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  1. Reading, Describing, and Evaluating Electronic Literature for Archiving

    In programmierbaren Medien produzierte Literatur erfordert eine Rekonzeptionalisierung des Rezeptionsprozesses sowie die Entwicklung neuer Konzepte zur Bewertung von (elektronischer) Literatur. Dies ist notwendig, wenn kinetische oder vom Computer zufällig rekombinierte und generierte Texte, interaktive Erzählungen, Hyperfictions oder Gedichte, die als bewegte Buchstaben auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen, Analyseobjekte für Archivierungsprozesse darstellen. Erst wenn diese Voraussetzungen erfüllt sind, können tragfähige Verfahren zur Archivierung und Bewertung dieser Literatur entwickelt werden. Es geht daher nicht um die Frage, wie überlieferte Texte digitalisiert und archiviert werden können. Vielmehr geht es bei den laufenden Initiativen der „Electronic Literature Organization“ (ELO), die im Folgenden vorgestellt werden sollen, um „born-digital works“, d.h. um „elektronische Literatur“, „Netzliteratur“, oder „Literatur in neuen Medien“ (um nur drei der zahlreichen Bezeichnungen des aufstrebenden Forschungsfeldes zu nennen).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 16:29

  2. Publish and Die: The Preservation of Digital Literature within the UK

    Publish and Die: The Preservation of Digital Literature within the UK

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 06.04.2011 - 11:23

  3. Collecting digital literature in Europe

    Collecting digital literature in Europe

    J. R. Carpenter - 25.11.2011 - 14:10

  4. Archiving Electronic Literature and Poetry: Problems, Tendencies, Perspectives

    Electronic literature and E-Poetry is updated, interactive, subjective and well networked. But how durable is it? How long do texts published on web pages remain readable? It seems ironic that the transient character of the internet is attached to a medium that seems to be very suitable for documentation and archiving. All information is automatically digitally recorded and processed. This enables digital storage and retrieval as well as mirroring on different servers. There already exist a number of (often private) archive platforms that should be systematically supplemented by extensive archiving by national libraries. And still each website only remains available on the internet at its original address for less than 100 days on average. Afterwards it moves or is erased completely. This is of course also the case for Net literature. Projects can furthermore no longer be playable because their contents required plugins that are outdated; or they are only optimized for certain, old browser versions and no longer work on newer browsers.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 10:28

  5. E-lit context as Records Continuum: the “lost” Michael Joyce’s Afternoon Italian edition and the archival perspective

    Devoted to the study and retrieval of those artifacts of the past for which a disruption in the continuity of preservation occurred, archaeological sciences operate with – and against – historical and cultural fractures. Likewise, computer forensics provides assistance whenever a need to recover data in the event of a hardware or software failure occurs. The textual shifting from page to screen experienced in the past twenty years represented both a cultural fracture (a call for paradigmatic changes in preservation which archival sciences themselves were not prepared for) and an opportunity to test computer forensics practices on text-based digital artifacts (software and hardware failures being named, in this case, “obsolescence”). Our paper draws attention to the fact that both digital archaeology and computer forensics, however, no matter how useful in shaping the current preservation practices and methodologies adopted by scholarly communities operating in the digital field, cannot replace or do without the extensive scholarship developed in disciplines that have traditionally dealt with textual preservation in situations of cultural continuity.

    Audun Andreassen - 03.04.2013 - 16:07

  6. The State of the Archive: Authors, Scholars, and Curators on Archiving Electronic Literature

    Archiving electronic literature and the challenges raised by this task is a subject of discourse and action as well as a formative force in shaping the emergence of electronic literature as field of scholarly study. The ELO Visionary Landscapes Conference in 2007 dedicated a keynote position to a panel on the topic of preserving electronic literature with archivists from leading universities, and the panel was a cornerstone of discussion at the conference and beyond. The current proposal for a panel on the topic seeks to continue the conversation while extending it to voices not usually included in critical conversation about archiving— artists whose work is selected for preservation. What kinds of experiences are involved in collecting and handing over one’s oeuvre to an archivist? Does this experience affect the practice (artistic and otherwise) of future creation? Are there specific aspects of these questions and their answers that are specific to the digital nature of the objects?

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 11:21

  7. Missed Collections: Away From the Canon, Toward the Archive

    This paper expands on some of the questions raised by my presentation at the 2009 Digital Arts and Culture conference, held last December at UC Irvine. While examining the work of Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries (YHCHI), I asked what it might mean for a new media practitioner to intentionally disregard or shun many of the medium’s inherent capabilities. I was interested in the way in which YHCHI seemed to be protesting some of the assumptions or characteristics of the nascent canon of electronic literature, i.e. that works of new media are inherently multidirectional, adaptive, non-linear, etc.

    Audun Andreassen - 10.04.2013 - 12:47

  8. The Emergence of Electronic Literature Exhibition Catalogue

    “The Emergence of Electronic Literature” exhibit includes objects and artifacts, books, computers and software, posters and ephemera documenting the rise of the field of electronic literature over the past four decades. Electronic literature includes literary works that take advantage of the context of the computer and the contemporary networked environment. This broad category of digital work includes genres such as hypertext fiction and poetry, kinetic poetry, computer art installations with literary aspects, interactive fiction, novels that take the form of emails, SMS messages, or blogs, poems and stories that are generated by computers, network-based collaborative writing projects, and literary performances online that develop new ways of writing. The field is essentially focused on potentially transformative uses of the computer to develop new literary genres, and the experiments that contemporary writers and artists are conducting within the new communications paradigm.

    (Source: Introduction to the exhbition catalogue)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.08.2013 - 16:43