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  1. Chris Funkhouser

    Chris Funkhouser is an Associate Professor and Director of the Communication and Media program in the Department of Humanities at New Jersey Institute of Technology, where he teaches Cybertext, Digital Poetry, Electronic Literature, and other courses. He has also taught courses at Naropa University (Creative Cannibalism, 2007) and University of Pennsylvania (Digital Poetry, 2010), where he is also a Senior Editor at PennSound. He is a digital poet and author of the documentary study Prehistoric Digital Poetry: An Archaeology of Forms, 1959-1995, LambdaMOO_Sessions (Writer's Forum, 2006), and an e-book (CD-ROM), Selections 2.0, which was published by the Faculty of Creative Multimedia at Multimedia University (Malaysia), where he was a Visiting Fulbright Scholar in 2006.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 17.01.2011 - 16:08

  2. Christian Yde Frostholm

    Jeg er forfatter og billedkunstner, født 1963.

    I disse år arbejder jeg hovedsagelig med at skrive og fotografere.

    Jeg har udgivet bøger siden 1985, senest Afrevne ord (2004) og Ofte stillede spørgsmål (2008), og udstillet på bl.a. Arken, Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, Museet for Samtidskunst og Overgaden – Institut for samtidskunst og ikke mindst på internettet.

    Jeg gik på Forfatterskolen 1987-89 og er BA i litteraturvidenskab og fransk fra Københavns Universitet. I 1991 modtog jeg Statens Kunstfonds tre-årige arbejdslegat.

    I 1999 startede jeg sammen med Charlotte Hansen og Karen Wagner websitet Afsnit P, hvor jeg i et årti har kurateret og udviklet projekter og fungeret som overordnet designer. Afsnit P på nettet er en opfølgning af udstillingsrummet og lyrikboghandelen af samme navn, som jeg havde i København 1994-1998.

    Siden 2004 har jeg haft min personlige Afrivningsblog. På Afsnit P bloggede – eller rettere ploggede jeg også – fra 2003-2009, og 2005-09 skrev jeg klummen Livet på nettet i Weekendavisen.
    (Source: author's website.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 12:53

  3. Megan Heyward

    Megan Heyward is an Australian author, media artist and academic whose creative practice and research sits at the intersection of storytelling and new technologies. For over twenty years she has explored the potentials of narrative and interactivity, working across multiple media and formats; using text, image, video, sound animation to shape interactive works for electronic literature, locative media, augmented reality, hypertext, mobile apps and other emerging formats.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.07.2011 - 15:28

  4. Lluís Calvo

    Lluis Calvo is a Spanish poet and novelist, the author of ten books of poetry and two novels.

    Sandra Hurtado - 06.12.2011 - 13:02

  5. André Vallias

    Born in 1963 in São Paulo, Brazil, where he received his graduate education in Law at the University of São Paulo. André Vallias is a graphic designer, poet and interactive media producer. In the early 80's he was basically concerned with the study of proportions in art, developing series of black/white drawings with strict mathematical composition. In 1985 he begans to design visual poems. From 1987 to 1994 he lived in Germany, where he, instigated by the ideas of the philosopher Vilém Flusser (1920-1991), oriented his activities towards computer media. He was the co-curator (with Friedrich W. Block and Valeri Scherstjanoi) of the Exhibition "Tranfutur – visual poetry of the Soviet Union, Brazil e German speaking countries" (Kassel and Berlin). In 1992 he organized, together with Friedrich W. Block, a first international show of computer generated poetry: "p0es1e-digitale dichtkunst", Annaberg-Buchholz - Germany. He returned to Brazil in 1994. He now lives in Rio de Janeiro, where he works as CEO of the Webhouse Refazenda.

    (Source: author)

    Luciana Gattass - 10.10.2012 - 04:20

  6. Magnus Dahlerus

    Magnus Dahlerus is a Swedish poet, literary critic, and director.

    Melissa Lucas - 16.10.2012 - 11:08

  7. Ursula Hentschläger

    Ursula Hentschläger

    Jörgen Schäfer - 07.11.2012 - 15:51

  8. Roman Leibov



    Роман Григорьевич Лейбов (1963) окончил отделение русского языка и литературы Тартуского университета в 1986 г. В 1986–1988 гг. учился в аспирантуре при кафедре под руководством проф. Ю.М. Лотмана. В 1992 г. защитил под его руководством диссертацию «Пространственная модель лирики Тютчева и Лермонтова» на степень Magister Artium.

    В 2000 г. защитил в Тартуском университета докторскую диссертацию (PhD) на тему «Лирический фрагмент Тютчева: Жанр и контекст». Научный руководитель А.Л. Осповат, консультант – Л.Н. Киселева.

    На кафедре русской литературы Тартуского университета работает с 1988 г.: 1988–1993 – старший преподаватель, 1993-2008 – лектор, с 2008 – доцент.

    Основные области научных интересов: русская литература XIX в., творчество Тютчева, гуманитарное измерение Интернета, постфольклор.

    Natalia Fedorova - 27.01.2013 - 01:02

  9. Tatiana Bonch-Osmolovskaya

    Родилась в городе Симферополь, в начальной школе училась в городе Дубна, в старшей — в СУНЦ МГУ (восемнадцатом интернате). Закончила Московский физико-технический институт (1987) и французский университетский колледж (2001). Работала в Объединённом институте ядерных исследований (Дубна), издательствах «Мастер», «Свента», «Грантъ». Кандидат филологических наук (диссертация «„Сто тысяч миллиардов стихотворений“ Раймона Кено в контексте литературы эксперимента», РГГУ, 2003). Член исполнительного комитета International Symmetry Association (ISA). Автор учебного курса комбинаторной литературы (гуманитарный факультет МФТИ). Глава Ассоциации «Антиподы. Русская литература в Австралии». Организатор Австралийских фестивалей русской литературы «Антиподы» (Сидней 2006, 2008, 2010—2011) и ряда культурных мероприятий Ассоциации «Антиподы». Член Союза Российских писателей (2009), Русского ПЕН-клуба (2009), Международной Академии Зауми, Крымского геопоэтического клуба. Живёт в Сиднее (Австралия). (источник Wikipedia page)

    Natalia Fedorova - 04.09.2013 - 14:39

  10. Christopher Stroffolino

    Chris Stroffolino is an American poet, writer, musician, critic, perfomer, and author. He has a Ph.D. in Shakespearean studies from SUNY Albany. Before that he attended Albriht College, Temple University and Bard College, and The University of Massachusetts Amherst.
    Author of 7 books of poetry, and two books of literary criticism. He is currently writing a book (e-book) combining literary criticism, rock criticism, pop culture criticism media studies.

    Daniela Ørvik - 19.02.2015 - 14:50
