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  1. Opacità

    Opacity is a 4-part short interactive story.
    We live in an age of obsession with transparency especially in politics and business.
    But in our personal relationships, what is the point of being transparent to oneself and to others ? The following interactive narrative commends a kind of opacity which is meant as an in-between. It is the story of a journey from a dream of transparency to a desire for opacity.

    Source: Author's description on work's website

    Patricia Tomaszek - 08.07.2012 - 14:14

  2. Opacity

    Opacity is a 4-part short interactive story.
    We live in an age of obsession with transparency especially in politics and business.
    But in our personal relationships, what is the point of being transparent to oneself and to others ? The following interactive narrative commends a kind of opacity which is meant as an in-between. It is the story of a journey from a dream of transparency to a desire for opacity.

    (Source: Author's description on work's website)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 08.07.2012 - 14:26

  3. The Madeleine Effect

    "The Madeleine Effect" is a digital story project, an artistic look at ways to incorporate a creative text based story in the linear format and language styling of a novel into the game world. 

    I believe that when a primarily text-based fiction story is created in a visual narrative medium, it can be utilized to prompt the user to act as a character. The user therefore may be guided to perform through a narrative. I am interested in looking at interactive fiction from the perspective of a writer aiming to invite meaningful interaction leading towards playful behaviors, or acting, on the part of the player. 

    "The Madeleine Effect" is a fiction story that is experienced through both digital and print media. The story interface aims to be interactive through the player's performance, which is demonstrated by inputting text into the story while playing a defined role. The interactivity in this project is focused at this time so as to more easily observe the ideas I am exploring. My hope is that this project will spur thought and conversation about ideas for increased interactivity and a more intelligent technical structure.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 16:16

  4. Slamming the Sonnet

    Slamming the Sonnet is a website emerging from the collaborative partnership of Jayne Fenton Keane (poet) and David Keane (artist and programmer). It investigates the construction of virtual bodies by using Slam poetry as a device to explore implications of re-theorizing the role of authors in habitats of poetry that are made of technological flesh rather than processed tree matter.

    This site investigates alternative models of interactivity through engagement with a virtual body made of space, movement, sound and flesh. It becomes terra electra, replete with multiple species of texts, some of which evolve in direct response to the user's actions. It becomes a dismembered cyborg that becomes a part of you as you navigate through it; as your senses are seduced by its voices, breathing and gaze. In other words, it interacts with you beyond the computer screen; it infiltrates your body. It subverts identity and creates a hyperreal competition where everyone is given equal status in its time and space: dead or alive, famous or unknown.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.01.2013 - 23:12

  5. Big Swing

    Big Swing is a semi-non-linear, online narrative that mixes text, photography, sound design, video and interactivity. The story is designed to be explored rather than read. Delivered in semi-non-linear modules, the piece attempts to introduce and resolve tension in the manner of a traditional narrative, while still providing the user some degree of choice and control.

    Exploring the story: Click on the small squares and words to reveal story fragments. Yellow words connect to the next chapter.

    Scott Rettberg - 11.04.2013 - 12:18

  6. Nada tiene sentido

    Nada tiene sentido (Nothing makes sense) by Isabel Ara and Iñaki Lorenzo is a digital diary whose narrator is desperate because he cannot get out of his bedroom, the only thing he can do is typing how he feels on his computer. Once we are reading and watching this autobiography we realize that we are reading the reflections of a schizophrenic person that finishes by losing the logical word order and whose identity is fragmented until it dissolves itself into the virtual space. ("Literatura digital en español" de Dolores Romero López) (

    Maya Zalbidea - 15.06.2014 - 21:17

  7. (Re)Playing The Lottery

    (Re)Playing The Lottery is a dynamic reinterpretation of Shirley Jackson's famous short story, "The Lottery." It presents a scenario in which the interactor is a a citizen of the small town on the day of the fateful lottery, and must move through the story by making various choices which result in random outcomes - no matter how many times the story is played, past results are no guide to future outcome. Just as the story hinges on the chance selection of a marked ballot from a box, this piece employs chance selection as its central mechanic, demonstrating one way in which interactive media can help readers inhabit and interrogate existing texts from multiple perspectives. (Source: ELO Conference 2014)

    Thor Baukhol Madsen - 05.02.2015 - 15:52

  8. daddylabyrinth

    daddylabyrinth is an interactive new media memoir, a combination of traditional writing and personal video assembled and delivered through the authoring system SCALAR <>. It exists at the cusp of several forms—the lyric essay, the archive, the family history, the home movie—and delves into questions that shape our contemporary narrative practices, such as navigational readership and new ways of experiencing the cinematic. daddylabyrinth is a father/son book, in a long tradition of such, refracted through the lens of new media’s narrative possibilities. The legacies of my father that I carry—objects he left behind and a flotilla of unresolved emotions that continue to vex my self-identity nearly forty years after his death, when I am a father myself— resist any single linear narrative. I turned to SCALAR for this project because it lets me create multiple, interlocking narrative lines, through which I explore interrelationships between objects, incidents, and impressions.

    Thor Baukhol Madsen - 06.02.2015 - 11:45

  9. Two Roads Diverged

    "Two Roads Diverged" is a story of family loss and its aftermath. Using Robert Frost's famous poem "The Road Not Taken" as its metaphorical model, this interactive narrative offers brief glimpses into the paths three children take after the accidental death of their parents. The narrative also offers a view--through archetypal imagery and remote voices--of the darker side of the family's tragic past.

    (Source: Author's Description)

    Alvaro Seica - 16.04.2015 - 11:15

  10. 80 Days

    80 Days is an interactive fiction game released by Inkle on iOS platforms on July 31, 2014 and Android on December 16, 2014. It was released on Microsoft Windows and OS X on September 29, 2015. It employs branching narrative storytelling, allowing the player to make choices that impact the plot. The plot is loosely based on Jules Verne's novel Around the World in Eighty Days. (Source: Wikipedia)

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.02.2017 - 14:09
