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  1. Binary

    Binary is a generative text, which explores a non-binary body inhabiting a binary medium. Using a structure inspired by Christopher Strachey’s Loveletters and Allison Knowles’ House of Dust, the algorithm builds each line of text from words/phrases selected from a list of options. However, unlike its inspirations, which select randomly, Binary iterates through all 1,512 possible permutations one by one. After a line of text is rendered, the resulting pixels on screen become cells in John Conway’s zero-player game Life. The animation state is stored in a database so that each viewer picks up where the last viewer left off. The current timecode is displayed at the bottom of the title screen.

    [Source: The New River]

    Amanda Hodes - 09.06.2022 - 01:28

  2. Acts in Translation

    Acts in Translation (2020) is a generative moving image and sound installation featuring two windows having a moment together. Eighty ambient recordings contributed from thirty-seven cities worldwide are randomly sequenced to produce a unique soundscape on each page visit. The image remains relatively still as the viewer gazes through the panel windows into the intimate. The stable image and the randomized sound merge to create a simultaneously shared and unique urban life sentiment for the viewer. A call to prayer in Tehran pairs with London’s traffic to conjure a city that is as familiar as it is foreign. Each hour, in Universal Coordinated Time, a story about a “broken heart” emerges. This story operates as an entendre, using misunderstanding to address the complexity of language and culture. 

    [Source: The New River]

    Amanda Hodes - 09.06.2022 - 03:29

  3. Daisy's Journey

    Daisy's Journey

    Justina Labanauskaite - 31.08.2022 - 13:48

  4. Mo[X]Rphing B[l] termina: El estado de XR [Literatura]

    This project of virtual reality dates back to 1990 and born named Bodyssey,  fermented on herself and one of their collaborators, an artist called Gary Zebington. Form part of the doble special number of The Digital Review journal, called “Critical Making, Critical Design”. This project try to explore the notion of a language-induced freedom of body from through the use of speech-recognition, text, and VRML effigies. Intimate relations between interactive human body symbols, speech, text and images will mix so that the effigies’VRML bodies and verbal utterances will evolve to express a spectrum of emotions.

    This project never eventuated in the particular form we envisioned, but helped to many of her works produced from the onwards, works that morph and blend interactive storyforms in unexpected ways through a mix 3D/VR, Extended Reality [XR]

    María Fernández García - 28.09.2022 - 18:04

  5. a siren's promise

    a siren's promise

    Justina Labanauskaite - 17.11.2022 - 01:51

  6. Impulsopoemas


    viniciuscarpe - 10.02.2023 - 14:43

  7. flâneur treadmill

    flâneur treadmill

    David Wright - 22.02.2023 - 12:09

  8. War Rooms: Three Poems

    War Rooms: Three Poems

    David Wright - 22.02.2023 - 12:23

  9. The impossibility of an ending in the mind of a compulsive gambler

    The impossibility of an ending in the mind of a compulsive gambler

    David Wright - 22.02.2023 - 12:24

  10. A Recombinant History of Australian Camels

    A Recombinant History of Australian Camels

    David Wright - 22.02.2023 - 12:25
