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  1. RC_AI

    It was only after I began working with Robert Coover in the Brown Literary Arts program in 1998 that I remembered my father commenting years earlier on Coover's book Pinocchio in Venice. As a foremost Scholar of the Pinocchio story and its appearances throughout history in literature and media, he was impressed with Coover's handling of the archive. My father went on to write about Coover's treatment in a co-authored book, Pinocchio Goes Postmodern: Perils of a Puppet in the United States

    RC_AI consists of texts composed by myself and Dr. Thomas J. Morrissey, my father, along with several generative algorithms and loose grammars in collaboration with a substantial portion of Robert Coover's Pinocchio in Venice. The panoramic text is a printed array (approximately 380,000 pixels long - or 422 feet) of variable content generated by parsing through approximately 1/2 of Coover's novel using the author's name as a search string. 

    Scott Rettberg - 18.04.2012 - 00:14

  2. Between Page and Screen

    Coupling the physicality of the printed page with the electric liquidity of the computer screen, Between Page and Screen chronicles a love affair between the characters P and S while taking the reader into a wondrous, augmented reality. The book has no words, only inscrutable black and white geometric patterns that—when seen by a computer webcam—conjure the written word. Reflected on screen, the reader sees himself with open book in hand, language springing alive and shape-shifting with each turn of the page. The story unfolds through a playful and cryptic exchange of letters between P and S as they struggle to define their turbulent relationship. Rich with innuendo, anagrams, etymological and sonic affinities between words, Between Page and Screen takes an almost ecstatic pleasure in language and the act of reading. Merging concrete poetry with conceptual art, “technotext” with epistolary romance, and the tradition of the artist’s book with the digital future, Between Page and Screen expands the possibilities of what a book can be.

    Scott Rettberg - 12.06.2012 - 13:29

  3. My Summer Vacation

    This haunting narrative about a summer vacation turned tragic uses a slim strip of moving images as the background for a stream of language flowing from right to left as a series of voices tell a piece of the story. The sound of waves on the shore serve as a soothing aural backdrop to each character’s whispered voices, perhaps suggestive of what happens when the sea raises its voice. Each character involved with the tragic turn of events brings a different perspective to the situation, yet they are all so involved in their own affairs, much like the ending of Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out.” In the final lines of the poem, as the speaker (whisperer) seeks to tie up the events in a neat little package that can provide closure, we realize that closure eludes all the characters in the story, who must continue to live on haunted by their memories and regrets.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores, I ♥ E-Poetry)

    My Summer Vacation was originally published via Adobe Flash in 2008. It was republished via HTML5 in 2020.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2012 - 13:59

  4. Blue Lacuna

    Author description: Blue Lacuna is a long-form work of parser-based interactive fiction containing nearly 400,000 words of prose and natural language source code, an explorable novel telling a serious story about the nature of choice and happiness. Lacuna simplifies standard IF syntax with a unique interface: to advance the story, readers type highlighted keywords indicating objects of interest, directions to explore, or topics to pursue during conversation.

    Blue Lacuna’s story revolves around a complex reactive character, the castaway Progue, who evolves over the course of the story based on the reader’s interactions with him. The climax of the story and resolution of Progue’s character arc—whether he becomes a friend, a mentor, a lover, a sycophant, or one of eight other archetypes—is dependent on how the reader treats him in up to 70 distinct scenes and conversations over the work’s ten chapters. The structure of Blue Lacuna is thus best represented not by a branching tree but a braided rope, with countless ways each reader may braid the threads of story into a personal and meaningful narrative.

    Aaron Reed - 20.06.2012 - 18:59

  5. Eat Your Tits and Puppets

    An animated adaptation of a poem written by Claire Donato. Cascades of textual progressions -- appearances, disappearances, fades, mirrorings -- are scripted in detail and played back by a custom Java engine across two "pages." The work was presented and read by Claire Donato and Ian Hatcher at ELO_AI 2010 in Providence.

    clairedonato - 11.07.2012 - 02:53

  6. Crossed Lines

    Crossed Lines is a multiform (or multiplot) film telling the stories of nine characters in a way that the viewer can constantly explore and switch between all nine forms, and can simultaneously witness all sides of the characters’ exchanges which are taking place between the nine remote locations. The starting point of the piece was to conceive a series of narratives that could be viewed as individual stories, but would also reference and link to the other stories, as is the case of the multiplot film genre. As McKee has noted ‘multiplot films never develop a central plot; rather they weave together a number of stories of subplot size’. (1998:227) The difference with Crossed Lines is that it is delivered through an interactive interface paradigm, meaning that the viewer has the power to navigate and order the stories themselves, and to create a story of varying complexity depending on the number of different characters which are selected through the interface.

    Scott Rettberg - 08.01.2013 - 17:36

  7. Why Some Dolls Are Bad: a generative graphic novel for the iPhone

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad is a generative, permutational graphic novel which engages themes of ethics, fashion, artifice and the self, and presents a re-examination of systems and materials including mohair, contagion, environmental decay, Perspex cabinetry, and false-seeming things in nature such as Venus Flytraps.

    Why Some Dolls Are Bad was originally launched on the Facebook platform but has been adapted for the iPhone and relaunched in 2010. The project collects images from a tag-constrained stream of public Flickr images and combines them with fragments from the original non-linear text. Once the application is downloaded, image and text come together into a frame which is read and then advanced, creating an ongoing dynamic narrative.

    Readers can capture frames and send them to an archive, where each frame becomes a “page” in the novel. The collective archiving of iterative captures from the project means that a version of the book can be read in a linear order.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 22:49

  8. 2 sides/2 lados

    My work involves making marks with a rhythmical distribution of signs on a surface. Not just drawing on a surface but also physically changing it.

    The work 2 sides/2 lados is a mixture of drawing, laser cut, wall drawing and book art. Passing from one technique/material to another the invented script undergoes transformation. The initial drawn script is digitally manipulated and cut from the paper to leave voids – the marks appear by their absence. The same marks are then transferred manually to a corner wall.

    My current practice is concerned with finding a way of synthesizing the duality generated by site-specific works to produce work which involves a site-specific element and a broader element, but whose elements are integral – there no longer being an original and a copy or a site-specific version and a documentary version. Each is part of the work in its entirely – yet each is independent.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:15

  9. Nine Gestures for J.D. Salinger

    A poetic tribute to the writings of J.D. Salinger, this work explores Nine Stories (1953), by inviting participants to write their thoughts into a book in response to nine individual prompts, each corresponding to one of the stories. Interacting with the book reveals a series of poems that follow thematic gestures from the original writings.

    To interact, open the book to any one page, read the typed prompt and then write down either a single word, or short phrase as a response, writing onto the adjoining page’s writable section using the pen. A nearby screen responds by offering several composed verses with each inscription. When a section is filled, that gesture is considered complete.

    (Source: Author's description for ELO_AI)

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:29

  10. One or More Disfigurements in the Home

    One or More Disfigurements in the Home is a hypertextual fiction involving the memory and disfigurement of a narrator within the home. The text comes from an excerpt of an original work of fiction. Because sections of text are chosen quasi-randomly, you will not experience the entire source text in one sitting.

    (Source: Author's descripiton for ELO_AI)

    Click and drag horizontally or vertically to scroll, and, after some time has passed, clickable grey links will appear. There is something similar to an ending; a full(ish) reading will take at least 10 minutes. If you see it moving itself, it is simply waiting for you to start interacting.

    Scott Rettberg - 10.04.2013 - 23:39
