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  1. Postmodernist Fiction

    Postmodern literature is a form of literature that is characterized by the use of metafiction, unreliable narration, self-reflexivity, intertextuality, and which often thematizes both historical and political issues.

    Tjerand Moe Jensen - 03.10.2021 - 20:51

  2. Guy Debord and the Situationist International

    his volume is a revised and expanded version of a special issue of the journal October (Winter 1997) that was devoted to the work of the Situationist International (SI). The first section of the issue contained previously unpublished critical texts, and the second section contained translations of primary texts that had previously been unavailable in English. The emphasis was on the SI's profound engagement with the art and cultural politics of their time (1957-1972), with a strong argument for their primarily political and activist stance by two former members of the group, T. J. Clark and Donald Nicholson-Smith.

    Tjerand Moe Jensen - 03.10.2021 - 21:02

  3. Bot Scripts

    Keaton Patti forces bots to watch 1,000 hours of things and then asks them to write scripts based on what they saw.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:14


    Performed at Transmediale opening ceremony, January 2015, Berlin

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:29

  5. Totally Not Robots

    A subreddit dedicated to bot-mimicry, i.e. the performative act of imitating (ro)bots that imitate humans.

    Malthe Stavning Erslev - 12.11.2021 - 10:46

  6. Schaman gaat voor goud

    De eerste ‘elektrische novelle’ van de eerste ‘elektrische uitgeverij’ van Nederland. Het onafhankelijke ‘Album’, dit jaar opgericht door audiovisueel kunstenaar Peter Mertens en literatuurwetenschapper Louis Stiller, richt zich op de digitale markt.

    Schaman gaat voor goud is een anderhalf uur durend interactief verhaaltje over de hoofdpersoon Schaman. Het is een bundeling van fragmentarische stukjes proza. Schaman weet niet of hij een naam of een voornaam heeft, hij weet alleen dat hij Schaman heet. Via symbooltjes die oplichten en geluid maken zodra je de muis over het scherm heen beweegt, volg je Schaman op z’n weg door de grote stad en door zijn eigen huis. Druppels vallen in een holle ruimte, ambient-klanken begeleiden de lezer.

    Siebe Bluijs - 02.02.2022 - 11:41

  7. memory

    It knows the Clock runner (ASIMO in the video), he is concentrated, he does this every night – memory works on repetition. This robotic replicated action is necessary to tie up visual present with emotional past: “grass means theatre, ice-cream means april”. The process appeases himself with both - once all around is a simple time counting mechanism – and he himself, too. Time machine is on and time runs backwards (Rattapallax)

    Maya Zalbidea - 04.07.2022 - 11:35

  8. Generation Loss (after Alvin Lucier)

    Generation Loss (after Alvin Lucier) is a response to a work by Alvin Lucier from 1969 called I am sitting in a room. The work features a drone sound over heavily compressed images alternating between visual poetry read out loud by a bit-crushed vocal. The 4 minute video ends with a photoshopped image of a man in a field featuring guns, a mirror and the phrase "Alvin standing outside (stick to your guns)".

    The work creates a digital space where the literary dimension revolves around finding the signal within the noise. Human reception of sound interprets its meaning, how it reflects on the human condition, even in sound that follows the strict ordering of physical rules of decay.

    Marius Teigland - 28.09.2022 - 10:49

  9. Mo[X]Rphing B[l] termina: El estado de XR [Literatura]

    This project of virtual reality dates back to 1990 and born named Bodyssey,  fermented on herself and one of their collaborators, an artist called Gary Zebington. Form part of the doble special number of The Digital Review journal, called “Critical Making, Critical Design”. This project try to explore the notion of a language-induced freedom of body from through the use of speech-recognition, text, and VRML effigies. Intimate relations between interactive human body symbols, speech, text and images will mix so that the effigies’VRML bodies and verbal utterances will evolve to express a spectrum of emotions.

    This project never eventuated in the particular form we envisioned, but helped to many of her works produced from the onwards, works that morph and blend interactive storyforms in unexpected ways through a mix 3D/VR, Extended Reality [XR]

    María Fernández García - 28.09.2022 - 18:04

  10. don't take it personally, babe, it just ain't your story

    A spiritual sequel of sorts to Digital: A Love Story, set in a prestigious private high school, and on the social networks of 2027.

    Seven students, three endings, one eavesdropping teacher. A full length visual novel about the erosion of privacy, gay drama, young sexuality, and the perils of modern online life for a high school literature class.

    [Source: Product Page]

    Simone Blessing - 28.01.2023 - 15:10
