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  1. A Humument app by Tom Phillips as a work of liberature: between text and embodiment

    In my paper I would like to propose reconfiguration of “literariness” through the concept of liberature formulated by Zenon Fajfer and Katarzyna Bazarnik (Bazarnik, 2005), updated to some extent with the theory of affordances (Norman, 1990, 2004). The term which according to Bazarnik (2005) denotes a transgenre where content (text) and its medium form a whole, seems to offer rich theoretical possibilities – especially if “literariness” is to be conceived also as a media-specific, embodied yet emergent and contigent phenomenon (Hayles, 2002). However, the concept of liberature - set from the ouset as both a theoretical tool against a form/content dualism and means to study multimodality of a literary text – still offers an interesting proposition when it comes to instances of e-literature developed for touch screen devices. A particularly interesting example to illustrate such interrogations is The Humument App by Tom Phillips. It is a part of the ongoing project coming from the artist known, among others, from his cooperation with Peter Greenaway on TV Dante.

    Rebecca Lundal - 17.10.2013 - 18:47

  2. Architextualité et programmes d'écriture pour les textes interactifs littéraires

    A quel point les outils numériques dont disposent les auteurs pour écrire des textes numériques interactifs prescrivent, formalisent, conditionnent, contaminent ou travaillent les œuvres produites? Pour répondre à cette question, nous nous livrons à l’analyse d’un corpus d’applications qui, même s’il ne peut être parfaitement exhaustif, se veut représentatif des tendances majeures de l’écriture numérique des textes interactifs à vocation littéraire. Une sélection d’œuvres emblématiques conçues à partir des programmes retenus approfondira parfois ce corpus.

    Rebecca Lundal - 17.10.2013 - 19:33

  3. Text-n-FX: A Reading Machine

    Text ‘n FX is a DJ mixer for text. It is a prototype machine developed in the 80’s for the emerging practice of Hip-Hop. Instead of a DJ mixing two records together, the designers of the device proposed the idea of a Text-Jockey (TJ). The TJ acted as a machine-assisted poet mashing up lyrics read from two floppy disks in real-time using statistics, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and cut-up techniques from experimental literature. The product never made it to market but it exists today as a media-archaeological curiosity.

    (Source: ChercherLeTexte website)

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 18.10.2013 - 12:59

  4. çacocophonie

    Çacocophonie is built with Processing and was published at DOC(K)S homepage in July 2013. On September 23, 2013, during the first debate of the ELO 2013 conference "Chercher le Texte," Castellin presented at Le Centre Pompidou auditorium in Paris three different versions of the poem: a plain and static text version, written on a word processor, and two animated versions, both built with Processing, but having slow and quick juxtapositions of animated text.

    Alvaro Seica - 20.10.2013 - 20:26

  5. Lineages of German-language Electronic Literature: the Döhl Line

    There are numerous essays and reviews on German-language electronic literature, which run from the mid nineties to the present day. Most of these texts, however, are written in German – a language that is no longer accepted and common as an universal language for science.

    In order to present the overview of German language electronic literature, we filtered out some historical lines that may explain better how the development of individual genres came about. A good starting point may be the very first experiments of authors with computers to generate electronic poetry, a subject the international community mostly agrees upon.

    The following model of historical lines of development is suggested:

    Scott Rettberg - 27.10.2013 - 16:48

  6. On Polish Translation of Sea and Spar Between

    Stephanie Strickland's and Nick Montfort's See and Spar Between is in many respects a translational challenge that in some languages might seem an impossible task. Polish, our target language, imposes some serious constraints: one- syllable words become disyllabic or multisyllabic; kennings have different morphological, lexical and grammatical arrangement, and most of the generative rhetoric of the original (like anaphors) must take into consideration the grammatical gender of Polish words. As a result, the javascript code, instructions that accompany the javascript file, and arrays of words that this poetry generator draws from, need to be expanded and rewritten. Moreover, in several crucial points of this rule-driven work, natural language forces us to modify the code. In translating Sea and Spar Between, the process of negotiation between the source language and the target language involves more factors than in the case of traditional translation. Strickland and Montfort read Dickinson and Melville and parse their readings into a computer program (in itself a translation, or port, from Python to javascript) which combines them in almost countless ways.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.11.2013 - 13:36

  7. A Modern Harvest

    Drive a thousand miles from the left/right coasts and you reach the sporadically populated plains, the supposed heart of the United States. But this flatland organ is sick and leaking, the young are fleeing, and consumerism, the addiction to purchase, has replaced the pride of working the land, growing crops and communities. And exploring these small American towns, reaching into the houses and malls and streets, is a modern harvest. This interactive digital poem harvest those objects from the living room gardens, the acres of shopping centers, picks the gaudy attachments of our lived environments. Through five sections, the living room, the bedroom, the kitchen, the garage and the mall, readers can harvest these modern croplands, the trinkets and objects filling our surroundings. And in the heart of the US, “to purchase” replaces “to create”, a crippling harvest of plastic and ceramic. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 14:03

  8. 11 Ways to Escape the Symbolic Field

    11 Ways to escape the Symbolic Field is a hybrid work consisting of various Internet accessible pieces in which texts found on the Internet are combined with original digital art works. The texts are presented on the screen in different, mostly hermetic ways, to emphasize the eroding effects the internet has on the literacy of the ‘general audience’. The author intends to question the ‘authority’ of the found texts by deforming them and to render them illegible. Together with each – projected–piece is a sound track with recordings of spoken poetry in English and Dutch from the artist. The poems juxtapose each piece with political driven subjectivities. This series of work is building upon previously created works such as Semantic Disturbances (2005) and La Resocialista Internacional (2011) by the same author. (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 15:12

  9. Tube Lines

    Tube Lines is a set of overlapping multimedia narratives – personal and historical, passengers and staff – revealed through a reworking of the Central London underground map. Readers may choose to follow the linear love story by tracing a particular journey around the 78 stops and lines. Alternatively they may access the nodes randomly in a kind of dadaist reading of the tale ; or instead follow their own particular personal journey in the form of a digital labyrinth.

    (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 16:41

  10. Post-memoires

    Post-mémoires est un projet d'autoportrait littéraire et graphique. Les post-mémoires sont des souvenirs condensés en micro-récit, inscrits sur un post-it, qui s'affichent sur différentes interfaces. Ces feuillets sont ici réunis dans une application tridimensionnelle où se dessine mon visage. Par ses mouvements dans l’espace d’exposition, le visiteur peut survoler cette surface et parcourir ainsi des visions de mon enfance. Face projette le temps dans l'espace en modelant mon visage avec mes souvenirs. Façade est une interface d'écriture pour moi, et de lecture pour vous. Facettes mélange mes souvenirs enfouis pour révéler l'inatendu du surgissement. Le galerie facebook ouvre un espace discutable. La préface explicite mon intention de partager une expérience intime. Ainsi, le projet Post-mémoires relève autant de l'entreprise autobiographique que de la recherche d'une forme singulière de langage. Mémoire Une entreprise autobiographique est un travail de sélection et d’organisation de souvenirs qui vise à recomposer une mémoire dans un sens chronologique afin d’apporter un témoignage personnel ou historique.

    Alex Belov - 18.11.2013 - 18:07
