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  1. The Jew's Daughter

    The Jew's Daughter is an interactive, non-linear, multivalent narrative, a storyspace that is unstable but nonetheless remains organically intact, progressively weaving itself together by way of subtle transformations on a single virtual page.

    (Source: Authors' description from ELC 1.)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 17.09.2010 - 21:56

  2. Letter to Linus

    A hypercube is a work of electronic fiction based on the structure of a cube. It comprises six pages, each of which links to four others. Letter to Linus uses the form of a hypercube to explore, through six points of view, the politics of electronic literature.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic Literature Collection, Volume 2)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 22:20

  3. its name was Penelope

    The generative hyperfiction its name was Penelope is a collection of memories in which a woman photographer recollects the details of her life.

    Like a photos in a photo album, each lexia represents a picture from the narrator's memory, so that the work is the equivalent of a pack of small paintings or photographs that the computer continuously shuffles. The reader sees things as she sees them and observes her memories come and go in a natural, yet nonsequential manner that creates a constantly changing order -- like the weaving and reweaving of Penelopeia's web.

    Begun in 1988, the work was exhibited in a computer-mediated artists book version at the Richmond Art Center in Richmond, California in 1989. It has been re-created through the years. Four versions have been identified by Dene Grigar, in Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media: 

    Version 1.0: "The exhibition version." Created in 1989 with Malloy's own generative hypertext authoring system, Narrabase II, in BASIC on a 3.5-inch floppy disk

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 24.02.2011 - 09:30

  4. Signal to Noise

    "Signal to Noise" is a web-native hypertext designed for concurrent navigations by multiple readers, whose interactions with the text subtly influence one another's parallel readings in realtime. 

    Artist Statement:

    "Signal to Noise" is a web-native hypertext designed to be read by multiple people simultaneously. 

    The interface is linked to a database via Ajax. A PHP engine tracks the parallel navigations and behavior of active users and responds by broadcasting relevant fragments, subtext, and other ephemera to all readers in realtime. Readers' concurrent movements through the narrative have subtle effects on one another's experiences. While readers are unable to directly communicate among themselves or evoke representative avatars in the virtual environment (with one clear exception), echoes and ripples are unavoidably left on the surface of the global text with every followed link. In time, these ripples subside and disappear. 

    Scott Rettberg - 28.03.2012 - 12:28

  5. Como el cielo los ojos (Like the sky the eyes)

    Como el cielo los ojos se concibe desde el primer momento como una novela hipertextual: como un juego de vínculos y de relaciones intertextuales. Una vez que pulsamos en el acceso a la novela, aparece ante nosotros una cuadrícula, en la que cada sección está ocupada por un ojo. En el eje vertical leemos tres nombres (Javier, Iñaqui y Paco) y el eje horizontal está numerado del uno al trece. Tres personajes, trece tiempos y una sola novela, un solo acontecimiento desencadenador: «Isabel ha muerto...» No sólo importa el texto en cuanto a la narración sino que la disposición ocupa un lugar principal: «Seleccione personaje y tiempo pulsando sobre un ojo en la cuadrícula» rezan unas líneas en negrita. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 29.03.2013 - 12:39

  6. 20% d’amour en plus

    20% d'amour en plus est un roman interactif, ouvert au lecteur qui construit l'histoire, ou les histoires. Il est source d'interprétations multiples, parfois d'ambiguïtés. Le texte n'y est pas donné, la narration jamais définitive, c'est au lecteur d'aller les chercher. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 06.04.2013 - 14:15

  7. Phares gamma

    The text functions as a sampling of an imaginary database of our time becoming , treated from a program, infinite, labyrinthine text, like a neuronal network, a clone infinitely recycled never stopping, like encephalogram, like life, except biological or mechanical accident, what autorizes the computer, coding indefinitely texts, sounds, motionless or animated images, in constant change or Cyber Flesh. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 08.04.2013 - 13:57

  8. Apparitions inquiétantes

    Apparitions inquiétantes est un récit hypertextuel, paru en format feuilleton de 1998 à 2000. Débutant par l'assassinat d'un médecin au bord de sa piscine, l'univers diégétique du récit s'ouvre considérablement sur un panorama de personnages étranges et variés. Du contenu visuel (photographies numériques généralement altérées) s'ajoute au texte. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 09.04.2013 - 21:01

  9. Voyage avec l’ange

    Voyage avec l'ange est une fiction interactive qui mêle poésie et humour, délires visuels et symbolisme, créations musicales et vocales. C'est en compagnie de l'ange Gabriel, personnage principal de cette étrange et captivante aventure, ou il n'y a ni début ni fin, que nous accomplirons ce voyage, à travers des univers imaginaires peuplés d'êtres mythiques. Ce conte s'adresse à un public d'adolescents et d'adultes, amateurs de bande dessinées, de dessins animés et d'histoires fantastiques. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 09.04.2013 - 21:17

  10. En anarkist er død

    This piece commemorates the Norweigan anarchist Harald Beyer-Arnesen, who died in 2005 at the age of 52. The piece begins by showing an newspaper opened to his obituary, and then displays a screen version of the newspaper obituary with certain words and phrases linked. When the reader clicks on a link, material is shown - sometimes articles explaining communism and anarchism, other times the voice of a friend talking about Beyer-Arnesen, a scrollable photo of some of his books or movie sequences from his childhood.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 03.07.2013 - 12:11
