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  1. HyperRhetoriods: An Undergraduate Course in Hyperfiction

    This brief hypertext is a narrative about the design, assignments, and results of that course. The largest section contains my commentary about Student Responses to the course with references to student Online Learning Records and their course evaluations (more complete samples are also included). Though no formal arguments are made, it is implicit in the narrative that:

    Hypertext provides a valuable tool for teaching writing and reading
    Collaboration and student independence (owning their own learning) are vital aspects of the learning milieu
    Theories of distributed cognition, situated learning, and learning as an ecology provide important pedagogical models
    One need not focus on "teaching the technology" in order to teach in a c-a classroom.
    The Online Learning Record is an especially significant tool for the development of both student and teacher.

    Cheryl Ball - 21.08.2013 - 11:48

  2. The Frontiers between Digital Literature and

    My aim is to show how the frontiers between the various disciplinary spheres are disappearing in the digital world. Therefore, to start with, the basic aspects of what is known as digital art are set out and are compared with the concepts of Roland Barthes on the post-modern text. In this way a relationship is established between the discourses on and digital creation on the Net and theoretical postulates on hypertext and Net.literature. Next the results of this comparative reflection are applied to a visual experience: letting a series of online works speak, grouped together in a particular classification, in order to see whether or not the theoretical model constructed is valid. Finally, I pose questions about this experience by highlighting the implications of the construction of new contexts in real time in the sphere of literary and artistic creation.

    (Source: Author's abstract)

    Alvaro Seica - 22.08.2013 - 11:34

  3. Exploiting Hypertext’s Potential for Teaching Gender Studies

    The aim of this article is to show what feminist electronic literature can contribute to the study of gender theories and feminist literature. The study of feminist hypertext fictions and the use of hypertext as a teaching tool are facilitated by the intrinsic characteristics of the electronic medium, complementing the electronic medium and providing alternative possibilities in the learning process: collaborative authorship, multivocality, textual openness, non-hierarchical and rhizomatic structures, neo-kathartic effects and open publishing. Teaching feminist electronic literature using the hypertext offers the possibility of updating and discussing gender through a medium that permits rearranging the hypertext, better organized analyses of intertextuality and fostering the study through association and connections, which is the way the human brain works. The teaching method proposed pursues the objective of studying narratives about gender taking advantage of the new technologies without losing dialogues in class as intuitive learning process.

    Maya Zalbidea - 22.08.2013 - 19:32

  4. Memory Machines: The Evolution of Hypertext

    This book explores the history of hypertext, an influential concept that forms the underlying structure of the World Wide Web and innumerable software applications. Barnet tells both the human and the technological story by weaving together contemporary literature and her exclusive interviews with those at the forefront of hypertext innovation, tracing its evolutionary roots back to the analogue machine imagined by Vannevar Bush in 1945.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 30.08.2013 - 10:57

  5. Tierra de Extracción: How Hypermedia Novels could enhance Literary Assessment

    Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences suggests that there are at least eight different types of intelligence. Due to genetic variation and personal experiences, no two people have the same combination of intelligences. These do not only signal the way we interpret and cope with the world around us but the way we react to it. It is no coincidence that Reader Oriented Theories focus on the role of the reader in processing and interpreting text and not solely on textual perception. As readers and students of literature, the act of interpreting is key to understanding; but limited by outdated methodologies of assessment the opportunity to demonstrate what has been learned is practically bound to their linguistic intelligence. With the change of medium, from paper to screen, literature has undergone a kind of art and media hybridization that far from being something new and original recovers and allows the coexistence of multiple means of storytelling that extend the concept of reading, understanding and expression.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.10.2013 - 11:02

  6. Beyond Binaries: Continuity and Change in Literary Experimentation in Response to Print and Digital Technologies.

    While many critics have compared the current digital age in communications media with the print revolution that began in the 15th century, these discussions have focused primarily on the differences, as opposed to the similarities between the two moments in history (Bolter, Landow, Hayles). As an author and critic involved in exploring new approaches to digital fiction, I, too, am keenly aware of the distinct differences between the age of print and the current digital age. Nevertheless, I have also been struck by many similar concerns in the specific types of literary experimentation taking place in response to new authoring and publishing technologies today with those undertaken in the past in response to print technology. In this paper, I consider specific instances of experimentation that arose in response to print technology in works of fiction published in the eighteenth century (Richardson, Pope, Sterne) with literary experimentation in response to digital technologies (Moulthrop, Montfort/Strickland, Rodgers).

    Rebecca Lundal - 04.10.2013 - 11:30

  7. The Transformation of Narrative and the Materiality of Hypertext

    The Transformation of Narrative and the Materiality of Hypertext

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.10.2013 - 19:14

  8. Post-digital Books and Disruptive Literary Machines

    The e-book has been launched several times during the last decades and the book’s demise has often been predicted. Furthermore networked and electronic literature has already established a long history. However, currently we witness several interesting artistic and literary experiments exploring the current changes in literary culture – including the media changes brought about by the current popular break-through of the e-book and the changes in book trading such as represented by e.g. Amazon’s Kindle and Apple’s iBooks – changes that have been described with the concept of controlled consumption (Striphas, 2011, Andersen & Pold, 2012). In our paper we want to focus on how artistic, e-literary experiments explore this new literary culture through formal experiments with expanded books and/or artistic experiments with the post-print literary economy. Examples of the first are Konrad Korabiewski and Litten’s multimedia art book Affected as Only a Human Can Be (Danish version, 2010, English version forthcoming) and our own collaborative installation Coincidentally the Screen has turned to Ink (presented at the Remediating the Social conference, Edinburgh 2012).

    Fredrik Sten - 17.10.2013 - 17:39

  9. Lineages of German-language Electronic Literature: the Döhl Line

    There are numerous essays and reviews on German-language electronic literature, which run from the mid nineties to the present day. Most of these texts, however, are written in German – a language that is no longer accepted and common as an universal language for science.

    In order to present the overview of German language electronic literature, we filtered out some historical lines that may explain better how the development of individual genres came about. A good starting point may be the very first experiments of authors with computers to generate electronic poetry, a subject the international community mostly agrees upon.

    The following model of historical lines of development is suggested:

    Scott Rettberg - 27.10.2013 - 16:48

  10. Electronic Literature

    Entry on electronic literature providing a history of the term and exploring its contended usage.

    Electronic literature is a generalized term used to describe a wide variety of computational literary practices beneath one broad umbrella, defined by the Electronic Literature Organization as works with important literary aspects that take advantage of the capabilities and contexts provided by the stand-alone or networked computer.”

    Scott Rettberg - 01.11.2013 - 09:58
