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  1. The Tower of Jezik

    Initiated during the 2014 Erasmus intensive program in Digital Literatures, The Tower of Jezik is a hyperfiction intended for teenagers that primarily questions language and its possible inefficiency. Set in an imaginary world which calls medieval times to mind, the reader follows a young boy chasing his cat over the rooftops of his small village. Through a window, the boy sees an old man brewing something in a cauldron and believes he is in fact a wizard about to cast a spell. The old man sees him spying and the boy falls from the window, hits his head and loses consciousness. When he wakes up, he can no longer understand what people are saying and, convinced that the villagers were indeed cursed by a powerful sorcerer, he sets out to find the mythical Tower of Jezik and bring language back to his people. The prototype for Tower of Jezik was originally developed in HTML to be read in web browsers. However, it is currently being remediated in ePub 3 by Émilie Barbier, as part of the Textualités Augmentées workshop at Paris 8 University.

    Maya Zalbidea - 27.07.2014 - 20:48

  2. Curlew

    Curlew is an interactive, multimedia poem about one man's encounter with the forces of nature. The narrative centers on Catsinas, a fisherman living alone in a makeshift shack on Curlew, one of several barrier islands in the Gulf Coast known as the Chandeleurs. Based on a true account, the story chronicles the man's futile attempt to save Curlew's shoreline to a storm's destruction of his adopted home.

    Dene Grigar - 30.10.2014 - 03:39

  3. House of Trust

    House of Trust is a generative poem that addresses issues of information access and control in the 21st century. It proposes that free libraries are houses of trust. At the same time, it brings up images of redaction and censorship as well as broaching many concerns about the technical developments associated with information sharing. House of Trust consciously positions itself in a tradition of e-literary work: it is based on Alison Knowles and James Tenney’s A House of Dust (1967), generally considered to be the first computer-generated poem, which had its beginnings at an informal Fluxus seminar in which Tenney demonstrated how the Fortran language could be employed in chance operations in artmaking. (source: ELO 2015 catalog)

    Julianne Chatelain - 29.11.2014 - 15:48

  4. PRY

    Six years ago, James – a demolition expert – returned from the Gulf War. Explore James’ mind as his vision fails and his past collides with his present. PRY is a book without borders: a hybrid of cinema, gaming, and text. At any point, pinch James’ eyes open to witness his external world or pry apart the text of his thoughts to dive deeper into his subconscious. Through these and other unique reading interactions, unravel the fabric of memory and discover a story shaped by the lies we tell ourselves: lies revealed when you pull apart the narrative and read between the lines.


    Daniela Ørvik - 22.01.2015 - 14:49

  5. Poetracking

    Poetracking is a work of digital literature created by three students respectively studying graphic design, digital technologies and journalism. It was developed during the Erasmus intensive program “Digital Literature” organised by Philippe Bootz and held in Madrid in 2014. Poetracking's homepage encourages you to draw a tree within the interface by using a simple drawing software, providing built-in tools such as colour and line width. Shortly after your drawing is finished, a poem appears on the screen. Then, after a while, the poem disappears and you are redirected to a database in which all previous drawings and poems are stored, including your newly generated poem. As innocent and simple as it may look, this project draws in fact from the Baum personality test (sometimes called tree test) created by psychoanalyst Charles Koch, which is meant to bring out a patient's main personality traits and emotions by analysing the way he or she represents a tree on a sheet of paper.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 18.05.2015 - 23:13

  6. The Computer Wore Heels

    The Computer Wore Heels is an interactive book app for the iPad that shares the little known story of a group of female mathematicians, some as young as 18, who did secret ballistics research for the US Army during WWII. A handful of these human 'computers' went on to serve as the programmers of ENIAC, the first multi-purpose electronic computer. The app is based on the documentary film Top Secret Rosies: The Female Computers of WWII (LeAnn Erickson 2010), and aims to bring this story to younger students in the hopes of giving today's teens role models that might encourage them to study math, science and computer science. The app's design resembles a girl's diary from the 1940's with the narrative unfolding as an adventure story. Readers may access primary research documents such as original WWII era letters, photographs and mathematical equations actually completed by the story's subjects. There are also numerous audio and video clips that expand on story plot points or events.

    (source: Kid e-Lit booklet)

    Hannah Ackermans - 04.08.2015 - 12:42

  7. The Sailor's Dream

    This is a story about a girl, a woman and an old sailor told in images, sounds and fragments of text that the reader must find by navigating through a dreamlike ocean landscape. By taking advantage of the affordances of a tablet, Simon Flesser and Magnus Gardebäck have created a fictional world built on an exceptional lyrical narrative, engaging graphics and a soundtrack that completes a well balanced enviroment that readers will love to navigate. The work uses the iPad in portrait mode, and begins with a dark screen with the words: “It’s night.” The reader swipes the words to the left to read more, sentence by sentence on the dark screen: “A girl lies in her bed. There’s not a sound. No footsteps in the hallway, no one talking or whispering. Everything is quiet. The girl shuts her eyes.” The sound of waves fades in, and you see you are in the ocean with islands to explore. A visual hypertext without links, you navigate through this world finding spaces that lead to short texts that seen together tell a story of loss, memories and fire.

    Hannah Ackermans - 28.08.2015 - 11:40

  8. RestOration: Kalfarlein 18

    Kalfarlien 18, a home on Fløien designed by Einar Oscar Schou in 1909 and now in need of restoration, could have been refurbished into a facelifted historical showpiece: Schou also designed the National Theater, and the Bergen Kommune recognizes the villa’s cultural heritage. But the villa’s owners resist a vision of history that obliterates traces of natural decay. RestOration: Kalfarlien 18 reimagines the decaying villa as an eco-home quietly rebuffing the rigged hunger for new stuff. RestOration: Kalfarlien 18 recreates aspects of the villa even as its purview stretches far beyond the villa. An ambient soundscape creates a “lived in” homey feeling and moves guests through our interactive installation, to be located in UiB’s Humanities Library. At the center is an e-waste sculpture built on the myth of Narcissus and Echo that triggers aleatory poems when guests touch the trash. A tablet game features the villa’s original architectural drawings and decorative design elements. RestOration: Kalfarlien 18 is an e-lit ecopoem.

    Hannah Ackermans - 03.09.2015 - 10:44

  9. is an exploration of a shifting virtual city from multiple vantage points. The publication is generated live using a variety of different approaches. Each time you refresh your browser, the publication rewrites itself. The different sections of the work each offer a unique window into the city. These sections take the form of paper ephemera, census documents, a virtual graveyard with generated tombstones, visits to city landmarks, and various other artifacts. It was important to us that we give each of these separate perspectives a unique sensibility and a voice of its own. To that end, each of these sections is written by a different set of algorithms. When writing this piece, we treated these software processes as honored collaborators rather than as tools. Each has its own texture and tendencies. Getting to know each of these algorithms is an intricate back and forth process of listening and refining. The bodies of text they use as source material are carefully picked and hand-refined to match the tone of the algorithm. As the document is written, sections of the document are passed to a program that is responsible for the illustrations.

    Hannah Ackermans - 05.09.2015 - 11:38

  10. Play Music for My Poem

    The work plays a tension between media and treats the question of control. It is a piece of the “small uncomfortable reading poems” series. Play music for my poem is based on 2 computers that communicate with each other. The first one contains a combinatory generator of sound that plays music for the second computer. The second computer runs a set of 4 combinatory text generators composing a unique poem in 4 stanzas. The music manages the visibility of this text and the reader controls the music generator via a game running on the first computer.

    Hannah Ackermans - 08.09.2015 - 09:36
