a storyspace that is unstable but nonetheless remains organically intact, progressively weaving itself together by way of subtle transformations on a single virtual page.

    (Source: Authors' description from ELC 1.)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 17.09.2010 - 21:56

  2. Flight Paths: A Networked Novel

    Flight Paths: a networked novel seeks to explore what happens when lives collide - the airplane stowaway and the suburban Londoner. A supermarket car park lies directly beneath the flight path into Heathrow Airport. On at least five separate occasions the bodies of young men - stowaways - have fallen from the sky and landed on or near this place. This project explores the lives of one stowaway and the woman whose car on which he lands. The authors create multimedia elements that illuminate the story while readers are invited to contribute texts, images, sounds, memories, ideas, and stories. The project grows and changes incrementally. There is a long history of electronic fiction works that include user-generated content. But there are very few fiction projects that from the earliest, research phase attempt to harness participatory media as well as multimedia content in the way that Flight Paths does.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume Two)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.01.2011 - 18:28

  3. The Unknown

    The Unknown is a collaborative hypertext novel written during the turn of the millennium and principally concerning a book tour that takes on the excesses of a rock tour. Notorious for breaking the "comedy barrier" in electronic literature, The Unknown replaces the pretentious modernism and self-conciousness of previous hypertext works with a pretentious postmodernism and self-absorption that is more satirical in nature. It is an encyclopedic work and a unique record of a particular period in American history, the moment of irrational exuberance that preceded the dawn of the age of terror. With respect to design, The Unknown privileges old-fashioned writing more than fancy graphics, interface doodads, or sophisticated programming of any kind. By including several "lines" of content from a sickeningly decadent hypertext novel, documentary material, metafictional bullshit, correspondence, art projects, documentation of live readings, and a press kit, The Unknown attempts to destroy the contemporary literary culture by making institutions such as publishing houses, publicists, book reviews, and literary critics completely obsolete.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 19:39

  4. in absentia

    in absentia is a site-specific web-based writing project which addresses issues of gentrification and its erasures in the Mile End neighbourhood of Montreal, where the author lived for seventeen years. J. R. Carpenter writes, "Faced with imminent eviction, I began to write as if I was no longer there, about a Mile End that was no longer there. I manipulated the Google Maps API to populated "real" satellite images of my neighbourhood with "fictional" characters and events. in absentia is a web "site" haunted by the stories of former residents of Mile End, a slightly fantastical world, a shared memory of the neighbourhood as it never really was but as it could have been. in absentia was created with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts. It was presented by DARE-DARE Centre de diffusion d'art multidisciplinaire de Montréal. It launched June 24, 2008. New stories were added over the summer, in English and French. A closing party was held in conjunction with the launch of my novel, Words the Dog Knows, (conundrum press), at Sky Blue Door, November 7, 2008"

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:12

  5. The Doll Games

    The Doll Games is a hypertext project that documents a complex narrative game that Shelley and Pamela Jackson used to play when they were prepubescent girls, and frames that documentation in faux-academic discourse. In “sitting uneasily between” different styles of discourse, the work enlists the reader to differentiate between authoritative knowledge and play. Although the dolls in question are “things of childhood,” the project reveals that in the games the authors used to play with these dolls, one can find the roots of both Pamela and Shelley’s “grownup” lives: Shelley’s vocation as a fiction writer, and Pamela’s as a Berkeley-trained Ph.D. in Rhetoric. Throughout, the project plays with constructions of gender and of identity. This is a “true” story that places truth of all kinds in between those ironic question marks. The Doll Games is a network novel in the sense that it uses the network to construct narratives in a particularly novel way. The Doll Games is also consciously structured as a network document, and plays in an ironic fashion with its network context.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.02.2011 - 16:24

  6. Morpheus: Biblionaut

    The story of a poet sent to Alpha Centauri to test a nuclear bomb that can destroy a planet, who returns to Earth to discover that Earth has a ring instead of a moon and that there is - perhaps - no longer life there. The narrative is told linearly and lasts for about 20 minutes, with no opportunity to rewind  - it’s worth watching in a single setting though, both for the story itself and for the grungy space visuals created by Travis Alber: a scratched metal background with a window through which to watch the stars passing by, and dream images superimposed on or maybe reflected in the dull, stained metal.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 13:42

  7. Chemical Landscapes Digital Tales

    Chemical Landscapes is a series of photograms by Mary Pinto. The photos suggest landscapes but are created entirely in the dark room, using only chemicals and a flashlight. For this project, I've written a series of "digital tales" suggested by the particular chemical landscape. I hope the relationship of language and narrative to the "tale" parallels the relationship of light and chemicals to the "landscape." The piece begins with a title page that serves as a navigation page. By clicking at various places on the page you're taken to one of the eight chemical landscapes. Once you arrive at a landscape, the digital tale fades in and then out, and you may click on the screen at any point to jump back to the navigation page. I have tried to time the fading in and out of the text so that it is almost impossible to read it all before it fades away. My hope is that the reader will recognize the necessity of jumping around in the text, picking up pieces of the tale to read and ignoring other pieces, thereby creating a different experience with each reading.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.04.2011 - 07:24

  8. 10:01

    10:01 is the complementary and complimentary hypermedia version of Olsen's avant-pop novel 10:01 (Chiasmus, 2005) about what goes through the minds of the audience in an AMC theater at the Mall of America ten minutes and one second before the feature film commences.(Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume One.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.04.2011 - 10:47

  9. Inanimate Alice, Episode 1: China

    Inanimate Alice depicts the life of a young girl growing up in the early years of the 21st century through her blog and episodic multimedia adventures that span her life from childhood through to her twenties. It has been created to help draw attention to the issue of electro-sensitivity and the potentially harmful pollution resulting from wireless communications.

    (Source: Author's description from ELC, vol. 1)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.11.2011 - 10:21

  10. _:terror(aw)ed patches:_

    _:terror(aw)ed patches:_ is a “collaborative fiction that utilizes through live concurrent editing in Google Wave that results in expressive output[s]”

    (Source: SpringGun Press, v. 2)

    In _:terror(aw)ed patches:_(2009), Shane + Mez create a new method of collaborative “fiction” through _live concurrent editing_ in Google Wave. 

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 28.01.2012 - 13:48
