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  1. Yellow Arrow

    Yellow Arrow began in 2004 as a street art project on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Since then, Yellow Arrow has grown to over 35 countries and 380 cities globally and become a way to experience and publish ideas and stories via text messaging on your mobile phone and interactive maps online.
    Participants place uniquely-coded Yellow Arrow stickers to draw attention to different locations and objects - a favorite view of the city, an odd fire hydrant, the local bar. By sending an SMS from a mobile phone to the Yellow Arrow number beginning with the arrow's unique code, Yellow Arrow authors connect a story to the location where they place their sticker. Messages range from short poetic fragments to personal stories to game-like prompts to action. When another person encounters the Yellow Arrow, he or she sends its code to the Yellow Arrow number and immediately receives the message on their mobile phone. The website extends this location-based exchange, by allowing participants to annotate their arrows with photos and maps in the online gallery of Yellow Arrows placed throughout the world.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 14:14

  2. Considering a Baby?

    Considering a Baby?

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 21:42

  3. Un seul crayon pour toutes les mains

    L’objectif de ce site est de produire de façon collective une œuvre littéraire. Contrairement aux wikis, à l’écriture interactive en général, l’œuvre surgit ici de l’inspiration des participants caractère par caractère. L'expression collective se concrétise donc à l’échelle élémentaire, à l’échelle atomique.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 28.06.2013 - 23:01

  4. The Museum

    The Museum

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.06.2013 - 00:03

  5. 4 uomini

    Generative poem.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 30.06.2013 - 13:01

  6. Autorschaft und ihre automatische Generierung

    Nachdem Autorschaft erst im 18.Jahrhundert individualisiert wurde, etwa gleichzeitig mit der Möglichkeit technischer Reproduzierbarkeit durch die Druckmaschine und der Erfindung des Urheberrechts - gab es während des gesamten 20.Jahrhunderts immer wieder künstlerische Bestrebungen, individuelle Autorschaft und damit einhergehende Vorstellungen von Genialität oder Originalität zu dekonstruieren.

    Angefangen im Dada und von den Surrealisten weiterentwickelt, lässt sich eine Entwicklung beobachten, die mit dem Aufkommen digitaler Medien einen ungeahnten neuen Höhepunkt erfährt. Spiele mit Identitäten, die Verfügbarkeit einer unermesslichen Menge an Material im Internet, die verlustfreie Kopierbarkeit von Daten sowie kostenlose und anonyme Distributionsmöglichkeiten haben eine vernetzte Kultur entstehen lassen, in der einzelne Autor/-innen oftmals kaum mehr zu identifizieren sind und auch Werke sich in einem permanenten Zustand der Weiterverarbeitung und Veränderung befinden.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 12:18

  7. Streamfishing

    Streamfishing is an installation in an open public space, where people will pass through. It is presented on a large billboard. The billboard shows a live-stream of what is going on in the world. The stream of ideas will alter the stream of people.

    Streamfishing depicts a real-life pattern by pulling together individual fragments of reality into a virtual image. The fragments of reality are thoughts merged into a constant stream of thoughts where they are enabled to interact. This way the virtual image or world is revealed as an interactive reality of human beings and machine and can be used for further communication and exchange of ideas.

    Streamfishing is an installation in an open public space, where people will pass through. It is presented on a large billboard. The billboard shows a live-stream of what is going on in the world. The stream of ideas will alter the stream of people.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 04.07.2013 - 13:29

  8. I Love Bees

    I Love Bees (also known as ilovebees or ILB for short) was an alternate reality game (ARG) that served as both a real-world experience and viral marketing campaign for the release of developer Bungie's 2004 video game Halo 2. The game was created and developed by 42 Entertainment. (Wikipedia)

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 05.07.2013 - 20:08

  9. Beer


    Scott Rettberg - 09.07.2013 - 14:25

  10. Drift

    The ubiquity of GPS (global positioning satellite) and other tracking technologies suggests that "being lost" may itself be an experience that is being lost. However, simply knowing one's geographical location as expressed in longitude and latitude coordinates has little bearing on one's personal sense of place or direction. "Drift" poses the age-old question "Where am I and where am I going?" in a contemporary moment in which spatial positioning and tracking technologies provide evermore precise, yet limited, answers to this question. The installation embraces the flow of wandering, the pleasure of disorientation, and the playful unpredictability of drifting as it relates to movement and translation. Sounds blend footsteps on different surfaces with spoken word in different languages. Spoken word passages are drawn from poetry and literature dealing with the theme of wandering, being lost, and drifting. Meaning also drifts as Rousseau, Joyce, Kerouac, Mann, Dante, Woolf, and others are presented in the original and in translation.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.07.2013 - 12:37
