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  1. V: WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una

    V: WaveSon.nets / Losing L'una

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 29.03.2012 - 14:50

  2. Understanding Echo

    Understanding Echo

    Scott Rettberg - 04.05.2012 - 10:38

  3. Blue Hyacinth

    Blue Hyacinth is a stir fry text by Jim Andrews and Pauline Masurel. Masurel wrote the texts. Andrews did the programming and invented the stir fry form. The stir fry form consists of n texts. In Blue Hyacinth, there are four texts (n=4), each of which is a different shade of blue. You can view the text of a given color by clicking the square of that color. Each of the four texts somehow involve the blue hyacinth. Each of the four texts is partitioned into 30 parts. When the reader mouses over (or touches, if on a mobile device) part x of text y, that part is replaced with part x of text y+1. So the four texts begin to form a new text. There are several more stir fry texts and essays about them at

    Patricia Tomaszek - 04.05.2012 - 13:49

  4. Clues

    Clues explores the nature of communication, knowledge, and identity through the language and postures of mystery fiction. It's a metaphysical whodunit that invites you to solve the mystery by uncovering clues linked to images throughout the work. The search becomes a game that leads you down wooded trails, back alleys, and empty hallways. Which characters should you pursue? Which objects should you investigate? To win the game, you must separate all the clues from the red herrings. Your final score determines the outcome of the text. But is the mystery really soluble? Is winning actually better than losing? Are the answers or the questions more revealing?

    (Source: 2002 State of the Arts gallery)

    Scott Rettberg - 16.06.2012 - 11:45

  5. Ceci n'est pas un Nike

    Author's description:

    Ceci n'est pas un nike talks about on line creation and its conditions. Its point of departure is the conceptual confusion between interface and surface.

    Magritte's pipes are its strongest referencs and it updates the discussion about the differences between image and representation, denying the Web as an adendum of the screen or an epiphenomena of the computer.

    The discussion takes place in an image warping program_ the e-nike generator. It stresses the conflict between code and representations allowing transformations in this site icon. You are invited to create and send your own nike to our "no-nike_center" and to destroy some nikes too.

    Moreover, I would like to have you adding your layer to the e-palimpsest, intereacting, in real time, with the critical text, using only your browser.

    BTW, this is not a nike, but a web site.
    So create, destroy and rebuild.
    Just do it!

    (Source: Author's description from the project site)

    Scott Rettberg - 17.06.2012 - 13:32

  6. Joyride

    This hypertext poem is based on a set of images of a wrecked car— ostensibly the result of a joyride. Each image focuses on a detail of the crashed (or trashed) vehicle, punctuating the violence of the result with a sound associated with its frame of reference. The words are placed tactically to comment on the image and situation, directing our attention towards aspects of the image they’re arranged on. More importantly, they point at what isn’t in the images, developing an event in our minds. The node displayed in the image above, for example, plays with the positioning and frames of reference of the words “upper” and “downer.” The placement of the words gestures towards the relative positions “up” and “down,” but they also can represent types of drugs: stimulants versus depressants. When juxtaposed with the word “w(hole)” and the image of a shattered windshield with a hole in the middle, the words could also suggest a body flying through that hole (up) to land (down) on the ground we cannot see.

    Leonardo Flores - 18.07.2012 - 21:29

  7. Io Sono At Swoons

    Io Sono At Swoons

    Patricia Tomaszek - 31.08.2012 - 11:30

  8. The Secret Life of Numbers

    This is a collaborative work commissoned by the New Radio and Performing Arts, Inc., for its Turbulence web site. The authors conducted an exhaustive empirical study, with the aid of custom software, public search engines and powerful statistical techniques, in order to determine the relative popularity of every integer between 0 and one million. The resulting information exhibits an extraordinary variety of patterns which reflect and refract our culture, our minds, and our bodies.

    For example, certain numbers, such as 212, 486, 911, 1040, 1492, 1776, 68040, or 90210, occur more frequently than their neighbors because they are used to denominate the phone numbers, tax forms, computer chips, famous dates, or television programs that figure prominently in our culture. Regular periodicities in the data, located at multiples and powers of ten, mirror our cognitive preference for round numbers in our biologically-driven base-10 numbering system. Certain numbers, such as 12345 or 8888, appear to be more popular simply because they are easier to remember.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 11.10.2012 - 12:38

  9. Memoirs from Hijiyama

    This exquisitely designed site contains poetry in several modes: in lines of verse, as visual poetry, and as an e-poem that responds to the reader’s symbolic presence in the text: the pointer. The site is conceptualized “as a grave” made of [web] pages, words “flung to the far corners / of the earth” (quoted from the site manifesto). Each page consists of images and words arranged and offer the reader two ways of viewing the composition: discover (which keeps links hidden for reader to explore the surface of the image for them) and unearth (which provides a sepia tone for the background and reveals the links in the text, along with useful labels for them). Verbally it is also a collage of voices: from the victims to the pilot of the Enola Gay, who delivered the bomb in Hiroshima. This work is a powerful memorial to those lost in Hiroshima (and by extension Nagasaki). Simultaneously fascinating and horrifying, factual and ironic, the work reminds us of the very human side to the event and its aftermath.

    (Source: Leonardo Flores)

    Helene Helgeland - 25.10.2012 - 12:41

  10. Breathing/Secret of Roe

    This two-part poem examines two sides of an emotional event in the speaker’s life. The first part, “Breathing” shows sadness, even depression, perhaps over the presence and absence of a woman, shown partly in the image standing by the door on the right side of the image. A mouseover triggers a whispery spoken soundtrack, stabilizes the softly vibrating lines so they become readable, and switches from one part of the poem to the other.

    If you raise the volume on your speakers to make out the whispering voice in “Breathing,” then “Secret of Roe” is going to come as a shock with its loud music and voice. This is an angry side to the poem, as the image of two men fighting on the ground in front of the same woman in “Breathing” comes to the foreground. (Note that the images are both edited from the same photograph.) Each stanza in the poem is presented as a line scheduled to display in a rapid sequence, paused by a mouseover. The voice delivers the lines in about 1 1/2 minutes, and its pauses breathe meaning into the lines even as the sequenced text reminds us that “I am not really breathing.”

    Helene Helgeland - 25.10.2012 - 12:56
