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  1. Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry

    In this engaging, accessible memoir, Charles Hartman shows how computer programming has helped him probe poetry's aesthetic possibilities. He discusses the nature of poetry itself and his experiences with primitive computer-generated poetry programs and -- illustrated with sample computer-produced verses -- traces the development of more advanced hardware and software.

    The central question about this cyber-partnership, Hartman says, "isn't exactly whether a poet or a computer writes the poem, but what kinds of collaboration might be interesting." He examines the effects of randomness, arbitrariness, and contingency on poetic composition, concluding that "the tidy dance among poet and text and reader creates a game of hesitation. In this game, a properly programmed computer has a chance to slip in some interesting moves." (source: book description)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 11.02.2012 - 11:44

  2. Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age

    As the twenty-first century unfolds, computers challenge the way in which we think about culture, society and what it is to be human: areas traditionally explored by the humanities.

    In a world of automation, Big Data, algorithms, Google searches, digital archives, real-time streams and social networks, our use of culture has been changing dramatically. The digital humanities give us powerful theories, methods and tools for exploring new ways of being in a digital age. Berry and Fagerjord provide a compelling guide,exploring the history, intellectual work, key arguments and ideas of this emerging discipline. They also offer an important critique, suggesting ways in which the humanities can be enriched through computing, but also how cultural critique cantransform the digital humanities.

    Digital Humanities will be an essential book for students and researchers in this newfield but also related areas, such as media and communications, digital media, sociology, informatics, and the humanities more broadly.

    (Source: Polity catalog copy)

    Scott Rettberg - 05.09.2018 - 15:24

  3. A Cultural Analysis of Resistances to Digital Poetries

    A Cultural Analysis of Resistances to Digital Poetries

    Scott Rettberg - 27.08.2019 - 15:02

  4. Podcast: Nick Montfort, “Poet/Programmers, Artist/Programmers, and Scholar/Programmers: What and Who Are They?”

    Computer programming is a general-purpose way of using computation. It can be instrumental (oriented toward a predefined end, as with the development of well-specified apps and Web services) or exploratory (used for artistic work and intellectual inquiry). Professor Nick Monfort’s emphasis in this talk, as in his own work, is on exploratory programming, that type of programming which can be used as part of a creative or scholarly methodology. He says a bit about his own work but uses much of the discussion to survey how many other poet/programmers, artist/programmers, and scholar/programmers are creating radical new work and uncovering new insights.

    09:08 p5.js
    12:38 The Deletionist
    14:26 Permutated Poems of Poems of Brion Gysin
    18:18 Curveship
    21:00 A Noise Such As a Man Might Make
    24:03 Oral Poetics
    29:35 Q&A

    Scott Rettberg - 01.10.2019 - 14:31

  5. Locating Stephanie Strickland's True North

    Many essays about the hypertext poem, "True North," address Stephanie Strickland's use of color and maps, such as Deena Larsen and Richard Higgason's "An Anatomy of Anchors" and its instantiation into two distinct media forms, such as Joseph Tabbi's "Stephanie Strickland's True North: A Migration between Media." Strickland herself has written essays about the work, most notably "Quantum Poetics: Six Thoughts," where she reminds readers that her work "investigate[s] oscillation between image, text, sounds, and animation, both within and between hypertextually linked units" (32). This essay, therefore, takes a different tack from these excellent examples. It offers a discussion of the work's history of production, which is necessary for establishing valid information about versions and dates, and its mechanics because experiencing the hypertext poem will soon no longer be possible for readers. 

    Dene Grigar - 31.12.2019 - 01:13

  6. Rebooting Electronic Literature: Documenting Pre-Web Born Digital Media Volume 2

    Rebooting Electronic Literature, Volume 2 is an open-source, multimedia book that documents seven pre-web works of electronic literature held in the Electronic Literature Lab's (ELL) library at WSUV. Written and produced by the 2019 ELL Team—Dene Grigar, Nicholas Schiller, Holly Slocum, Mariah Gwin, Kathleen Zoller, Moneca Roath, and Andrew Nevue—the book features Traversals of Kathyrn Cramer's "In Small & Large Pieces," Deena Larsen's Samplers, Richard Holeton's Figurski at Findhorn on Acid, Tim McLaughlin's Notes Toward Absolute Zero, and Stephanie Strickland's True North. Released December 2019.

    Source: Dene Grige's website

    Dene Grigar - 31.12.2019 - 01:26

  7. Novissima verba: huellas digitales / electrónicas / cibernéticas en la poesía latinoamericana

    Luis Correa-Díaz se pregunta en esta serie de ensayos si la literatura electrónica está o no hoy por alcanzar esa velocidad de escape de la fuerza gravitacional de la literatura tradicional. ¿Cómo se negocia en esta época el valor literario, el estatus de lo escrito, la desaparición o permanencia del libro en esta etapa de transición y adaptación literaria?
    Pareciera haber en español una escasez de discursos críticos e iniciativas de estudio que den cuenta de estas significativas mutaciones culturales. De allí la especial importancia de este libro que se presenta de referencia obligada, especialmente para los estudios de obras iberoamericanas, en los que se centra esta publicación.

    (Source: Belén Gache, Publisher's website)

    Alvaro Seica - 25.08.2020 - 10:58

  8. The Posthuman

    This book offers an original and accessible introduction to the contemporary debates on the notion of the posthuman. It develops two lines of argument. First, contemporary market economies profit from the control and commodification of all forms of life. 'Second Life', genetically modified food, advanced prosthetics, robotics and reproductive technologies are familiar facets of our globally linked and technologically mediated societies. This high degree of bio-technological development results in hybridization, erasing categorical distinctions between the human and other species, seeds, plants, animals and machines. The dislocations produced by posthuman cultures therefore make possible a critique of anthropocentrism. Post-anthropocentric politics, as exemplified by environmentalism, encompass not only other species but also the sustainability of our planet as a whole.

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.09.2020 - 12:04

  9. Early Electronic Literature in the Romantic Tradition

    In searching for literary models for digital writing, current scholarship will often suggest James Joyce, yet pioneering writers working directly indigital forms looked repeatedly instead to British Romantic authors. This dissertation examines the early history of electronic literature, showing the significance of a Romantic tradition with which a selection of digital authors self-consciously identified themselves and their goals. Electronic literature is an emerging genre of literary works which are designed to be read on a computer, and by focusing on the pre-Web 2.0 era, my project looks specifically to the largely text-based sub-genres of interactive fiction and hypertext fiction, non-linear works which respectively enable progression through text inputs from users or clicking hyperlinks. Though many major scholars of digital humanities are Romanticists by training, the critical history of electronic literature focuses heavily on the genre’s modernist and postmodernist contexts.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.09.2020 - 15:15

  10. Towards a digital poetics

    This thesis extrapolates electronic literature’s différance, proposing an ontology of the form through critical inspection of its traits and peculiarities. Rather than offering a prescriptive definition of electronic literature, this thesis takes an ontological approach through descriptive exploration. In essence, my approach is anti-essentialist, in that I dismiss the view that electronic literature has a specific set of attributes. As will be explored throughout, there are aesthetic properties which frequently emerge, but the implication of their presence remains transient, to the point where electronic literature cannot be one thing, for to be so, it could not be literary. Computational aesthetics resist stable definition, so if we are to achieve an understanding of what separates electronic literature – if it is indeed, separate – from its non-digital counterparts, then we must do so through an articulation of those differences which may, at first, be less apparent. It is an impossibility to state what electronic literature is, as in doing so, one is oblivious to what it might become.

    Martin Li - 16.09.2020 - 15:07
