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  1. The Dreamlife of Letters

    A Flash animation, based on a text by Rachel Blau DuPlessis, that attempts to explore the ground between classic concrete poetry, avant-garde feminist practice, and "ambient" poetics (that's really just plain fun to watch).

    (Source: Author's Description from ELC Vol. 1)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.09.2010 - 16:54

  2. Lexia to Perplexia

    Author description: Lexia to Perplexia is a deconstructive/grammatological examination of the "delivery machine." The text of the work falls into the gaps between theory and fiction. The work makes wide use of DHTML and JavaScript. At times its interactive features override the source text, leading to a fragmentary reading experience. In essence, the text does what it says: in that, certain theoretical attributes are not displayed as text but are incorporated into the functionality of the work. Additionally, Lexia to Perplexia explores new terms for the processes and phenomena of attachment. Terms such as "metastrophe" and "intertimacy" work as sparks within the piece and are meant to inspire further thought and exploration. There is also a play between the rigorous and the frivolous in this "exe.termination of terms." The Lexia to Perplexia interface is designed as a diagrammatic metaphor, emphasizing the local (user) and remote (server) poles of network attachment while exploring the "intertimate" hidden spaces of the process.

    (Source: Author's description from Electronic LIterature Collection, Volume 1)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.09.2010 - 17:11

  3. The Jew's Daughter

    The Jew's Daughter is an interactive, non-linear, multivalent narrative, a storyspace that is unstable but nonetheless remains organically intact, progressively weaving itself together by way of subtle transformations on a single virtual page.

    (Source: Authors' description from ELC 1.)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 17.09.2010 - 21:56

  4. Galatea

    Galatea is a work of interactive fiction set in an art gallery an undetermined amount of time in the future. The player takes on the role of an unnamed art critic examining works of personality referred to in the story as “animates.” Galatea is the name of one such animate however, unlike the other exhibits at the museum (which are forays into rudimentary artificial intelligence,) Galatea was a sculpted women who simply willed herself to life. The player must interact with Galatea through text commands until they get one of several endings.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 14.01.2011 - 12:57

  5. House of Leaves

    House of Leaves

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:42

  6. Tierra de Extracción

    Author description: The first part of the project, Tierra de Extracción 1.0, was begun in 1996 and completed in 2000 for the Multimedia Writing Seminar promoted by the Center for Communication Research at the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (Caracas). In a quest for a multimedia rhetoric, we then began to develop Tierra de Extracción 2.0, which was completed and published in 2007. With 63 hypermedia chapters, the action takes place in the region of Zulia, in a town called Menegrande, the location of the first big Venezuelan oil well: Zumaque I, which started the commercial era of oil production in the country in 1914. The narration occurs in three distinct periods: the beginning and ending of the 20th century and a period in between. At a certain moment, which very well can be the beginning or the end according to the path taken by the reader, the stories break their natural timeline and are united in the same space.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 15:12

  7. Califia

    Califia is a multimedia, interactive, hypertext fiction for CD-ROM. Califia allows the reader to wander and play in the landscape of historic/magic California. It is a computer-only creation of interactive stories, photos, graphics, maps, music, and movement. It has Three Narrating Characters, Four Directions of the Compass, Star Charts, Map Case, Archives Files, 500 Megabytes, 800 Screens, 2400 Images, 30 Songs, and 500 Words.

    One scholar has written of Califia that it is designed to lead the reader "to discover the lost cache of California through her wanderings within the story space." Another writer calls it "a metaphysical quest rather than a conventional mystery", noting that the central question of the treasure remains unresolved. It has been termed a classic work of hypermedia, and literary critic and hypertext scholar Katherine Hayles has cited it as one of the establishing texts for electronic literature.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 16:04

  8. Basho's Frogger and JABBER

    Matsuo Basho, the inventor of Haiku, penned the following poem (translation R. H. Blyth): "The old pond / A frog jumps in / The sound of water." A few hundred years later, the concrete poet dom silvester houédard offered his rendition: "pond / frog / plop." Fifty years after that, a Zen video game appearerd celebrating one of the most famous haiku. Basho's Frogger was produced as a response to derek beaulieu and Gary Barwin's Frogments from the Frag Pool, a book of Basho translations. JABBER produces nonsense words that sound like English words, in the way that the portmanteau words from Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" sound like English words. When a letter comes into contact with another letter or group of letters, a calculation occurs to determine whether they bond according to the likelihood that they would appear contiguously in the English lexicon. Clusters of letters accumulate to form words, which results in a dynamic nonsense word sound poem floating around on the screen with each iteration of the generator. JABBER realises a linguistic chemistry with letters as atoms and words as molecules.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.02.2011 - 08:07

  9. Disappearing Rain

    Deena Larsen's Disappearing Rain is one of the major works of web-based digital narrative, written in 2000. It is studied in various universities worldwide and has been critically reviewed by scholars in the field of digital fiction. In essence, the plot revolves around the disappearance of Anna and her family’s attempts to piece together what has happened to her: "The only trace left of Anna, a freshman at the University of California, Berkeley, is an open internet connection in the computer in her neatly furnished dorm room." The detective story unwinds, one link at a time, but even as readers explore Anna's disappearance, Larsen also orchestrates our own disappearance in the virtual reality of the Internet.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 22:27

  10. The Ed Report

    The Ed Report is a hypertextual US government document, describing the covert military exploits of a technical writer named Ed. (The coincidentally-named Ed Commission produced this once top-secret report.) Epic hero Ed leaves off his ordinary life - in which he writes software documentation, takes care of his autistic younger brother, and pursues early Near Eastern scholarship - as he is pressed into service as an Akkadian code-talker during an undercover operation in Colombia.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 14.03.2011 - 12:34
