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  1. Prehistoric Digital Poetry: An Archaeology of Forms, 1959-1995

    In this book, the author, Chris Funkhouser provides a comprehensive historical, descriptive, and technical account of early works of computer-assisted poetry composition. Focusing on examples of digital poetry before the world wide web rather than on literary precursors to web experiments. Funkhouser demonstrates how technological constraints that would seemingly limit the aesthetics of poetry have instead extended and enriched poetic discourse. As a history of early digital poetry and a record of an era that has passed, this study aspires both to influence poets working today and to highlight what the future of digital poetry may hold. The book is divided into five different sections: origination, visual and kinetic design poems, hypertext and hypermedia, alternative arrangements and techniques enabled.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 24.02.2011 - 11:32

  2. Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now / Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens—a minority report

    Computer Lib: You can and must understand computers now / Dream Machines: New freedoms through computer screens—a minority report

    Scott Rettberg - 25.03.2011 - 12:19

  3. i made this, you play this. we are enemies

    “i made this. you play this. we are enemies.” is an art game, interactive digital poem which uses game levels built on screen shots from influential community based websites/portals. The game interface drives the poetic texts, the colliding and intersecting images, sounds, words, movements, a forever changing, reader built poetic wonderland. And using messy hand drawn elements, strange texts, sounds and multimedia layering, the artwork lets users play in the worlds hovering over and beneath what we browse, to exist outside/over their controlling constraints. Your arrow keys and space bar will guide you, with the occasional mouse click begging for attention. Each day the internet is humming with a million small interventions. From the humoresque mocking of community content sites like Fark, to the net gate keepers Yahoo and Google, partisan political portals like Huffington Post or the open source/file sharing ‘priates’ of Mininova, the web is an easy tool/weapon for meddling/influencing and sharing/forcing/alluring your opinion on whomever clicks.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 12.05.2011 - 19:07

  4. Dadaventuras

    In English and Spanish, by Chris Joseph in collaboration with artist Maria Colino, Dadaventuras is an experiment in aleatory narrative, using comic book conventions to generate stories from 8 distinct but overlapping perspectives.

    The language of our narrative is hybrid (from the greek 'hybris', outrage or violation): composed of parts from different languages, in this case our own blend of 'spanglish'. This intentionally recalls the Dadaists use of nonsense to express dissatisfaction with a world society that continued its insane addiction to war. The user can also write their own text to use as the basis for the generated narratives, or use one of 8 classic texts, or turn the text off completely and make the story up in their head.

    (Source: Authors' description)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 12:18

  5. Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics: The Archival Text, Digital Narrative and The Limits of Memory

    New technologies-- whether used for artistic or scientific ends--require new shapes to speak their attributes. Feminist writers too have long sought a narrative shape that can exist both inside and outside of patriarchal systems. Where like-minded theorists have tried to define a gender-specific dimension for art, Quantum Feminist Mnemotechnics demonstrates that feminist artists have already built and are happily inhabiting this new technological room of their own. This dissertation is an exploration of the architectural shapes of mnemonic systems in women's narratives in the new media (focusing on Shelley Jackson's Patchwork Girl, M.D. Coverley's Califia and Diana Reed Slattery's Glide and The Maze Game as exemplary models). Memory is key here, for, what gets stored or remembered has always been the domain of official histories, of the conqueror speaking his dominant cultural paradigm and body. I explore at length three spatial architectures of the new media: the matrix, the unfold and the knot.

    Carolyn Guertin - 20.06.2012 - 19:00

  6. Fugues

    Fugues, à la fois adaptation hypermédiatique de Piano (René Lapierre, Les Herbes rouges, 2001) et réflexion critique sur le texte, est une réalisation du Collectif NT2. Le site Web a été conçu par Julie Lapalme, à partir d’un scénario de Bertrand Gervais.

    (Source: NT2 project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 09.01.2013 - 13:55

  7. Cinematic Paradigms for Hypertext

    This paper combines film and hypertext theory to try and 'prise open' some hypertextual questions that have been poorly framed. It will use incorporate short film examples. It is also hoped that along the way it might provide a useful way for thinking about how, or why, cinematic theory (of one sort or another) is becoming increasingly relevant in hypertext theory.

    The recent history of hypertext and the image has produced a geneology that seems to have orientated itself around one of three major axes:

    • poststructural literary theories
    • post-ditigal celebrations of hypermedia 'promiscuity'
    • post-digital appropriations of cinema into hypertext


    The first category is what could be characterised as 'canonical' hypertext theory, and is represented by the early work of people like Jay David Bolter, Michael Joyce, George Landow and Richard Lanham. This work implicitly locates hypertext within existing literary traditions and relies upon the insights, and appropriation of, various softened forms of poststructural philosophy (Derrida, Deleuze, de Man, Iser, et al).

    Scott Rettberg - 19.01.2013 - 17:33

  8. Formalisation d’un modèle fonctionnel de communication à l’aide des technologies numériques appliqué à la création poétique

    This work develops a theoretical model of the communication which is established in e-poetry between an author and a reader by use of two computers. One is used to create the work and the other to read it. The files are transmitted with a CDROM.

    We make first a diachronic study of the field. It shows that conceptions gradually evolve. The study of visual forms shows that the mind representation of the system made by the actors are important in this communication.

    The model of linked text is purposed. The concept of text depends upon the global representation of the situation for each actor. This model is developed in cognitive and semiotic approaches. The notions of texte-à-voir, texte-écrit and texte-lu are introduced.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:02

  9. Les Basiques: la littérature numérique

    Ce Basiques se propose d'explorer les contrées de la littérature numérique. Ses approches sont diverses et relèvent de conceptions parfois antagonistes. Elle forme un continent ancré dans des cultures variées qui dialoguent entre elles en son sein parce qu'elle les mixe et les questionne. La littérature numérique s'insère ainsi pour partie dans la continuité de démarches littéraires parfois anciennes, mais présente par ailleurs des points de rupture d'avec elles. C'est pourquoi son rapport avec les littératures issues des traditions classiques demeure conflictuel, souvent à son corps défendant, et ce, sans doute, pour longtemps encore. Que cela ne t'empêche pas, ami lecteur, de l'explorer. Elle te réservera bien des surprises, enflammera ton imaginaire comme il sied à toute littérature et saura te procurer toute une alchimie d'émotions, tant affectives qu'intellectuelles, sur des modes inattendus et vierges de toute rengaine.

    (Source: Bootz's introduction to the project)

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:19

  10. Le récit littéraire interactif. Narrativité et interactivité

    The expression interactive literary narrative applies to a variety of works. In its diversity, the
    interactive literary narrative raises questions on narratives, interactive architecture, multimedia as
    well as on literature. It is because the interactive literary narrative is wrought by tensions that it has
    this questioning and maybe even revealing capacity. This tension is first and foremost that which lies between narrativity and interactivity and which investigates other connections or tensions :
    - with regards to the narrative, the tension between adherence and distance can be characterized by a play on fictionalization and reflexivity;
    - with regards to the interactive architecture, the tension between assistance and control roles can
    manifest itself by a play on loss of grasp,
    - with regards to the multimedia, the tension between a text-based narrative and a multimedia
    narrative can be reached by work on text as a dynamic and polysemiotic object, and also the
    theatralization of interactive objects endowed with behaviour,

    Patricia Tomaszek - 09.07.2013 - 20:19
