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  1. The Misanthrope of Karlskrona

    A "degenerative discourse generator" dedicated to the city of Karlskrona, Sweden.

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2011 - 12:38

  2. Intermission

    Intermission is a performative redadaction of the poetics of cinema. The performance and media platform utilizes René Clair’s short film Entr’acte (1924, a collaboration with Picabia and Erik Satie) as a starting point, reimagining cinema as if the Dadaist vision for the medium had become the prevalent form.

    Talan Memmott - 17.06.2011 - 12:41

  3. Michigan Agricultural College Tour

    This is a tour of Michigan Agricultural College that is told as though the year is 1918. Readers access the tour through the geo-social network service Gowalla on their smart phones, and can check off each building or site as they physically visit it. The tour can also be read on the web. The tour is presented by the fictional Gowalla user Erasmus Cole, a third year student at the Michigan Agricultural College and part of the class of 1919, and he and other fictional characters have also posted photos and comments on each site as though in the year 1918. This work uses standard features of Gowalla to present a fictionalized, historical documentary tour through the college campus. As readers and random Gowalla users visit the site, their comments intermingle with comments from the fictional characters. 

    Jill Walker Rettberg - 29.06.2011 - 15:12

  4. I am

    I am is a list poem using the anaphora "I am". The text is constructed with instant search results from Twitter. The editorial process is done automatically by a filter written into the program. I am uses the Twitter Search API, jQuery and custom filtering functions to display the poem.

    Maria Engberg - 30.06.2011 - 14:23

  5. Ibland försvinner rösten helt, under några timmar eller hela dagar. Denna företeelse saknar helt förklaring.

     "I Erikssons verk 'Ibland försvinner rösten helt, under några timmar eller hela dagar. Denna företeelse saknar helt förklaring.' försvinner röstens ljudregister och kvar finns tysta men likafullt artikulerande munnar stående på rad i glasburkar likt vetenskapliga, mystiska bevis som kan dissekeras och studeras närmare, men som ändå inte avslöjar sina hemligheter" (ur Maria Engbergs essä i nummer 48 av Pequod, samma nummer som Erikssons dikt publicerades i).

    Maria Engberg - 06.08.2011 - 20:33

  6. Duel


    Maria Engberg - 05.09.2011 - 14:01

  7. VE3 Composition No. 1

    VE3 is a re-imagining of a book originally published in the 1960s. The book is the first ever “book in a box”, called Composition No. 1 by Marc Saporta. When we say book in a box we mean: quite literally a book that comes in a box with loose pages. Each page has a self-contained narrative, leaving it to the reader to decide the order they read the book, and how much or how little of the book they want to read before they begin again. In so many ways, Composition No.1 was published ahead of its time: the book raises all the questions we ask ourselves today about user-centric, non-linear screen driven ways of reading.

    With this in mind, we approached Tom Uglow of Creative Labs Google and Youtube to write an introduction for the book. This re-imagined edition also includes several of Salvador Plascencia’s (author of The People of Paper) drawings, looking at all the different components that make up a “typical” book. The book is designed by Universal Everything, UK-based design studio known for their interactive screen-based work.

    (Source: Publisher's description)

    Scott Rettberg - 07.09.2011 - 11:19

  8. Composition No. 1

    Composition No. 1 is a re-imagining of the little known classic by French writer, Marc Saporta. Saporta writes about the interconnected stories of a group of Parisians, centred around the Sorbonne. Quite literally, Composition No. 1 is made up entirely of stand alone pages. Each has its own self-contained narrative, leaving it to you to shuffle through and decide which order to read the book, and how much or little you want to read before you begin again.

    Key features:

    > Randomly shuffled pages, allowing you to play and read however much or little you want.
    > Randomized, interactive cover; slide letters around like fridge magnets.
    > Explore a typographic artwork, using the book's entire text.

    (Source: iTunes App store)

    Scott Rettberg - 07.09.2011 - 11:52


    STRUTS is an algorithmic narrative collage created from a collection of fragments of facts and fictions pertaining to a place and its people, history, geography and storm events. Narrative resonates in the spaces between the texts horizontally scrolling across the screen, the flickering updating of monthly tide gauge averages, the occasional appearance of live weather weather warnings pulled in by RSS feed and the animated set of photographs of the ends of the struts that support the seawall that protectsa portion of foreshore from the rising tides of the Northumberland Strait. The photographs were taken on May 23, 2011 the second day of a five-week stint as Open Studio Artist in Residence at Struts Gallery and Faucet Media Lab, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada, May 22 – June 26, 2011. The Saxby Gale of 1869 is the storm we compare all possible storms to. The tide gauge data represents the monthly tide gauge averages for Shediac Bay from the month I was born to the month I moved from Canada to England.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 19.09.2011 - 15:27

  10. string-code

    This poem, together with 'Square 01', is part of an ongoing series of interactive, experimental and generative poetic texts to generate visual compositions, which fill the viewable space in time, with a growing pattern triggered by sound and silence. If the sound is loud the letters become thicker and bigger. As in many of my pieces, the poems don’t exist until the viewer interacts with them. String_code is the visual representation of the code in Square 01, this is why I am presenting both as a pair. In all poems, the three communication systems converge: image, writing and code. Square 01 is formed by the western alphabet. All the letters appear lineally, in rows, superimposed over each other, until they eventually become an indistinguishable blob. It was my intention to explore the tradition of concrete poetry, its formal representations and production processes using the programming language of Processing. Taking model in Hansjorg Mayer’s alphabetenquadratbuch poem, its minimalist visual form of multiple layers, the desire to escape from the linguistic through the obliteration of the letters and the encapsulation in it by the square.

    Scott Rettberg - 22.09.2011 - 15:17
