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  1. Faen. Nå har de senket takhøyden igjen. Må huske å kjøpe nye knebeskyttere.

    Hypertext short story - second HTML version of short-story first published on paper cards in Sesam 71 from 1971. Can be read in sequence in the collection SF - Samlede fortellinger (collected stories) by Tor Åge Bringsverd.

    Thomas Brevik - 21.09.2010 - 11:46

  2. The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot

    A hypertext ballad metaphorically exploring the relationships between people (Harry Soot) and machines (Sand).

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 22:15

  3. The Intruder

    "In Natalie Bookchin's piece, The Intruder, we are presented with a sequence of ten videogames, most of which are adapted from classics such as Pong and Space Invaders. We interact via moving or clicking the mouse, and by making whateve we make of/with/from the story. Meaning is always constructed, never on a plate. The interaction is less focused on videogame play than it is on advancing the narrative of the story we hear throughout the presentation of the ten games. The story is the Jorge Louis Borges piece The Intruder with a few changes. The female in the story is "the intruder" She is as a possession of the two closely bonded miscreant brothers enmeshed in a hopeless triangle of psycho-sexual possession with homoerotic undertones. Finally one of them kills her to end the tension between the two men. Game over. Story over. Bookchin presents an awareness of being an intruder, herself, in the (previously?) male-dominated world of videogame creation and enjoyment. The videogame paradigms are subverted, mocked, and implicitly criticized for their shallow competitive and violent nature not unrelated to the nature of the violence of the males.

    Mark Marino - 28.03.2011 - 15:45

  4. Peggy

    Very short hypertext based on conditional linking (HTML + javascript + cookies). One starting node, many paths, and only one ending. Conditional links drive the reader to the unique ending node.

    Jean-Hugues Réty - 04.07.2011 - 17:46

  5. Homer's Iliad

    The online interpretation of Homer's classic The Iliad, transformed for computer multimedia by Barry Smylie, Jeff Wietor, Susan Katz, and Ryan Douglas is an excellent example of an attempt to take a classic work of literature and adapt to the particular affordances of the contemporary computer. Produced from 1999­‐2007, this work not only produces a contemporary interpretation of the classic, but also tracks some of the new media shifts that occurred from the late 1990s to the present. The multimedia work allows the reader to switch between the text of Samuel Butler's translation of The Iliad and contemporary multimedia interpretations of several sorts. For the first nine books of The Iliad, this translation takes the form of illustrations, collages produced in Photoshop, which mix classical imagery, such as statuary and Grecian urns, with more contemporary imagery. The battles between the Greeks and Trojans in this version include imagery from professional wrestling shows, advertisements, and American football contests. Helen is represented with imagery reminiscent of soap operas of soft‐core pornography.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.03.2012 - 12:59

  6. Hilfe!

    Vier aus dem Internet gebeamte Browser-Fensterchen namens Lea, Pia, Ed und Max huschen vor dem Leser über den Bildschirm, locken, umschmeicheln und verfluchen ihn. Der Leser klickt, was ihm gefällt, und macht sich Liebhaber, Feinde, Bewunderer, Beleidigte.


    Jörgen Schäfer - 07.11.2012 - 17:02

  7. Common Ground: One Night in a Three-story House

    Common Ground: One Night in a Three-story House is the story of a poor suburban family told interactively through text.

    (Source: 2002 ELO State of the Arts gallery)

    A three-chapter game (with an epilogue) in which you're a different character in each chapter. The twist is that each chapter covers roughly the same space of time, and you interact with the other two characters, to varying degrees, when you're in each pair of shoes. The gameplay is a bit restrictive--the game doesn't allow for a lot of variation--but the characters themselves are well developed and the interactions feel reasonably realistic. The game even does a passable job of recording the actions you take when you're one character and playing them back when you're a different character, observing the antics of the first. Very short--20-30 minutes to play through at most--but worth playing; it largely eschews puzzles in favor of character interaction in a way that little IF attempts.

    (Source: Review by Duncan Stevens, BAF's guide to the IF Archive)


    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 13:26

  8. Бледное пламя (Pale Fire)

    В романе "Бледное пламя" соединились воедино набоковские интересы и пристрастия различных эпох. С одной стороны, как и "Под знаком незаконнорожденных", "Бледное пламя" вобрало в себя осколки последнего незавершенного русскоязычного романа "Solus Rex". С другой, избранная сложная наукообразная форма: предисловие комментатора Чарльза Кинбота, поэма из 999 строк, авторство которой, по-видимому, принадлежит Джону Шейду, пространный комментарий и указатель, составленные опять-таки Кинботом, — напоминает о рождавшемся в те годы масштабном труде Набокова -- комментированном издании "Евгения Онегина", включавшем в свой состав предисловие, текст перевода, комментарии, указатель и факсимильную версию первой прижизненной публикации пушкинского романа. (из А.Люксембург, С.Ильин. Комментарий к роману "Бледное пламя")

    Natalia Fedorova - 07.02.2013 - 00:42

  9. Un conte à votre façon

    Un texte bref et comique: les personnages sont trois petits pois qui se réveillent après un cauchemar, se disputent, font un tour, prennent peur et retournent se coucher. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 13:08

  10. (private reading device)

    The Mandel.brot Project (, in French) has existed online since 1999. From the beginning, we dedicated our project to an experimentation with the aesthetics of the ephemeral and the flow; we thus refuse any archiving of the source files of our creations. The creations remain on the web for a few months. Then they are removed forever. And even when they are online, they permanently face extinction: the instability of the digital device is integrated as a fundamental aesthetic principle in all our works (see « Flux »: the movement of the words was supposed to be calm and relaxing; but on powerful computers, the flow is transformed into a wild torrent). Each creation on Mandel.brot thematizes this instability in a specific way.The Mandel.brot Project is a dialogue (we invite you to compare for example « Soleil Amer » and « Inexorable »), which sometimes becomes animated, and sometimes stops for a long time. None of the creations on Mandel.brot can be separated from their context: the website and the device, which remains deliberately unstable.

    (Source: Authors' description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:49
