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  1. R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX - selected works

    R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) - selected works:

    an online journal of digital art and writing - 2006 to 2012

    R3/\/\1X\/\/0RX (remixworx) is a space for the remixing of digital media, including visual poetry (vispo), electronic poetry (flashpo), playable media, animation, music, spoken word, texts and more. It began as a blog in November 2006 and has grown to number over 500 individual works of media. The source material is made available and all media is freely given to be remixed. Each new work is remixed, literally or conceptually, from other works on the blog. Then, the new work is linked to the blog post(s) that contain the component parts, thus the blog 'talks to itself' - "I link therefore I am" (Mark Amerika). The project promotes no single 'author', and we keep dogma chained outside the gate. It is not a tame place, though, and artful innuendo is evident.

    Christine Wilks - 19.01.2012 - 16:08

  2. לקסם הבא אזדקק לכנפיים

    A collection of short stories published as images on Facebook.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.02.2012 - 21:13

  3. For My Next Illusion I Will Use Wings

    A collection of very short stories, published as images in a photo album on Facebook. This is a selection of the original Hebrew, translated by Jessica Cohen for, and published by, the journal Electric Literature.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 25.02.2012 - 21:26

  4. From Ireland with Letters

    Intertwining Irish history and generations of Irish American family memories in a work of polyphonic literature based on the rhythms of ancient Irish Poetry, the imagined lost Irish Sonata, the madrigal, streams and fountains, and Irish song, From Ireland with Lettersis an electronic manuscript of displacement, survival, and the role of art in the abolition of slavery.

    The central place of Irish music, displacement, disrupted tradition in the work of contemporary Irish authors is paralleled in this polyphonic Irish American electronic manuscript. Each part is separate and written in a different structure and tempo, but the whole is integrated by themes introduced in the opening Prologue. Although the workings of each section are different, as a general rule, the work can be read either by waiting for the text to change on its own (as if watching a film or listening to a piece of music) or by clicking on any lexia, in which case the reader takes control of how the story is explored in the manner of hypertext fiction.

    Judy Malloy - 28.03.2012 - 19:51

  5. SWALLOWS 2.0

    An updated version of his original 1985 work, recreated for the web by the author after Matthew Kirschenbaum rescued the source files from floppy disc.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 19.04.2012 - 03:00

  6. Waiting for Gwodot

    Samuel Becket’s Waiting for Godot, re-mediated for Web. In this project different parts of the play are appropriated for cyberspace. to examine different themes including: hyperlinked narration in cyberspace, experience of reading mediated by information retrieval tools, collaboratively generated content and conformism, our desires and anxieties in cyberspace and the temporal experience across different media. (source:

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.04.2012 - 13:58

  7. Eight Was Where It Ended

    The piece is a short poem written using a nested series of file folders on a computer desktop. The process of composition is animated, with a total run time of two and a half minutes followed by a pause before repeating. A scripting agent running on the command line controls a Finder window view of the desktop as folders are created, renamed, reshuffled, and nested within one another, forming the poem. What is presented is not a video recording - it runs live on the desktop file system in the gallery. The viewer watches as the poem is written in folders, expands, is dated and sorted into its final form, and finally disappears to start again.

    The work "Eight was where it ended" explores one story from the community of "Angel Baby" mothers - online communities dedicated to grieving for their unborn children in ways not afforded by society at large. It explores this identity position through the medium of digital file systems, in particular their embedded modes of representing temporality, the visible, and the hidden.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.04.2012 - 14:05

  8. Automatype

    Howe’s new piece, “Automatype,” which can be seen as either ambient text art, a weird game of solitaire for the computer, or an absorbing ongoing puzzle for a human viewer, is an apt demonstration of some of the powers of “RiTa,” as it uses algorithms to find the bridges between English words, Six-Degrees-of-Kevin-Bacon-style — not bridges of garbled nonsense but composed of normative English. You will spend either 10 seconds or 5 minutes staring at this thing; you will also see either a bunch of random words, or occasionally, if not always, engaging samples of minimalist poetry.

    (Source: The ELO 2012 Media Art Show.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.04.2012 - 15:33

  9. The 4th Search

    An email invites readers to visit a website. The website explains that the narrator is searching for his own replacement. The job to be filled is not explicitly described, but is implied to be extremely important: "While I cannot tell you the specifics of this arrangement, I can say my daily tasks are vital to everything. And by everything I mean exactly what the word implies. Without the simple and reoccurring tasks I complete, what you know now will no longer be." The questionaire, which is created in Google Forms, is extremely long and contains many bizarre questions which can possibly be read in a way that will provide a more complete story. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.04.2012 - 22:12

  10. Zombies, Run!

    This is a narrative running app, activated when you take your smart phone for a run. Players take on the person of ‘Runner 5,’ a scavenger in the app’s post-apocalyptic setting; their running playlist is sporadically interrupted by voice-recorded messages from other survivors, leading them to nearby supplies or warning them of approaching zombie hoards – so that half-hearted runners know that it’s time to pick up the pace. Narrative fragments are embedded between songs, and timed so that a story arc of 4-5 episodes will complete every twenty minutes, and that each subsquent fragment ends with a hook so the runner-reader will want to return for more. The narrative is locative but works anywhere, providing a fictional layer on top of an actual map of your surroundings where you can collect supplies and medicines, and where you must avoid zombies. The first season consists of 24 twenty minute episodes and there are plans for a second season. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 24.04.2012 - 22:40
