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“The infinite overflows the thought that thinks it” – Emmanuel Lévinas
What stories could the objects tell if they had their own voice to do so?
How would they narrate the human footprint and all the exhaustion, what would they say about our urgency to invent ways to inhabit the future? HYPER_D is an immersive experience habitable in the present and in the near future, where the user experiences a trip to the spatial excess of objects, the artificial and natural magnitude of our world and the invisible border that exists between them, which forces us to feel through the scale and speculation of some hyper-objects, which for now occupy such a disproportionate spatial phase that it makes them invisible to humans.Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 13:33
Adam Vidiksis
Adam Vidiksis
Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 13:53
Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 13:58
It will happen here, in Barcelona (Tindrà lloc aquí, a Barcelona)
Tindrà lloc aquí a Barcelona (It will happen here in Barcelona) is an immersive experience that reframes questions of sea-level rise, migration and extinction, in which familiar places — and the memories and dreams that attend them — are transformed by rising waters; the work gives rise to acts of recognition, utterance and transformation. Viewers travel along the marshlands and industrial wastelands of our local watershed and others worldwide that are shaped by industrialization. The sounds, images and text flow like waters, following a computer-code based system that gathers materials together in ever-changing experiences. Like ocean tides, the code-driven work is always changing. Roderick Coover’s images, gathered over the past decade from journeys on and around shorelines, combine with field recordings, voices and electronic music composed by Adam Vidiksis. Nick Montfort draws from Coover’s logs to create a continually evolving, poetic text.
Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 14:02
Frédéric Deslias
Frédéric Deslias
Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 15:25
Alain Damasio
Alain Damasio
Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 15:27
Poetry in virtual reality
Interactive immersive environment
By weaving imaginaries in the mode of biomimicry, Nh-9 is an immersive poetry experience that attempts to develop notions of interrelationships as guiding links to build scenes of symbiotic relationships between humans and non-humans. humans The aim of this project is to allow to be immersed in a state of sensory modifications (and/or mutations) in order to construct interconnected landscapes by imagining a living world – made up of beings and the relationships between these beings.Martijn Holtkamp - 21.05.2024 - 15:44
Christy Sheffield Sanford
Christy Sheffield Sanford
Dene Grigar - 21.05.2024 - 17:55
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer
Georg Philipp Harsdörffer was among the most prolific writers of the German Baroque (q.v.). In the wake of Martin Opitz' (q.v.) reforms which laid the foundation of early modern German literature, Harsdörffer flourished in Nuremberg by taking up and broadening Opitz' cause, and even going his own separate way: he co-founded (with Johann Klaj, 1616-56) the “Hirten- und Blumenorden an der Pegnitz” (The Pastoral Order of Shepherds and Flowers on the River Pegnitz, 1644), a language society whose goal it was to purify the German language along virtuous lines, to use dactyls instead of alternating iambics and to imitate the sounds of divine nature. (Source:
Alvaro Seica - 23.10.2013 - 10:57
Fünffacher Denckring der Teutschen Sprache
A set of five paper discs that when turned would produce German words. The first disc contained prefixes, the next three sounds or diphtongs and the last suffixes. Harsdörffer used this in the poetic process for finding rhymes. The work inspired Leibniz's Ars combinatorica and other work.
Jill Walker Rettberg - 20.10.2024 - 18:00