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  1. The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project

    The 24-Hr. Micro-Elit Project experiments with microfiction, or flash fiction, a genre of literature that generally entails narratives of only 300-1000 words. Inspired by Richard Brautigan’s pithy “The Scarlatti Tilt”, a story of only 34 words published in 1971, my work involves 24 stories of 140 characters or less about life in an American city in the 21st C. delivered––or “tweeted”––on Twitter over a 24 hr. period.

    The launch date was Friday, August 21, beginning 12 a.m. PST. Each hour until 11 p.m., I posted a story, and followers of my twitter site were encouraged to tweet their own. After followers tweeted their stories, I cut and pasted them to the Project Blog. An archive of all of the stories can be found there.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:39

  2. New Plots for Hypertext?: Towards a Poetics of the Hypertext Node

    While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely discussed, there has been not many debates about the very elements that are being connected: hypertext nodes. Apart from few exceptions, poetics of the link overshadows poetics of the node. My goal is to re-focus on a single node, or lexia, by introducing the concept of contextual regulation as the major force that shapes hypertext narrative units. Because many lexias must be capable of occurring in different contexts and at different stages of the unfolding story, several compromises have to be made on the level of language, style, plot and discourse. Each node, depending on its position and importance, has a varying level of connectivity and autonomy, which affects the global coherence of text.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.05.2013 - 14:25

  3. s000t000d


    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.06.2013 - 11:32

  4. The Big Plot

    This is a romantic-spy story rendered into the genre of Recombinant Fiction. Four characters told a fiction using dialogues shown on several media channels. The cloned identity of a real spy was used to portray a story about the political and sentimental weakness of our era characterised by a dysfunctional sociality being created by social media communications. Actions in public environments completed the set of stages upon which the story was acted and audiences had an active role by unfolding and creating other pieces of fiction. The drama deconstructed language and symbolism of ideologies by remixing characters' lives and identities with real-world patterns. The work has been exhibited as an installation and there is also a web version.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.06.2013 - 11:51

  5. Fable Girls: A Living Photos Series

    Retellings of classic fairy tales and childrens' stories: Alice in Wonderland, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White and Cindarella. The stories are told in a series of "living photos", that is images with limited video motion, and in some cases, sentences and phrases are used to tell the story. Readers for the most part move through the stories by clicking "next" arrows, but in some cases - for instance when Red meets the "wolf" - readers are given a choice that affects the rest of the story.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.06.2013 - 12:29

  6. The End of Books--Or Books Without End: Reading Interactive Narratives

    J. Yellowlees Douglas looks at the new light that interactive narratives may shed on theories of reading and interpretation and the possibilities for hypertext novels, World Wide Web-based short stories, and cinematic, interactive narratives on CD-ROM. She confronts questions that are at the center of the current debate: Does an interactive story demand too much from readers? Does the concept of readerly choice destroy the author's vision? Does interactivity turn reading fiction from "play" into "work" - too much work? Will hypertext fiction overtake the novel as a form of art or entertainment? And what might future interactive books look like?

    (Source: Book jacket)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 07.06.2013 - 11:03

  7. DNA: A Digital Novel

    Taking the concept of identity theft to its logical conclusion, DNA is an interactive, Web-based novel set in the year 2075, in a future where genetic clones are commonplace and the unique identity of any individual is protected only by tacit consent. Detailing a year in the life of a clone who begins plotting to take on the identity of one of his "code partners," the novel includes a series of hyperlinks to real and fictional Wikipedia entries that provide a peek into the dystopic future of economic, agricultural, cultural, social, and political systems. Influenced by a range of electronic and experimental literary works published over the last fifteen years, DNA presents a non-linear narrative that allows each reader to select his or her own narrative path though the novel and to explore the text's connection to other fictional and non-fictional texts published on the Web. The networked architecture of the project enables the reader to not only construct and engage with the narrative world of the novel itself but with other narrative worlds that exist outside of the novel.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 12.06.2013 - 13:38

  8. Constructs of the Interactive Documentary Image in Inside/Outside, The Unknown Territories Project, and Estuary

    This paper introduces three original works that use features of interactive documentary arts to explore social constructions of places and their attending narratives. The three interactive projects that are introduced are Inside/Outside, The Unknown Territories Project, and Estuary. The paper asks how tools of layering, compositing and navigation through documentary imagery in photography and film contribute to an understanding of the connection between social relationships and a sense of space.

    Scott Rettberg - 24.06.2013 - 16:32

  9. Netprov: Elements of an Emerging Form

    While improvisational theater has a well-documented history, the role of improvisation on the Internet has been only the topic of passing speculation (Laurel; Murray), either applied metaphorically to the user interface or in speculation on the nature of computer-mediated textual exchange particularly in the context of identity formation (Turkle). While improvisation is deeply connected to the authorial practices of players of MMORPGs and their MOO precursors (LaFarge) and to players of story-generation games such as Jason Rohrer’s “Sleep is Death” and to participants in ARGs, we are specifically interested in text-centered improvisation that has as its goal the creation of a narrative or narrative world, rather than primarily the development of a game experience.

    Scott Rettberg - 25.06.2013 - 14:30

  10. Textopia: Experiments with Locative Literature

    textopia is a design experiment situated in humanist media studies, and based on a simple idea: Making it possible for someone who is walking through the city with a mobile phone to listen to literary texts which talk about whichever place she is walking by. The aim of this exercise has been to explore the relationship between places and literary texts – not just what the relationship is and has been, but what it can be in the new medium. Inspired by the ideas embedded in hermeneutics, open source philosophy and agile software development, I have outlined a methodological approach that I call "agile media design". In the course of the practical process I have ialso dentified three key principles for locative media design, summed up in the "G-P-S" model: Granularity, Particiation and Serendipity. Together they describe the unique characteristics of designs like textopia – a category I call "annotative, locative media".

    Scott Rettberg - 26.06.2013 - 13:19
