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  1. oooxxxooo

    Cycle of interlinked poems, combining ascii art layout with concrete, hypertextual poetry.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 02.02.2011 - 22:46

  2. First Screening: Computer Poems

    A suite of a dozen kinetic poems programmed in Apple BASIC. Later, as the first versions became inaccessible, the works were recreated in HyperCard in the early 1990s (after bpNichol's death), and then in 2007 recreated in javascript for the web, and simultaneously the original BASIC and Hypercard files were republished for download.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 08.02.2011 - 21:04

  3. Spawn

    Spawn is a mouse-responsive liquid poem that reduces its own language and content into chaos and symbols.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.02.2011 - 16:45

  4. V: Vniverse

    V: Vniverse is a textual instrument for exploring a sequence of poems that also appear in a double invertible book. Navigation/performance possibilities provide a micro-texture of interplay between patterns and their activation, both within the alphabetic forms and in relation to the diagrammed constellations. Programmed all in its original frame, the piece gives the illusion of words moving directly in and out of the sky. Thus all the time resources of the piece go toward responsiveness and production of language, rather than visual display. Here space is fashioned to amplify the sense of resonance that internal timings create.

    (Source: Author's description)

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:02

  5. Entre Ville

    Entre Ville was commissioned in 2006 by OBORO, an artist-run centre in Montréal, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Conseil des Arts de Montréal. J. R. Carpenter writes: "Although I had lived in Montréal for 15 years at the time of the commission, Entre Ville was my first major work about my adopted city. It took me that long to learn the vocabulary. I don’t mean French, or Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Yiddish or any of the other languages spoken in my neighbourhood. I refer, rather, to a visual, tactile, aural, sensorial vocabulary. My home office window opens into a jumbled intimacy of back balconies, yards, gardens and alleyways. Daily my dog and I walk through this interior city sniffing out stories. Poetry is not hard to find between the long lines of peeling-paint fences plastered with notices, spray painted with bright abstractions and draped with trailing vines.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 18.02.2011 - 20:09

  6. The Sweet Old Etcetera

    Author description: The Sweet Old Etcetera is an interactive web project based on the poetry of e.e. cummings. e.e. cummings' poetry is highly visual, playful and experimental. "The Sweet Old Etcetera" interprets selected poems for a new media context and introduces additional layers of meaning through the use of motion, graphics, sound and programming. The project hopes to offer a fresh response to the print poetry, aiming to release it from the confines of the physical page and bring it into a digital environment in a playful way.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 22.02.2011 - 15:20

  7. Basho's Frogger and JABBER

    Matsuo Basho, the inventor of Haiku, penned the following poem (translation R. H. Blyth): "The old pond / A frog jumps in / The sound of water." A few hundred years later, the concrete poet dom silvester houédard offered his rendition: "pond / frog / plop." Fifty years after that, a Zen video game appearerd celebrating one of the most famous haiku. Basho's Frogger was produced as a response to derek beaulieu and Gary Barwin's Frogments from the Frag Pool, a book of Basho translations. JABBER produces nonsense words that sound like English words, in the way that the portmanteau words from Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" sound like English words. When a letter comes into contact with another letter or group of letters, a calculation occurs to determine whether they bond according to the likelihood that they would appear contiguously in the English lexicon. Clusters of letters accumulate to form words, which results in a dynamic nonsense word sound poem floating around on the screen with each iteration of the generator. JABBER realises a linguistic chemistry with letters as atoms and words as molecules.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.02.2011 - 08:07

  8. Universo Molécula

    Author description: Written in Spanish, Universo molécula is a work that links the molecular structure of matter (made by two or three atoms united by a force of electrical origin called link), with the working of the literary language (and, more specifically, poetic language). This molecular universe is inhabited by some different textual typologies (images, sounds and words), and we can go through different kinds of navigation, reader immersion and interaction. It is a rich and complex poetic system that, like molecules, uses different forms of representation to adjust to various complexities: from the most simple to three-dimensional models.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 23.02.2011 - 15:27

  9. The Ballad of Sand and Harry Soot

    A hypertext ballad metaphorically exploring the relationships between people (Harry Soot) and machines (Sand).

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 22:15

  10. Disappearing Rain

    Deena Larsen's Disappearing Rain is one of the major works of web-based digital narrative, written in 2000. It is studied in various universities worldwide and has been critically reviewed by scholars in the field of digital fiction. In essence, the plot revolves around the disappearance of Anna and her family’s attempts to piece together what has happened to her: "The only trace left of Anna, a freshman at the University of California, Berkeley, is an open internet connection in the computer in her neatly furnished dorm room." The detective story unwinds, one link at a time, but even as readers explore Anna's disappearance, Larsen also orchestrates our own disappearance in the virtual reality of the Internet.

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 23.02.2011 - 22:27
