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  1. Formalisation d’un modèle fonctionnel de communication à l’aide des technologies numériques appliqué à la création poétique

    This work develops a theoretical model of the communication which is established in e-poetry between an author and a reader by use of two computers. One is used to create the work and the other to read it. The files are transmitted with a CDROM.

    We make first a diachronic study of the field. It shows that conceptions gradually evolve. The study of visual forms shows that the mind representation of the system made by the actors are important in this communication.

    The model of linked text is purposed. The concept of text depends upon the global representation of the situation for each actor. This model is developed in cognitive and semiotic approaches. The notions of texte-à-voir, texte-écrit and texte-lu are introduced.

    Scott Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 17:02

  2. Le récit littéraire interactif. Narrativité et interactivité

    The expression interactive literary narrative applies to a variety of works. In its diversity, the
    interactive literary narrative raises questions on narratives, interactive architecture, multimedia as
    well as on literature. It is because the interactive literary narrative is wrought by tensions that it has
    this questioning and maybe even revealing capacity. This tension is first and foremost that which lies between narrativity and interactivity and which investigates other connections or tensions :
    - with regards to the narrative, the tension between adherence and distance can be characterized by a play on fictionalization and reflexivity;
    - with regards to the interactive architecture, the tension between assistance and control roles can
    manifest itself by a play on loss of grasp,
    - with regards to the multimedia, the tension between a text-based narrative and a multimedia
    narrative can be reached by work on text as a dynamic and polysemiotic object, and also the
    theatralization of interactive objects endowed with behaviour,

    Patricia Tomaszek - 09.07.2013 - 20:19