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  1. The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age

    The Philosophy of Software: Code and Mediation in the Digital Age

    David M. Berry - 21.09.2010 - 11:06

  2. Der digitale Autor. Autorschaft im Zeitalter des Internets

    Der digitale Autor. Autorschaft im Zeitalter des Internets

    Florian Hartling - 05.05.2011 - 11:07

  3. Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineers through Society

    Written for a large public interested in renewing the understanding of scientific practice and its connection with the rest of society this book uses anecdotes, case studies, examples from many different periods and disciplines, to define rules of methods which can be used in following scientists around; the key role is given to non-humans, that is to associations that cut accross the former divide between nature and society. It can be used as a general introduction to science studies. (Source:

    Alvaro Seica - 14.02.2014 - 10:45

  4. Live/Archive: Occupy MLA

    More than other netprovs, Occupy MLA [OMLA] lays bare the ethical and performative capacities of the genre. Both a live performance and an enduring if volatile media artifact, OMLA leaves "data contrails": digital traces of real-time reader participation that slowly decay and become less coherent over time. This decay creates an enduring performance record that distorts the live experience of it. In this essay, the shareable, spreadable and appropriative aspects of netprov as a "born digital" live reading/writing interface are considered. The sheer volume of OMLA's tweets and its installation as time-based art create a primary text whose "primacy" is functionally impossible. Part one of the essay examines how and why OMLA's 3000-tweet archive, #OMLA hashtag, and abundant paraphrastic materials actually take readers further from the live experience rather than closer in.

    Kathi Inman Berens - 19.09.2014 - 16:45

  5. Writing Coastlines: Locating Narrative Resonance in Transatlantic Communications Networks

    The term ‘writing coastlines’ implies a double meaning. The word ‘writing’ refers both to the act of writing and to that which is written. The act of writing translates aural, physical, mental and digital processes into marks, actions, utterances, and speech-acts. The intelligibility of that which is written is intertwined with both the context of its production and of its consumption. The term ‘writing coastlines’ may refer to writing about coastlines, but the coastlines themselves are also writing insofar as they are translating physical processes into marks and actions. Coastlines are the shifting terrains where land and water meet, always neither land nor water and always both. The physical processes enacted by waves and winds may result in marks and actions associated with both erosion and accretion. Writing coastlines are edges, ledges, legible lines caught in the double bind of simultaneously writing and erasing. These in-between places are liminal spaces, both points of departure and sites of exchange. One coastline implies another, implores a far shore. The dialogue implied by this entreaty intrigues me.

    J. R. Carpenter - 22.11.2014 - 21:44

  6. The Riderly Text: The Joy of Networked Improv Literature

    This essay aims to discuss literary pleasure, new media literacy, and networked improv literature (netprov). In particular, the author will discuss the challenges of "close-reading" the Speidishow, a netprov enacted via Twitter (and a constellation of supplementary web-based media) over a period of several weeks. In the process of trying to understand the dynamics of reading on Twitter, the author of this essay created a Twitter account, @BrutusCorbin, and consulted with the writers about plot structure. Through active engagement with the fictional world, Corbin quickly became embroiled in a sub-plot. Seeking distance from the active plots which Corbin was involved in, his author created two new characters, @FelixMPastor and @FrannyCheshire, to explore different aspects of the fictional world. Pastor and Cheshire were subsequently dragged into the story, as well.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.02.2015 - 09:25

  7. The American Hypertext Novel, and Whatever Became of It?

    The chapter provides a brief history of experiments in the hypertext novel in America during the 1990s. The 1990 Eastgate publication of Michael Joyce’s Afternoon, A Story earned hypertext fiction a place within institutionalised literary culture. Robert Coover’s 1992 essay "The End of Books" announced hypertext fiction as a challenge to traditional conceptions such as narrative linearity, the sense of closure, and the “desire for coherence.” While some theorists, such as George Landow, praised hypertext for instantiating poststructuralist theory, others such as Sven Birkerts, in The Gutenberg Elegies, regarded it with strong concern. The publication of more hypertext fictions such as Stuart Moulthrop’s Victory Garden (1991) and Shelley Jackson’s Patchwork Girl (1995) resulted in a small, dedicated interest community. However, no paradigm-shifting rise in interest took place.

    Scott Rettberg - 26.04.2015 - 16:27

  8. Posthyperfiction: Practices in Digital Textuality

    By the turn of the millennium hypertext fiction was no longer the predominant form of digital writing produced by authors of electronic literature. In recent years, electronic poetry is more often produced than hypertext fiction, and rich multimedia largely predominates over text. Yet some notable exceptions, such as Judd Morrissey’s database narrative The Last Performance (2007), and Paul La Farge’s Luminous Airplanes (2011) are continuing to push the hypertext novel in some new directions. If hypertext per se is no longer predominant, many aspects of hypertext fiction, such as trigger actions that extend narrative texts and texts that integrate elements of spatial navigation, are increasingly integrated into newer forms such as locative narrative and virtual reality narratives.

    Scott Rettberg - 27.04.2015 - 09:51

  9. The Internet Unconscious: On the Subject of Electronic Literature

    There is electronic literature that consists of works, and the authors and communities and practices around such works. This is not a book about that electronic literature. It is not a book that charts histories or genres of this emerging field, not a book setting out methods of reading and understanding. The Internet Unconscious is a book on the poetics of net writing, or more precisely on the subject of writing the net. By 'writing the net', Sandy Baldwin proposes three ways of analysis: 1) an understanding of the net as a loosely linked collocation of inscriptions, of writing practices and materials ranging from fundamental TCP/IP protocols to CAPTCHA and Facebook; 2) as a discursive field that codifies and organizes these practices and materials into text (and into textual practices of reading, archiving, etc.), and into an aesthetic institution of 'electronic literature'; and 3) as a project engaged by a subject, a commitment of the writers' body to the work of the net.

    Hannah Ackermans - 26.08.2015 - 16:53

  10. Autorschaft und digitale Literatur: Geschichte, Medienpraxis und Theoriebildung

    Autorschaft und digitale Literatur widmet sich dem Phänomen der Neukonfiguration der Trias Autor, Leser und Text in Literatur, die den Computer als ästhetisches Ausdrucksmedium nutzt. Dabei beantwortet der Band die als beängstigend attribuierte Frage nach dem Autor dieses "neuen Etwas", indem erstmals ein systematisches Beschreibungsverfahren für das Zusammenspiel aller an der Textproduktion und -rezeption Beteiligten vorgestellt wird. Mit dem Entwurf des theoretischen Modells des Textuellen Handlungsraums überbrückt Zimmermann auch die bisher angenommene strukturelle Distanz zwischen gedruckter und digitaler Literatur. Der detaillierten Analyse exemplarischer kanonischer Werke der englischsprachigen digitalen Literatur ist ein grundlegender komparatistischer Überblick über die Entwicklung dieser Literaturform vorangestellt, die in ihren definierenden Eigenschaften gleichsam als Fortsetzung einer viel älteren Literaturgeschichte aufgefasst wird. Auch die Geschichte von Autorschaft und der Reflexion über Autorschaft wird von Zimmermann ausführlich nachgezeichnet.

    Heiko Zimmermann - 30.10.2015 - 22:08
