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  1. Electronic Literature Organization

    The Electronic Literature Organization was founded in 1999 to foster and promote the reading, writing, teaching, and understanding of literature as it develops and persists in a changing digital environment. A 501c(3) non-profit organization, the ELO includes writers, artists, teachers, scholars, and developers.

    Scott Rettberg - 06.09.2010 - 16:03

  2. Yra van Dijk

    Dr. Yra van Dijk is assistant professor at the Dutch Literature department of the University of Amsterdam. She wrote a PhD thesis on typographic blanks in modern poetry, and has since specialised in the analysis and interpretation of electronic poetry. In 2010-2011, she was a research scholar at the Centre for Research in Computing and the Arts at the University of California, San Diego. 

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 19:16

  3. Gisle Frøysland

    Gisle Frøysland studied computer science, information science, TV production and arts in Bergen. Since the early 80s he has been working as a musician, VJ and visual artist. He is a founding member of BEK - the Bergen Centre for Electronic Art and initiator/director of the Piksel festival for free technologies in artistic practice. Gisle Frøysland has been the receiver of grants and has held numerous exhibitions, many of them in Norway but also abroad.

    Elisabeth Nesheim - 12.09.2010 - 19:20

  4. A Clash between Game and Narrative

    In this paper presentation I'll be making a simple point. That computer games and narratives are very different phenomena and, as a consequence, any combination of the two, like in "interactive fiction", or "interactive storytelling" faces enormous problems.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.09.2010 - 13:08

  5. Jesper Juul

    Juul has been working with the development of video game theory since the late 1990's. His primary occupation is as an academic, but he has also developed video games. He is a visiting arts professor at the New York University Game Center and previously worked at the Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Lab at MIT and at the IT University of Copenhagen. His book "Half-Real" discusses video game theory and was published by MIT press in 2005. His recent publication "A Casual Revolution" (MIT P, 2009) examines how puzzle games, music games, and the Nintendo Wii are bringing video games to a new audience.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.09.2010 - 13:30

  6. Friedrich W. Block

    Friedrich W. Block is the Director of the Brückner-Kühner-Foundation and the Kunsttempel Gallery in Kassel, Germany. He is the curator of numerous exhibitions, literary and academic events, and he has also worked as an artist. Since 1992 he has been responsable for the 'p0es1s' project on digital poetry and since 2000 for the 'Kasseler Komik-Kolloquium'. His research concentrates on contemporary literature, language art, media poetics and humor. Block is co-editor of the 'Kulturen des Komischen' series. Among others he wrote IO. poesis digitalis. 

    Patricia Tomaszek - 14.09.2010 - 13:59

  7. Afsnit P

    Afsnit P is a Danish site for visual literature and intermedia art that has been active since 1999 (until 2011). The Danish word afsnit means section or paragraph, and the p stands for poetry, referring to both poesis and pictura according to its three editors, Christian Yde Frostholm, Karen Wagner, and Charlotte Hansen. Afsnit P is described as a cross between a virtual gallery and journal. It contains a blog, which features information about exhibitions, events, recent publications, and a virtual gallery which showcases creative work. In addition, several essays about visual and digital poetry and art have been published on the site. There is also an extensive link library. While there is a natural emphasis on Nordic artists and events, the content is international and the site functions as a portal for Nordic audiences to experimental, visual writing as an international phenomenon. Afsnit P is mainly in Danish with a smaller English section.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 16.09.2010 - 17:48

  8. Beyond the Screen: Transformations of Literary Structures, Interfaces and Genres

    While literature in computer-based and networked media has so far been experienced by looking at the computer screen and by using keyboard and mouse, nowadays human-machine interactions are organized by considerably more complex interfaces. Consequently, this book focuses on literary processes in interactive installations, locative narratives and immersive environments, in which active engagement and bodily interaction is required from the reader to perceive the literary text. The contributions from internationally renowned scholars analyze how literary structures, interfaces and genres change, and how transitory aesthetic experiences can be documented, archived and edited.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 17.09.2010 - 17:19

  9. Penny Travlou

    Penny Travlou’s research interests lie in the field of cultural/urban geography holding a PhD from the Department of Geography, University of Durham. Her research is inter-disciplinary with a particular focus on theories of space and place and their implementation in research. She has worked in various projects looking at how people use and experience public space using a multi-method approach. Her research has been funded by various UK-based funding bodies (e.g. The British Academy, The Carnegie Trust) and the book “Open Space – People Space” (2008, Routledge) she has co-edited with Professor Catharine Ward Thompson (eca) received the Landscape Institute Research Award 2008. She has also been involved in projects that look at the use of ubiquitous technology in the experience of public and virtual space using ethnographic methods (i.e participant observation and interviews). Penny is also a Lecturer in Cultural Geography & Visual Culture at eca teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate courses on theory of place and space.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.09.2010 - 22:05

  10. Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literature

    Cybertext explores the aesthetics and the textual dynamics of digital literature and its many diverse genres such as hypertext fiction, computer games, computer generated poetry and prose, and collaborative Internet texts such as MUDs. However, instead of insisting on the uniqueness and newness of "electronic writing" or "interactive fiction" (phrases which mean very little) the author situates these new literary forms within the larger and much older field of "ergodic" literature, from the ancient Chinese I Ching to the literary experiments of the OuLiPo. These are open, dynamic texts where the reader must perform specific actions to generate a literary sequence, which may vary for every reading. Aarseth constructs a theoretical model that describes how these literary forms are different from each other, and demonstrates how the widely assumed divide between paper texts and electronic texts breaks down under careful analysis.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 21.09.2010 - 10:59
