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  1. Triple Echo: Orpheus and Euridyce

    Tryptich interactive video installation, layering sound and video. As installation, a user would trigger the different speakers by walking in front of one of three screens. Dealing with the myth of Orpheus and Euridyce.

    Scott Rettberg - 04.05.2012 - 10:44

  2. Tafel 2/Blackboard 2

    Variation der Installation „Tafel“ von 1999. Die Handhabung des Interfaces geschieht auch hier über horizontales und vertikales Verschieben des Monitors, die dargestellten Bilder sind aber frei wählbar. Die Abbildungen zeigen die Arbeit während einer Veranstaltung bei Filesharing, Berlin und als permanente Installation in den Geschäftsräumen der Agentur Raumschiff, Hamburg.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 07.07.2012 - 01:08

  3. Bodybuilding

    Bodybuilding is an interactive installation which ironically stages the relation between the body, technology, and language. The user is active in a bodybuilding machine. Moving the weights, he or she affects the text movement on the screen in front of him or her. The text consists of erotic fragments stored in a database and selected randomly according to the user’s action. Here, the body, being a consuming and styling object of the Techno-culture, serves—paradoxically in full action—for the imaginative access to the verbally mediated erotic world, where the body simultaneously is a central theme. However, during the reading process, the user’s hands have to remain above the blankets—i.e., on the machine. Beyond, the textual dialog simultaneously functions as a commentary on the user’s situation in the machine.

    Source: p0es1s exhibition catalog record, 2004

    Patricia Tomaszek - 07.07.2012 - 01:18

  4. Baby Work

    BABY WORK is the 3rd edition of Cheang's LOCKER BABY PROJECT which consist of:
    BABY PLAY (2001, NTT[ICC], Tokyo) and BABY LOVE (2005, Palais de Tokyo, Paris).
    The Locker Baby project conceived in 2001 reflects a time when bioscience is accused
    of out of control and scifi fantasia brings forward the future. Deriving from Ryu
    Murakami's noted novel Coin Locker Babies (1980) of post-war Japan , the Locker Baby
    Project further contests the mother’s heart beats that are so desired for clone babies
    born out of lockers. A fictional scenario set in 2030 - the transnational DPT (DollyPolly
    Transgency) produces and engages clone locker babies in negotiating human "Memory"
    and "Emotion”. The clone baby holds the key to retrieve the networked inter-sphere of
    ME-data embedded in a playfield of sonic imagery triggered only by human interaction.
    In BABY PLAY, an oversized baby football field with clone baby players; in BABY LOVE, a
    ride in 6 motorized fairground teacups with love song remixed by clone babies; in BABY

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 16.08.2012 - 16:09

  5. Labylogue

    Labylogue est un espace de conversation.

    Dans trois lieux différents reliés par Internet, Bruxelles, Lyon , Dakar , les visiteurs déambulent dans un labyrinthe virtuel en quête de l’autre.

    Deux à deux ils dialoguent en français.

    A mi-chemin entre le livre et la Bibliothèque de Babel de Borgès, les murs se tapissent de phrases générées en temps réel, qui sont autant d’interprétations du dialogue en cours. A son tour le texte fait l’objet d’une interprétation orale qui anime l’espace du labyrinthe tel un choeur de synthèse qui vagabonde sur les rives de la langue en action.

    La médiation numérique introduit dans la communication des couches d’interprétation qui échappent à l’intention brouillant parfois le sens. La parole reprend alors ses droits. Elle glisse sur l’interprétation de la machine en privilégiant le contact là où la trace écrite dérive.rive.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 23.08.2012 - 13:20

  6. Deep Walls

    Deep Walls is a projected cabinet of cinematic memories. When a person walks into its projection beam, the interactive wall starts recording his shadow, and the shadows of those who follow. When the last person leaves the frame, the shadows replay within one of sixteen small rectangular cupboards, looping indefinitely. Like structuralist films, the collection of repetitive videos becomes an object unto-itself, rather than strictly representational “movie.”

    Deep Walls creates a complex temporal relationship between movie loops. Each small shadow-film has the precise duration of its recording: from a few seconds to several hours. The temporal relationship between the sixteen frames becomes complex—in a manner similar to Brian Eno’s tape loop experiments—looping individual recordings of different durations to create a composition that doesn’t repeat for days.

    (Source: Artist's description)

    Scott Rettberg - 08.10.2012 - 14:06

  7. Digital Literature and Arts II

    Digital Literature and Arts II

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.10.2012 - 12:10

  8. Making Visible the Invisible

    Installation at the Seattle Central Library, 6 LCD Screens on glass wall, 45" x 24' (2005-2014)

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.10.2012 - 12:27

  9. UPC

    In this looped and silent installation-poem 7-foot tall letters are projected against the wall. They emerge out of focus on the right, move across diagonally into focus, and disappear again out of focus to the left. Literal and at the same time metaphorical, the verbal material evokes multiple analogies: "Nothing Above To Left Or Right Nothing Below". (source: author)

    Luciana Gattass - 25.11.2012 - 20:00

  10. See/Saw

    see/saw is an interactive installation in which visitors’ manipulations of a real see-saw control the fluctuation of power and emotion in the story of an intimate relationship. A pair of words are projected on the walls behind the people on the see-saw—one word from each pair on the wall behind each person. As visitors see-saw up and down, new pairs fade in and out based on the angle of the see-saw. Participants’ motion also causes an audio track heard through speakers embedded in the see-saw to advance. When participants stop moving, the audio fragments into an ‘up’ and ‘down’ segment heard by the ‘up’ and ‘down’ participant respectively. The audio clips relate to the projected word that each person can see, and the ‘up’ or ‘down’ position in the narrated relationship. This piece, along with Come to Pieces—an interactive video portrait, were created during Chapman and Utterback’s month long residency at Grand Central Art Center in 2001.

    (Source: author website)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.08.2013 - 14:46
