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  1. Bust Down the Door!

    Bust Down the Door!

    Meri Alexandra Raita - 07.09.2011 - 14:57

  2. Tactical Media

    Rita Raley’s Tactical Media covers the “spectrum ranging from direct action (e.g., denial-of-service attacks and game space interventions) to symbolic performance (e.g., data visualization)” (150).  Raley ties together a movement which eschews grand narratives and the contrapuntal teleological declarations of manifestos, identifying a strain of media activism that is, to use deCerteau’s term, “tactical”.  What ties these practices together is a combination of “virtuosic performance and cultural critique” (Raley 150).  As Raley maintains, and as the work reflects, tactical media is characterized not by its ability to instigate a widespread revolution, rather it is in the ability of relatively powerless operators, through skill and creativity, to turn systems of power against themselves, exposing, however fleetingly, the illegitimacy and injustice of their own authority. 

    Davin Heckman - 08.09.2011 - 13:11

  3. Anthological and Archaeological Approaches to Digital Media: A Review of Electronic Literature and Prehistoric Digital Poetry

    A review of two field-defining books about electronic literature by N. Katherine Hayles and Christopher Funkhouser, whose literary scholarship counters the ahistoricizing tendencies of much writing about digital media.

    (Source: Eric Dean Rasmussen)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 12.09.2011 - 11:19

  4. The Significance of Navigation and Interactivity Design for Readers’ Responses to Interactive Narrative

    Interactive (or 'hypertext') fiction is a significant new art form because of the highly innovative narrative structures and delivery platforms it embraces, and yet in many extant examples the narrative and the delivery platform, the interface, are not happily wedded. This 'mis-match' can lead to negative experiences for readers. This paper discusses the style and usability of the interface, aiming to offer some guidance to writers. As well as considering the relevant literature, I refer to data from my empirical study of readers' responses to a range of interactive (hypertext) fiction, as supporting evidence for the conclusions offered. I argue that the design of the interface and its navigation systems are of absolutely crucial significance for readers' engagement and absorption with the narrative.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 22.09.2011 - 17:47

  5. Orpheus no longer uses the Qwerty layout: Literature and Digital Ghosts

    Orpheus no longer uses the Qwerty layout: Literature and Digital Ghosts

    Theodoros Chiotis - 30.09.2011 - 22:22

  6. E-Ject: On the Ephemeral Nature, Mechanisms, and Implications of Electronic Objects

    E-Ject: On the Ephemeral Nature, Mechanisms, and Implications of Electronic Objects

    Dene Grigar - 06.10.2011 - 06:53

  7. Visionary Landscapes: Literature on the Edge of Time and Space

    Introduction to a special issue of Hyperrhiz presenting a collection of essays, artist papers, reviews, and literary works from the Electronic Literature Organization's (ELO) 2008 conference held at Washington State University Vancouver, in Vancouver, Washington [], from May 29 to June 2, which was hosted by Dene Grigar and John Barber.

    Dene Grigar - 06.10.2011 - 06:55

  8. Entre Ville: This City Between Us

    Entre Ville: This City Between Us

    J. R. Carpenter - 11.10.2011 - 19:10

  9. Reading Hypertext

    In Reading Hypertext, Mark Bernstein and Diane Greco have selected the best and most important studies of hypertext reading and criticism, drawn from disciplines ranging from philosophy and classical philology to film theory and technocriticism. These indispensable studies reveal how much we now understand about the reading hypertext, and point the way for important new work.


    Source: Reading Hypertext

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 15.10.2011 - 20:05

  10. The NT2 Hypermedia Art and Literature Directory: A New Knowledge Environment Devoted to the Valorization of Screen Culture

    Moving from a book culture to a screen culture requires a paradigm shift in the manner of producing culture and in ensuring its transmission, notably literary and artistic manifestations. Already in both the arts and literature, artists have appropriated the Web, radically changing its practices and language. As a result, the works produced, forged even, with new technologies are designed to be read or experienced using the Internet. Given these new formats, the usual strategies in literary theory, cinema studies and art history no longer suffice. The institutionalization of these works is not yet guaranteed either, so no bibliography or substantial listing exists. In response to this void, the NT2 Laboratory started its Hypermedia Art and Literature Directory project. (

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.10.2011 - 14:30
