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  1. Is Life Like a Book or a Smart Phone? Why Form in Fiction Matters

    Rob Wittig's 17 minute video lecture, recorded for a TEDx event at the University of Minnesota / Duluth, lays out some ideas about connections between the design of printed books and a particular idea of life in contemporary culture, in contrast to a model of life based on postmodern ideas of identity. He also references the context of literary history in considering the forms of literature that might be suited to a culture of multitasking and smart phones, at one point comparing Don Quixote to a contemporary gadget-obsessed digital native. The talk and accompanying slideshow provide a useful introduction to some important questions about the relationship between contemporary technologies and literary form.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.03.2011 - 21:37

  2. Don't Believe the Hype: Rereading Michael Joyce's Afternoon and Twelve Blue

    Don't Believe the Hype: Rereading Michael Joyce's Afternoon and Twelve Blue

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.03.2011 - 12:40

  3. "Of Dolls and Monsters": An Interview with Shelley Jackson

    "Of Dolls and Monsters": An Interview with Shelley Jackson

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 20:09

  4. Stravinsky's Muse

    "Stravinsky's Muse" is a flash-based hypertext that offers a lexical sphere as a set of dials for accessing the narrative via the semantic constructs in the mind of its protagonist, Stravinsky Jones.  Each segment of narrative is complemented by a definition of one of the chosen terms in the form it takes in Jones' lexicon.

    Mark Marino - 14.03.2011 - 22:49

  5. FILMTEXT 2.0

    FILMTEXT 2.0 is an elaborate work of net art that investigates emerging forms of electronic literature in relation to interactive cinema, live A/V performance, games, and remix culture. It remediates formal experiments from older media like film, video art, and the visual/metafiction novel.

    (Source: Author's abstract at

    "FILMTEXT" is a digital narrative created for cross-media platforms. It is has appeared as a museum installation, a net art site, a conceptual art ebook, an mp3 concept album, and a series of live A/V performances. In the initial 1.0 iteration of the net art site, commissioned by PlayStation 2 in conjunction with Amerika's "How To Be An Internet Artist" retrospective at the Institute of Contemporary Art in London, Amerika referred to "FILMTEXT" as "the third part of my new media trilogy," following his two other major works of Internet art, "GRAMMATRON" and "PHON:E:ME." 

    (Source: Description for the 2008 ELO Media Arts show)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.03.2011 - 16:51

  6. Langweekend

    Launched November 21, 2005.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 12:30

  7. Narrative Motors

    Deploying the metaphor of "narrative motors," Tisselli analyzes several of his own "degenerative works" in which the program (the engine) burns fuel (information) until it is depleted and generates noise.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 13:15

  8. Reagan Library

    Reagan Library is an odd mixture of stories and images, voices and places, crimes and punishments, connections and disruptions, signals on, noises off, failures of memory, and acts of reconstruction. It goes into some places not customary for "writing." I think of it as a space probe. I have no idea what you'll think.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 1)


     The piece seems to become more and more confusing as the writing continues. Demonstrates certain aspects of the writings becoming more incoherent, showing older graphic pictures of areas that seem lost, and bizarre, regarding the context of Reagan Library. The texts describe certain scenarios as well such as the Doctor asking what appears to be a patient to perform tasks involving one of the graphics, the piece goes on from the doctor's narration of the person's ability to perform the given tasks involving the image.


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.03.2011 - 13:49

  9. Lasting Image

    A short hypertext fiction set in Japan after WWII. Each node consists of a brief text accompanied by an image reminiscent of a Japanese style brush painting, and a few areas of the picture are more clearly in focus than others. These are linked to other nodes. The reader may also use back and forwards arrows to navigate. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 10:37

  10. Reach, a Fiction

    Reach, a Fiction

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.03.2011 - 10:46
