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  1. Separation / Séparation

    Author description: This text was written during a stay in the hospital in 2001. Computer workers often neglect their bodies and by doing so they risk the development of a Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The visitors of Separation / Séparation are compelled to click slowly (as someone recovering from RSI) in order to see how words appear, one by one. Every now and then an exercise for an RSI patient is proposed and all interaction with the computer is postponed. The text seems to be about a separation between human beings, but the last two phrases reveal that it is about a separation between a human being and a computer. The exercises in this piece are based on the exercises in WorkPace, a software tool that assists in the recovery and prevention of RSI. (Author's abstract.)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 21.02.2011 - 11:10

  2. Dreamaphage


    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 27.04.2011 - 14:09

  3. Cunnilingus in North Korea

    "Cunnilingus in North Korea" is a work that challenges both the political system of North Korea and the sexualisation of Western Society.

    This piece places a purported text by Kim Jong-Il in conversation with Nina Simone’s “See-Line Woman” in perfectly sexy YHCHI fashion. Whether the text is real or not is beside the question (I would like to believe it is) because the “Dear Leader” of North Korea provides a speaker and frame of reference that shapes how we understand the text particularly when juxtaposed with the music and lyrics sung by Simone. The text displayed on the screen is mostly by Kim Jong-Il, interspersed with some “Oh”s by Simone, creating a dialectic where male and female, communism and capitalism, North and South Korea, East and West, meet. Consider how the contrast between the seductive, commodified sexual politics sung by Simone’s and the political propaganda of sexual liberation offered by Kim Jong-Il’s text come together to help us rethink the granting or denial of sexual favors as a type of currency.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 08.09.2011 - 21:40

  4. 0perati0n Nuk0rea

    The tale of a fictional war between North Korea and South Korea/the USA. As opposed to many other works produced by Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries, the text in this piece moves upwards from the bottom of the frame, giving the reader an experience closer to that of reading a book.

    The work was converted from Adobe Flash format to video around 2021.

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 08.09.2011 - 21:45

  5. 3 Proposals for Bottle Imps

    This suite of three exquisitely paced narrative poems tell stories labelled as allegories of “Genius,” “Ambition,” and “Envy” yet structured as instructions for the design of bottle imps. <—-(This would be the place where I would normally place a link to a resource, but it is unnecessary for this work because Poundstone has put together a meticulously researched and insightful FAQ page.) In this FAQ page, he makes a case for these automata as fitting metaphors for electronic literature, because they are life-like creatures that are animated by mechanisms to produce a looping behavior on a scheduled performance. Indeed, these poems enact the metaphor very well as looping Flash animations used to deliver a narrative through tactical portioning and formatting of a prose text into lines, stanzas, and other visual organizational structures and carefully scheduled delivery of each portion. The careful attention to line structure elevates the prosaic language to poetry, and its scheduled presentation to e-poetry. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 08.02.2013 - 19:33

  6. Nine: Puzzling through Several Lives

    This poem is mapped onto a nine tile sliding puzzle, the kind that traditionally has a single image that one can scramble or unscramble. The interface for this is the same, but Lewis throws a curve ball in this piece: every time the reader moves a tile— perhaps with the hope of completing the image— the image changes. One set of images is a photograph of Lewis himself, and another is a kind of map, suggesting that if we could complete it, we’d see him or where he’s from. But identity isn’t that simple to put together, particularly in the case of someone with such a diverse ethnic background as Lewis. Keep this idea in mind as you read the text as you attempt to complete the puzzle— will you get closure from this piece by completing the puzzle or is this denied much like easy answers about identity are to Lewis? (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 10.02.2013 - 15:50

  7. Conversation

    This suite of three sound poems (or three-part poem) were inspired by Glenn Gould and his experiments with musique concrète. Nelson uses audio recordings of interviews on three topics— injuries, products, and robots— and places them on an interface that allows you to mix 8 clips at different volume levels and audio panning (sending signal to the left or right speakers). This can be used to listen to a single voice or place multiple voices in conversation, adjusting their virtual proximity (volume) and relative position in order to construct a sense of space in which people discuss a topic. Each interface is visually and thematically designed with a different background images, slider knobs, and an animated morphed image. The image above is from “Injury Analysis” and the following two are from “Product Sermon” and “Robot Party.”

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 10.02.2013 - 20:05

  8. Deseo - Desejo - Desire: 3 Erotic Anipoems

    Three short animated poems about desire, made in Flash.

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 28.02.2013 - 19:41

  9. Orbital

    This poem is the result of two creative collaborations: Max Dunlop’s poem “orbital: a postcard to space travel” and Neil Jenkins’ generative engine that creates an entirely different experience of the work. A conceptual link is that of human communication across space. The idea of a postcard is very tied to travel, since they can be sent through a postal service anywhere on the planet to a physical address. This paper-based model of human communication doesn’t work well when people leave the planet, requiring technologies that work with electronic signals. During a time of digital networks, packets are still being sent from one address to another, but they are digital sequences sent to numerical IP addresses, translated into more natural language by DNS servers. (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Hannelen Leirvåg - 09.03.2013 - 21:15

  10. Útero portanto Cosmos (Uterus therefore Cosmos)

    According to its author, Agnus Valente, “Uterus therefore Cosmos” is a kind of work in progress developed during the years 2003 to 2007. In this project, several e-poems created by Valente and his twin brother, Nardo Germano, explores the expressive and conceptual potential of the World Wide Web. “Uterus therefore Cosmos” brings together in one digital environment, works by visual artists, poets and musicians from different eras. Valente proposes a dialogue between his poems authored with his brother and the work of brazilian poets and visual artists. ”Uterus therefore Cosmos” is metaphorically a project of astronomical dimensions. Conceived as a trilogy, the project presents in one website its three stages of creation: “Online Pregnancy” (2003), “Constellations” (2005) and “Expansions” (2007). A keyword to analyze this work is “hybridization”. In this context, the term refers to the ability of mixing signs, senses, media and languages and where all this mixing occurs is undoubtedly the digital medium. Based on the theoretical concepts of “intertextuality” and “Intersemiotic translation” Agnus Valente sets the DNA of his poetics. (Source: Luís Claudio Fajardo, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    Ian Rolon - 09.04.2014 - 21:29