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  1. Loss Sets

    Artist’s Statement:
    “Loss Sets” translates poems co-written by Jordan Scott and Aaron Tucker into sculptures printed by 3D printers.
    If language is the material from which poetry is built, what becomes of poetry when it sheds language for pure form? What, if anything, is reconciled?
    What is reimagined? What is lost? Within this nexus of translation and sculptural poetics, the project thus aims to respond to the multiples of contemporary loss (physical, environmental, artistic, personal).
    The poetic form allows Scott and Tucker to explore the dirge, lament and elegy as means to grapple with loss and, ultimately, the failure of language to adequately represent trauma.
    The poems, written in collaboration, therefore bring two consciousnesses to the task of what can only be the failed task of reclamation.
    It is hoped that when joined with the algorithm and, finally, the 3D object itself, Scott and Tucker’s poetics of loss will take on a ‘translated’ physical form to be handled, manipulated, stolen or destroyed.

    Aaron Tucker - 27.06.2016 - 17:04

  2. A Brief History of Loss

    A Brief History of Loss is a heavily mediated performative lecture that is not only an extension of deep repetition and radical sameness, but a form of (non)reading put at odds with itself. How might these differences of reading information and meaning not be reduced, but contradicted? How might a text engage the form of the page and document as a space that provides platforms for close readings as well as keeping those readings at a distance, not something to read insofar as something to be looked at and thought about. Best situated within the “Translation” strand, ABHoL aims to expose and conflate mediatic and literary reading/writing practices with an unstoppable real time. The performance itself is a translation and shifting between codes, both textual and computational. Framed as an investigation into personal mediatic histories, ABHoL aims to conflate and contradict photographic images, as objects framed to be narrated, with corresponding narration that calls on the document as a performative object and artifact.

    Gyurim Lee - 11.09.2017 - 13:59

  3. Se souvenir des morts

    "Le 1er octobre 2015, dix personnes ont été tuées par balle au Umpqua Community College à Roseburg en Oregon. l’université de l’état de Washington où j’enseigne se situe assez près de la scène du massacre pour que les médias traitent la nouvelle comme étant locale et envoient des journalistes sur les lieux. C’était définitivement assez près de la scène pour que je pense: «et si…».

    La fusillade de Umpqua, écrit Nick Wing dans The Huffington Post, a été la 45e fusillade de l’année s’étant produite dans un établissement scolaire, ainsi que la 142e ayant eu lieu depuis la tuerie de la Sandy Hook Elementary School à Newtown au Connecticut en décembre 2012.

    Plusieurs de ces fusillades ont été qualifiées de mass killing, qui se définit par le FBI comme un massacre par arme à feu comprenant quatre victimes ou plus excluant l’auteur de la tuerie. Beaucoup de personnes sont mortes dans nos écoles.

    Antoine Fleury - 31.08.2018 - 15:21