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  1. lonelygirl 15

    The video diary of a teenaged girl named Bree, first presented as real, but that turned out to be a fictional web series.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.07.2013 - 14:43

  2. Five Days

    This film was created in a very short amount of time during an experimental course in Bergen, Norway.

    The assignment consisted of everyone receiving a fictional character who had recently experienced a "strange event" and was sent to Bergen to try and figure out what the root cause was. Each student was put into a group of about four, and it was up to the team to figure out a way to tell a narrative, while still weaving together some very random stories, events, and details. Our group decided on showing our narrative via a film. There are perhaps some gaps in the narrative logic, but perhaps a little character info can help fill those.

    Jackson Sullivan: woke up on day on an island in his hometown with strange ruins tattooed onto his arm. He heads to Bergen to decipher them.

    David Butler: an older gentlemen possessing the diary of his explorer grandfather. Inside is information regarding Norse ruins...

    Aurora Berg: a British spy is doing her best to warn the world of potential harm.

    Liam Omar: a scuba diver who notices the strange rise in water levels in the Bergen area. What can it mean?

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 01:23

  3. Code Kandy

    Code Kandy

    Scott Rettberg - 29.09.2013 - 09:43

  4. Tournament of la Poéstry a netprov

    Tournament of la Poéstry is a netprov (networked improv narrative) that will be performed in multiple web and social media September 15 -27th 2013. We challenge the world to write complete(ment)ly bilingue(ual) poemes, intelligible both langue(age)s. The poemes will.vont communiquate any moyeans necessaire. Recalling the chivalric jousts of the 12th century, when French was the court language of England,Tournament of la Poéstry is both a light-hearted poetry competition.festivale and a role-playing fiction in which those who so desire can take on larger-than-life personae as poéstry champions.

    (Source: GalleryDDDL description)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.11.2013 - 13:30

  5. Image fantôme

    Du 17 avril 2010 au 13 septembre 2011, Nicolas Sordello et Lucile Haute tiennent un journal visuel sur Facebook. Chaque jour, à tour de rôle, ils postent une image carré et présentant la date du jour. L'image de la veille est supprimée. L'adresse directe de l'image du jour est publiée sur le profil et ouverte aux commentaires. Pendant une durée variable, l'image supprimée reste accessible sur les serveurs de Facebook. Sur le mur de Image Fantome, les mots restent tandis que les images disparaissent.

    (Source: Authors' description from project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 14.12.2013 - 06:14

  6. Such Tweet Sorrow

    Romeo and Juliet in real time across Twitter and the web, with six Royal Shakespeare Company actors living the story in a UK town in 2010. In addition to Twitter, actors, fans and readers used other social media including Facebook and to enact the story.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 12.05.2014 - 18:16

  7. My Book of #GHcoats

    This book is a collection of misattributed quotes created in a collaborative writing project by a group of Ghanian writers on Facebook. Initially the project used the hashtag #GHquotes but it was changed to #GHcoats as a play on both the common Ghanian pronunciation of quotes as coats and the Ghanian sartorial fascination with ornate and often climate-inappropriate clothing. Many of the quotes play upon Ghanian themes, but are attributed to famous people, such as Albert Einstein, Chairman Mao or Mohammed Ali. (Source:

    Alvaro Seica - 19.06.2014 - 17:02

  8. Cuando enciendas los párpados

    Los vídeos multimedia de Oscar Martín Centeno forman parte de la sección visual de los recitales multimedia. No son videopoemas, es decir, no están pensados para ser visionados de forma autónoma, sino para formar parte de un espectáculo donde la música en directo, la presencia escéncia y la interacción son elementos fundamentales. Aún así, el autor pretende que puedan acercar a los usuarios a la simbiosis de lenguajes artísticos que este género poético propicia. Cuando enciendas los párpardos es un poema multimedia que incluye música, poesía animada por ordenador, imágenes y la voz del poeta recitando el poema. Los versos, la música y el vídeo han sido creados por el propio autor. En el poema las palabras se mueven en forma de espiral y aparecen luces en las esquinas, hay sobras de personas que parecen la audiencia que está viendo la instalación como en una acción performativa. El poema trata del amor, la esperanza y el mar, aparecen peces danzando en el agua cuando el poeta menciona el mar. Este poema pertenece al libro de poemas Je suis le diable-Las Cántigas punlicado por la editorial Ya lo dijo Casimiro Parker (Maya Zalbidea Paniagua 2014).

    Maya Zalbidea - 25.07.2014 - 13:36

  9. Two Headlines

    Two Headlines is a Twitter bot that attempts to automate a kind of lazy Twitter joke where a human confuses the subjects of two news items that everyone is talking about on Twitter. An unintended consequence of its particular algorithm is that the bot that also writes near-future late-capitalist dystopian microfiction, in a world where there is no discernible difference between corporations, nations, sports teams, brands, and celebrities. (Source: Authors statement from the elc3)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 22.10.2014 - 09:12

  10. Le Dernier Volcan

    This video project explores Norwegian folk histories that return as fragments in light of ongoing volcanic eruptions. The project was recorded in Bergen following the disruptions caused by the activities of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. A folk history of disaster is set against slowly revolving images set in a contemporary landscape. This is the first of a series of works recorded in Norway that juxtapose folk histories and contemporary events to explore narrative and associative characteristics of cultural anxieties and collective memory. The project was researched and filmed by Roderick Coover in 2010 thanks to a distinguished-scholar-in-residence award from the University of Bergen.

    Alvaro Seica - 13.11.2014 - 23:32
