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  1. _the data][h!][bleeding texts_

    "_the data][h!][bleeding t.ex][e][ts" are remnants from email performances devoted to the dispersal of writing that has been inspired and mutated according to the dynamics of an active network. The texts make use of the polysemic language system termed mezangelle, which evolved/s from multifarious email exchanges, computer code flavored language, and net iconographs.

    (Source: Author's description from the 2001 Electronic Literature Awards)

    The archived version of Fleshis.tics was sponsored by Create NSW - NSW Government.

    Rita Raley - 05.05.2011 - 23:18

  2. Interstitial

    David Jhave Johnston’s video-based "Interstitial" is a meditation on terminal anxiety. The title of the piece, which refers generally to that which occupies an “empty interval,” takes on a specific connotation when one considers its popular use in web development contexts for the commercial “pre-loaders” that hawk their wares while one waits for the site to open. The video, which is minimally edited, features three views arranged in triptych form: a cat decomposing in a river, tidal pools, and a bug undergoing metamorphosis. These events, as witnessed by Johnston, are unaltered and unmodified, simply captured where they occurred using handheld equipment. According to an artist’s statement published on Tributaries and Text-fed Streams (, the web presentation of the files was formatted through the process of naming the discrete video, audio, and poetic text files and allowing software to assemble these pieces into an endless loop.

    Patricia Tomaszek - 06.05.2011 - 14:19

  3. La Resocialista Internacional

    Multilingual textworks with translations in Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek and Serbian. Translators: Babelfish( German and French), Portugese: Ana Valdez, Spanish: Isabelle Brison, Serbian: MANIK, Greek: Arelis Eletherios. Based on an original text in Dutch by Judith V. Symbolic English notation: A. Andreas. 2008-2011

    Andreas Maria Jacobs - 06.05.2011 - 15:07

  4. Frequently Asked Questions about "Hypertext"

    Frequently Asked Questions about "Hypertext" is a short fiction, in the form of a FAQ document, that revolves around various interpretations of a 69-word poem called "Hypertext." The poem "Hypertext," nominally by "Alan Richardson," is composed from all the hidden words/anagrams contained within the nine-letter word "hypertext." The tongue-in-cheek interpretations of the fictional poem include the perspectives of language poetry, cultural studies, feminism, and transgender studies. Emerging through the interpretations and FAQ answers, however, are the interwoven "real-life" stories of the troubled author and his/her troubled critics. The poem's notoriety creates a fan fiction phenomenon centered around an online database, which, along with its creator(s), comes under attack. As in Nabokov's Pale Fire, pseudo-literary criticism gives way to a mystery story about the real author of the text, transformation and transsexuality, love and murder.

    (Source: Author description, ELC 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 09.05.2011 - 12:53

  5. Generative Poetry

    This set of works provides three different and powerful combinations of text, sound, image, and exploded letters, all of which function to cut up and recombine language using code developed for Concatenation. In Concatenation, the machine of the text assembles poems that deal with the ability of language to enact violence; in When You Reach Kyoto, the text and images engage the city and computation; and in Semtexts, combinations work at the level of syllable and letter.(Source: Electronic Literature Collection, Vol. 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 09.05.2011 - 13:47

  6. Girls' Day Out

    This is a work in Flash format. It contains three separate but related sections: the title prose poem, "Girls' Day Out"; the author's note on the poem; and "Shards," a poem composed from phrases found in articles in the Houston Chronicle that covered the events that inspired the poem.
    (Source: Author description, ELC 1).

    from the ELD
    After opening the piece, there are three different links you can click on to read all parts of Kerry's work. The top link, located on the right side of the page is labeled as "poem." The next link is in the middle of the page on the left side and is labeled "author's note." The final link is centered on the bottom of the page and is labeled as "Shards."

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:09

  7. [theHouse]

    [theHouse] is a digital poetry piece which takes the form of computer-based spatialized Through the process of enacting texts within, alongside, and outside of the text of computational code, this autobiographical work is regulated by the computational process of the sine wave. Here, the text is written upon "rooms," and these rooms emerge to create "houses" next to and among the intermingling text. As in much of electronic literature, the experience of the work as an intimate, interactive, screen-based piece is essential to understanding and appreciating it. Indeed, the work is only realized through user interaction and navigation. How does everyday spatial practice bring into focus the relationship between code, language, and relationships? What are the key characteristics of digital relationships as seen through this light? Does the recurring emphasis on process, chance, and interactivity also function as an indicator of larger questions about the chance writing of the text? The poem presented is autobiographical in nature yet engages the conceptualization of both language and embodiment as the text creates its own types of organism.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:15

  8. Internet Text, 1994- [Through Feb 2, 2006]

    The Internet Text is a continuous meditation on "cyberspace," emphasizing language, body, avatar issues, philosophy, poetics, and code-work. It is written daily and presented on several email lists including Cybermind and Wryting. Many of the pieces within it were created through CMC, interactions with computers and online protocols, and programs.
    (Source: Author description, ELC 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 13:22

  9. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy is an unedited document of every word I spoke during the week of April 15-21, 1996, from the moment I woke up Monday morning to the moment I went to sleep on Sunday night. To accomplish this, I wore a hidden voice-activated tape recorder. I transcribed Soliloquy during the summer of 1996 at the Chateau Bionnay in Lacenas, France, during a residency there. It took 8 weeks, working 8 hours a day. Soliloquy was first realized as a gallery exhibition at Bravin Post Lee in Soho during April of 1997. Subsequently, the gallery published the text in a limited edition of 50. In the fall of 2001, Granary Books published a trade edition of the text. The web version of Soliloquy contains the exact text from the 281-page original book version, but due to the architecture of the web, each chapter is sub-divided into 10 parts.

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 10.05.2011 - 16:35

  10. Landscapes

    Landscapes presents five animated canvases which together comprise a dreamscape of anarchic play, urban order, and media saturation. Each landscape pairs a short Biblical proverb with a series of images taken from street protests, multimedia conferences, Hollywood films, and other private and public sites. The proverb in each of the landscapes scrolls on a loop across the screen and is "locked" in position behind a viewing portal. To read the proverb is to make do with the fractured characters visible through small holes in the portal.
    (Source: Author description, ELC vol. 1).

    Eric Dean Rasmussen - 11.05.2011 - 09:16
