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  1. The Roar of Destiny

    Described by as "...a perfect example of thought and physical interaction working together... ", The Roar of Destiny is a hyperpoem constructed with hundreds of intertwined lexias. A dense interface of links that lead to fragmented story-bearing lexias, creates  an experience of environment and altered environment , and the reader, like the narrator, is involved in a continual struggle between the real and the virtual.

    Scott Rettberg - 02.07.2011 - 01:23

  2. To Find the White Cat in the Snow

    David Herrstrom's "To Find the White Cat in the Snow," takes the modernist practice of thematically or associatively linking sections of a poem, and carries it a step further with hypertext. Like Wallace Stevens in "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird," Herrstrom provides no narrative links between the sections of his poem. Unlike Stevens, Herrstrom is not constrained by the technology of print to present the stanzas of his poem sequentially, in a manner best suited to narrative. His poem is not a narrative and it is not ordered as if it were. It's ordering is hypertextual: the reader controls the sequence in which the stanzas appear and disappear. "To Find the White Cat . . ." is about, among other things, the difficulty of apprehension and the interrelationship of the phenomenal and the conceptual.

    (Source: The New River, Editor's note by Ed Falco)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 15:02

  3. fleshtresholdnarrative

    The particular concern with the "fleshthresholdnarrative" series is with the limit-sites of narrative (where narrative spills over into theory, poetry, data/information, the sciences,history, etc.). Rather than (re)constructing a more familiar form of narrative (those forms of chronological, causal, and organized events inherited from the 18th century), my interest was to explore the non-narrative aspects of narrative, and the narrative aspects in non-narrative within a context akin to J.G. Ballard's "condensed novels" (e.g., "The Atrocity Exhibition"). The highly aphoristic and dense quality of these segments was also well-suited to the medium of hypertext and the net in terms of establishing in the act of reading a range of inter-relationships. 

    (Source: Author's note from The New River 1)

    Scott Rettberg - 11.10.2011 - 15:13

  4. A Life Set for Two

    A Life Set for Two is an animated hypertext poem programmed in Visual Basic that explores the "dynamic processes of thought and memory." The story unfolds through the metaphor of two different menus––one belonging to the male narrator recounting a failed affair and other belonging to his lover, whom readers come to know only through the eyes of the narrator.

    (Source: Author's website)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.12.2011 - 13:08

  5. Mythologies of Landforms and Little Girls

    When I began writing Mythologies in 1995 I was thinking about gender in language and, informed by a poststructuralist feminist critique of the representation of the female body as landscape, I set out to explode these stereotypes by using over-the-top geological metaphors. I wanted to convey a moment of realization, when a number of ideas come together at once. It mattered little to me what order the ideas came in, only that they came together in the end. The narrative structure of this non-linear HTML version was influenced by the Choose Your Own Adventure books. The interface was based on the placemats you get at many restaurants in Nova Scotia, which depict a map of Nova Scotia surrounded by icons of purported interest to tourists: lobsters, whales, lighthouses, beaches and the Bluenose. The found images and texts came from a geology course I took in university, a civil engineering manual from the 1920s and a random assortment of textbooks found in used bookstores. The deadpan technical descriptions of dikes, groins and mattress work add perverse sexual overtones to the otherwise quite chaste first-person narrative.

    J. R. Carpenter - 28.01.2012 - 23:17

  6. Oisleánd: Indra's Net IX

    Oisleánd is a hypertext work using mesostic techniques to combine two translations of one text. The "performance text" is generated by taking each letter in either the Irish poem "Oileán" or its English interpretation "Island", and substituting it with a full word from the other version (containing that letter). Thus, a new poem - either "English in Irish" or "Irish in English" is built, to use the author's words.

    Alexander Duryee - 06.08.2012 - 02:36

  7. Pressing the Reveal Code Key: Indra's Net VIII

    This work uses the same basic structure as the author's earlier "Book Unbound".  

    "Reveal Code" takes a hidden text corpus and creates a "generative performance" based on a collocation algorithm.  The audience can then choose phrases from the generative performance and set them aside on pages labeled Thesis, Antithesis, and Synthesis, where they can be edited freely.  Selections will also become part of the hidden corpus; the text will, over time, evolve to the audience's taste.

    More information can be found in the author's article "Pressing the 'Reveal Code' Key", EJournal, March 1996:

    Similarly, "Potentialities of Literary Cybertext" (April 1996, Visible Language) also explores this hypertext more deeply.

    Alexander Duryee - 07.08.2012 - 01:41

  8. 20% d’amour en plus

    20% d'amour en plus est un roman interactif, ouvert au lecteur qui construit l'histoire, ou les histoires. Il est source d'interprétations multiples, parfois d'ambiguïtés. Le texte n'y est pas donné, la narration jamais définitive, c'est au lecteur d'aller les chercher. [Source: ]

    Dan Kvilhaug - 06.04.2013 - 14:15

  9. ULE

    A mono-media complex hypertext structure that represents the mind of a man, his feelings, his memories and his thoughts. Won first prize in Ciberpremio I edition del Comune di Prato.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 06.06.2013 - 11:42

  10. 253

    There are 253 people on the London underground train that crashes in this hypertext fiction, and each person has their own story. Begin reading from any passenger.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 23:32
