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  1. Anni Kämäräinen

    Anni Kämäräinen

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.03.2011 - 14:34

  2. Tehtaan kuolema

     Tehtaan kuolema kertoo vanhoista tehtaista ja niissä viihtyvistä ihmisistä.Tehtaat eivät tuota enää tavaraa, mutta ne ovat edelleen tärkeitä. Ne ovat työtiloja, harrastuspaikkoja, kulttuurin keskuksia ja samalla konkreettinen osa kaupungin perinteitä. Silti tehtaat ovat joutuneet purku-uhan alle.Tätä reportaasia analysoidaan journalistisessa pro gradu -tutkielmassa Verkkoreportaasin synty

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.03.2011 - 14:38

  3. Morten Skogly

    Norwegian webdesigner, DIYer and environmentalist, according to his website. Works for NRK, created several early works of kinetic poetry and generative narratives.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 27.03.2011 - 14:46

  4. Planting Trees Out of the Grief: In Memoriam Robert Creeley

    "Planting Trees out of the Grief" is a lyrical essay, or work of creative non-fiction about mourning. "Planting Trees out of the Grief. In Memoriam Robert Creeley" is a ficticious story that mirrors the psychological processes of coping with mourning described in the essay.

    The hypertext will lead you through both texts as same as one goes through the process of mourning. You will go further and sometimes you realize you just stepped backwards finding yourself at the same point you were once before.

    Being at the same point (textpassage) you were once before you'll have the choice to follow new paths - or you have to go through the same until a new path (link) reveals. Sometimes people forget they were in grief and then, suddenly, they face their loss again. Therefore, I am dealing with intendend moments of recurrence. By this, you are forced to find new paths and follow other links.

    Mark Marino - 27.03.2011 - 17:52

  5. Marcel Frémiot

    Marcel Frémiot

    Scott Rettberg - 28.03.2011 - 14:39

  6. Les amis sur le seuil

    Les amis sur le seuil

    Scott Rettberg - 28.03.2011 - 14:40

  7. Diari d'una absència

    The Diary of an Absence aims to be an example of intimate personal writing through something which has been put into words but which perhaps should have remained unsaid. Arranged in the form of a diary, this narrative follows the paths of absence by delving into the pain that is caused by desire, a desire that is reflected in this particular box of raptures in the face of a separation from the loved one. To the idea of introspection arising from the exercise of spiritual reflection and the flood of torn feelings that this brings, there appears the idea of the house as a cloister, which is the scenario in which the tale in our hypertext exercise has been set. A closed space, with rooms to walk through, just as we travel different routes when we go deeper into the intimate truth of the suffering narrator. The apparently illogical ups and downs of the narrator’s thoughts are metaphorically translated into the maze where the reader gets lost, this reader who has come in search of words that will lead towards the interior that tells a story of love, of the loss of love, of passion and of impossibility.

    Laura Borras - 28.03.2011 - 16:15

  8. Paul Braffort

    Paul Braffort

    Scott Rettberg - 29.03.2011 - 10:27

  9. Anastasia Natsina

    Anastasia Natsina

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.04.2011 - 11:41

  10. Trade Tattoo

    Experimental film with kinetic typography and analog filtering techniques produced by Lye in the 1930s.

    Scott Rettberg - 09.04.2011 - 16:52
