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  1. Post-Chapter Dialogue, Simanowski and Ricardo

    Post-Chapter Dialogue, Simanowski and Ricardo

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.06.2012 - 11:33

  2. Post-Chapter Dialoge, Raley and Ricardo

    Post-Chapter Dialoge, Raley and Ricardo

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.06.2012 - 11:38

  3. Post-Chapter Dialogue, Gendolla and Ricardo

    Post-Chapter Dialogue, Gendolla and Ricardo

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.06.2012 - 14:44

  4. Communitizing Electronic Literature

    Electronic literature is an important evolving field of artistic practice and literary study. It is a sector of digital humanities focused specifically on born-digital literary artifacts, rather than on using the computer and the network to redistribute, analyze, or recontextualize artifacts of print culture. Works of electronic literature appeal to configurative reading practices. The field of electronic literature is based on a gift economy and developing a network-based literary culture built on the collaborative practices of a globally distributed community of artists, writers, and scholars. This article situates the development of the field of electronic literature within academe, some of the institutional challenges currently confronting the field, and its potential for further development.

    Source: author's abstract (dhq)

    A draft version of this article was presented as "Communitizing Electronic Literature" at the 2008 ELO Conference.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 24.08.2012 - 15:56

  5. Digital Media Poetics presents Patricia Tomaszek

    Via skype, the author presents her work and gives a reading of two works "about nothing, places, memories, and thoughts: robert creeley (1926-2005) and patricia tomaszek in a cut and mixed poem-dialogue" and "Planting Trees Out of the Grief: In Memoriam Robert Creeley"

    Patricia Tomaszek - 28.08.2012 - 13:27

  6. Cannibalistic Tendencies in Digital Poetry: Recent Observations & Personal Practices

    Cannibalistic Tendencies in Digital Poetry: Recent Observations & Personal Practices

    Patricia Tomaszek - 26.09.2012 - 13:26

  7. Generative Visual Renku: Poetic Multimedia Semantics with the GRIOT System

    A polymorphic poem (polypoem) is a generative digital artwork that is constructed differently upon each instantiation, but can be meaningfully constrained according to aspects such as theme, metaphor, affect, and discourse structure. The Generative Visual Renku project presents a new form of concrete polymorphic poetry inspired by Japanese renku poetry, iconicity of Chinese character forms, and generative models from contemporary art. Calligraphic iconic illustrations are conjoined by the GRIOT system into a fanciful topography articulating the nuanced interplay between organic (natural or hand-created) and modular (mass-produced or consumerist) artifacts that saturate our lives. GRIOT, which is a system for composing generative and interactive narrative and poetic works, is used to semantically constrain generated output both visually and conceptually. On the one hand, this project extends the GRIOT architecture's support for composing graphics and has resulted in new theory to provide cognitive and semiotic groundings for the extension.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.10.2012 - 21:20

  8. The Aesthetics of Generative Literature: Lessons from a Digital Writing Workshop

    This paper explores a range of issues related to the pedagogy and practice of generative writing in programmable media. We begin with a brief description of the RiTa toolkit – a set of computational tools designed to facilitate the practice of generative writing. We then describe our experiences using these tools in a series of digital writing workshops at Brown University in 2007-2008. We discuss and theoretically examine a set of core issues raised by workshop participants — distributed authorship, the aesthetics of surprise, materiality, push-back, layering, and others — and attempt to situate them within the larger discourse of generative art and writing practice.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.10.2012 - 21:23

  9. Electronic Literature as an Information System

    Electronic literature is a term that encompasses artistic texts produced for printed media which are consumed in electronic format, as well as text produced for electronic media that could not be printed without losing essential qualities. Some have argued that the essence of electronic literature is the use of multimedia, fragmentation, and/or non-linearity. Others focus on the role of computation and complex processing. "Cybertext" does not sufficiently describe these systems. In this paper we propose that works of electronic literature, understood as text (with possible inclusion of multimedia elements) designed to be consumed in bi- or multi-directional electronic media, are best understood as 3-tier (or n-tier) information systems. These tiers include data (the textual content), process (computational interactions) and presentation (on-screen rendering of the narrative). The interaction between these layers produces what is known as the work of electronic literature.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 09.10.2012 - 21:30

  10. Artemídia e Cultura Digital

    Artemídia e Cultura Digital, de Artur Matuck e Jorge Luiz Antonio inaugura a coleção homônima que a Musa Editora lança ao mesmo tempo que o livro, divisão da Biblioteca Aula (abriga as diversas coleções da Musa), “Artemídia e Cultura Digital”, dirigida por Artur Matuck e amparada por um Conselho Editorial de notáveis que nos desvendará o novo de toda parte pela sugestão de autores e obras que darão continuidades às publicações. O livro reúne os textos produzidos no simpósio Acta Media III – Simpósio Internacional de Artemídia e Cultura Digital, que ocorreu não apenas no espaço físico e no tempo restrito das palestras e subsequentes debates, mas também nos domínios virtuais e nos tempos diferenciados de interlocução do ciberespaço. As palestras foram ministradas no auditório do MAC-USP, de setembro a dezembro de 2004, mas o processo virtual estendeu-se até março de 2005. A organização em livro, já prevista, ocorreu posteriormente e sua edição incorporou novos atores, com relevância no trabalho de design, tomando a cara gráfica do livro que ora lançamos.

    Luciana Gattass - 10.10.2012 - 15:41
